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Business as a Spiritual Path

June 19, 2018

https://vimeo.com/276320979 (0:00) Jeffrey – Hello, everyone. Welcome to our FLFE webinar. This is the second in a series of webinars on the relationship between business and spirituality. So tonight, we’ll be discussing three different conceptual frameworks through which spirituality can express in the business and through the people on a business. So, I’m Jeffrey Stegman.  Clayten – And I’m Clayten Stedmann.  Jeffrey – Clayten and I have as part of our personal past expression of spirituality in business. So, we’ll discuss these three conceptual frameworks I mentioned, and we’ll give you examples from our own personal experience and from FLFE. We consider ourselves to be on the journey of business as a spiritual path, which we’ll discuss in more detail in a minute, so Clayten will take us through the three frameworks – they are really three aspects of an expression of Divinity or ways that Divinity can express through a business and through ourselves. So, I’ll hand it off to you Clayten.  Clayten – Yes, thank you, Jeff.  We started the business about how to integrate business and spirituality. And of course, they’re not separate in the true sense of the definition. And many of us make it separate by assuming we have to turn off our spiritual lives when we come to work or have a hard time finding a way to express it that’s meaningful and authentic for us.  So, we’ve come up with a business model, a framework to explain this. And so, we’d like to share this with you tonight.  The first concept we will talk about is business as a spiritual practice. So, business as a spiritual practice is that while you’re in a workplace setting, and you’re working on improving yourself as part of your path to raising consciousness and to be a more peace that you focus on one part of yourself, either one behaviour or one personal change person personal challenge, perhaps. We typically frame these different levels in terms of behavioural adjustments. It’s helpful to see your change as an expression that is in a behaviour so there’s no doubt that it’s happening.  So, the first business as a spiritual practice is a single behavioural change. That’s our focus. So, we’re going to give you some examples – showing up at the office on time could be one, getting back from lunch on time, or even making sure you take a lunch break. So, it can go both ways. Another example is not losing your temper at work if you have a problem with that.  So, I’ll let you give a couple of examples, Jeff, from your life.  Jeffrey – One of the things that I worked on early in my career in business or time in business was being on time for meetings because I would tend to overschedule myself and be busy and the phone would be ringing, and meeting time would come, and I’d be late.  And so, part of the spiritual practice for me was being on time in the meetings to recognize the other people in the meetings and how important they are and how important their time is and to also recognize my own selfishness of being late and what effect it has on people so that was one of the things that I worked on really consciously.  And to this day I really hate being late for anything, so it’s been it’s been a good practice for me.  So, another one at the beginning of FLFE in 2013 and thereafter as we started it, an important practice for me was checking in and by checking in I mean sort of looking for guidance outside of myself – Divinity guide to the business however you think about it and often with Clayten’s help(5:00) And seeing how FLFE wanted to express and was often different from my mind and my experience naturally wanted it to be.  For instance, look at the website, the cosmic space theme was not something that I thought of, or maybe even thought was a good idea in my mind, but it was an important reflection of the universal nature of life force energy that exists throughout the cosmos. So, it took a practice of surrender this kind of situation repeatedly, where business really wanted to express in this way with this cosmic theme or, very universal theme.  Clayten – Thanks, Jeff. So, for me I’ve been a solo practitioner for almost 20 years before we started FLFE and when I had a meeting with somebody was usually pretty important. Otherwise, I was doing things on my own. So, showing up for meetings with FLFE with no particular agenda at times, and just being willing to work on the mundane things that came up. Once we checked in a lot of businesses, you know, maybe 90% perspiration 10% inspiration, I’m not sure exactly what the number is, but it’s probably pretty close to that.  And just showing up for meetings and doing simple things together was a stretch for me in the beginning because I was used to a meeting being an important event and they became more important as we checked in and seeing the natural rhythm of the business unfold. But that was new for me because typically been working on my own at a private practice. So, it caused me to have to surrender to what wanted to happen in the moment for the business instead of having a plan. I’ve had clients for decades. And so, I would typically have a plan for the session, the client would have a plan for the session and then we would turn that over to God. And the switch for me was doing in a business where there were multiple people, not just myself and another person so that was a surprisingly large kind of a stretch.  \Another spiritual practice for me was taking on the role of being a manager in a business as opposed to being a solo entrepreneur. So that means I had to help people plan their time and create an accountability process for all of us. And just as I was getting decent at it, we hired a really good General Manager and they’re better at it than I am, but it was a process and it was a challenge over the first couple years, so those are two ways that I have seen FLFE is my spiritual practice.  So another way we can look at this is to look at a little larger area of yourself or the business to improve so this would be multiple behavioral adjustments so in a large container like a business function, for example, accounting would be one where there are multiple behaviour adjustments so keeping the business accounting current up to date with financials as well as the spiritual discipline to stay out of financial vagueness. So, if we do that, we’re more likely to be at peace with money and therefore rise in consciousness. So that was my example in FLFE. We found a really good accountant in Nelson one of the best in the business in this area. You have regular reports and typically we talk about the finances of the business once a week and so there was no vagueness and it created a sense of peace and a foundation to build a business in a financially solvent way to serve more people. So, for me showing up for the weekly financial updates and learning the language of finance in a way that I hadn’t understood before.  It was a stretch to understand income statements and then learning to budget my time to handle more responsibilities which wasn’t just working with a person, it was really planning my schedule to include all of the responsibilities that manager has and take care of individual responsibilities. So, I fall into the process or the trap of overscheduling and putting too much on my list. (10:00) And so that is a multiple behavioural adjustments for me because it involves a lot of different things and that was a little bigger than just a single adjustment.  Jeffrey – Yeah, for me in this area of business as a  spiritual practice and a little bit larger area of the business I was really taking on the website and back end of the business, you know, the way that people could come into the business and do a free trial do a subscription.  So, there’s a lot to that and expressing it or creating it with beauty in these themes that wanted to express about the cosmos and space and universality of life force energy.  And then we also measure the level of consciousness of all the all the text, all the writing that was on the website and we had a particular level of consciousness that was the minimum that the writing had to be. So, there was a lot of writing and checking of consciousness of the writing, so that it was at a certain level of truth. So that was, for me, that larger area of practice was one of really staying true to what wanted to be expressed and providing the best customer service experience and having everything be had a high level of consciousness. And then secondly was the FLFE programming which is the additional support that is in the FLFE environment for the innate intelligence. And this was another area where I could exercise my spiritual practice. And for this one, it was my connection really to, to greater power and my kinesiology testing and my research skills. So, with Clayten is as a partner and a teacher in many ways in this I improved myself through multiple practices and felt closer to God, you know, closer to what wants to emerge. And, out of that came the FLFE service with more and more value in these programs. which really would come up as a restraint to rising in consciousness for the for the environment and for the people in it. And that’s where health came in and consciousness lowering geological conditions or incoming energy so now, we just kept adding more and more and it became a joyful practice for me you know there’s a lot of slogging a lot of work, a lot of learning and connecting and I found myself becoming very joyful as we continue to make the service better and better.  Clayten – Yeah, you’re taking me back in a time warp here. So, the next the next topic we’re going to discuss is business as a spiritual path. So, the first one is business as a spiritual practice and the next phase is business as a spiritual path. So, business as a spiritual path occurs when one has consciously decided to be a devotee in the world of business. That can be starting a business or working in the job that you have right now in any business or NGO or government position and its really making business, the business that you’re in your monastery your church or ashram. And the focus is on staying consciously connected to a higher power and our own inner knowing in everyday business activities. So, this is when you take the practice and make it your path. And so, everything at work is seen through your eyes as spiritual and that process can take some time to integrate so can be a long process. You may see yourself in that role as this is my way of seeking guidance.  (15:00) Oftentimes, Jeff and I when we’re praying at the beginning of our meetings, we might say “what is your will for me, Lord, in this situation?” or “what is your will for the business, what are the lessons that I need to learn  or we need to learn, or the business group needs to learn?” and then we would ask for the help and the will to carry out the changes that we need to make within ourselves personally. And this made us you know more connected to the to God the Creator, Divinity however you want to express it, and this is our way of languaging that connection and our process. You can use that if you like, or you may need to find your own way. Sometimes certain words don’t work for us, we had to choose our own I like Divinity more than God and some people really, relate to that. So, we have to find our own way with the language. Typically, this involves steps of expansion in the focus it’s a pretty big commitment and I don’t know that you would ever experience 100% presence in your business. I don’t know that I have. And I’ve been talking about this since 1995. So that’s 23 years now, I did a lot of private practice. So, it’s just an ongoing conversation.  You can start with an hour a day and add additional time. You could start with a time frame and expand that time – you can start with a certain behaviour and expand the behaviours. There are different ways to approach it. And you can also once you’ve gotten used to thinking this way you can take this same perspective or commitment in other parts of your life and make it into your practice with your partner at home. So, it could be a relationship as a spiritual path or parenting as a spiritual path.  You can apply the same principle of practice and path to that to the process.  Jeffrey – So the point in this way of expressing divinity in business and in a business as a spiritual path,  one of the points is to recognize the truth in almost any activity can be a devotion to the Divine. And it can be expressed in many different ways, and not just in religious or spiritual terms. For instance, here are some other examples. So, Tesla, the car company, is expressing it not in spiritual terms, but to accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bringing compelling mass market electric cars to the market as soon as possible. So, their vision is electrifying and doing away with the current dirty way of driving with internal combustion engines. I personally in some of my other businesses we’ve done solar panels and a third to a quarter of the business power is through solar. It’s just another way to express your devotion to the earth and to all the life on the earth.  And with FLFE ours is somewhat more spiritual you could say in that we support the evolution of consciousness in an economized society.  But it really could  express through any type of job.  Take, for instance, a house cleaning service. You know, by holding a framework thereof helping people to have a beautiful home, like cleaning and blessing the residents while you’re cleaning, you could bless all day long in your job. And that’s part of creating a high consciousness environment, a cleaner environment, a more beautiful environment for the people that you work for.  Clayten – Here are some of the examples of how we transitioned from business as a spiritual practice to business as a spiritual path. So, one of the things that we discovered was that when we create a high consciousness field, our thoughts are clearer. (20:00If you get good enough at kinesiology and measure the source of your thoughts, you find that at a higher consciousness field, more of them come from a higher power than from our own minds or from the will call it the static of humanity.  So that was a big piece of we created FLFE, we became quite good at creating a high consciousness field and in fact, we developed a 12-week course on it was a course in the evenings then we taught that, and we will teach it again someday. There was a big part of how we created FLFE and it’s a big part of how we run the business every day, we pray almost all the time. Sometimes we forget and we’ll get into a meeting and realize that isn’t going as smoothly as it typically does. And we acknowledge that we haven’t prayed, and we’ll stop and the odd time we can get through a meeting without doing it. But let’s say it’s 90% of the time at least.  Jeffrey – So, part of praying is making decisions in the business. So, every day, there are many decisions. So, part of it is asking for guidance, testing, what is in the highest best interest of all creation, for hiring, for raises, pay raises, how much to give, just every major decision in the business particularly, but even the smaller as much as we can, what’s in the highest best interest of all creation. So that’s a kind of a constant surrender practice in a way of being in a business that is different than other businesses that I have been in. The other is an Attunement Process which is a really interesting process that Clayten brought into the business.  Clayten – Yeah, the first time I heard about the Attunement Process was through Findhorn and they had an Attunement Process that they would do in the morning. It was Dorothy McLean, Eileen Caddy and Peter Caddy in the beginning, and they eventually had a larger group and they would still meet in the morning and do an attunement as to what the land, in my understanding anyway, what the land want to have happened. What wanted to happen in the community, when you have a group of conscious people come together even to start a business it seems that there are energies that are there to help us and two attune to that is taking the time to stop and get present with the intelligence of what you’re doing and how that wants to express. I’ve heard a phrase one time called natural marketing where there was a consultant who was talking about the process of tuning into the business and how it wanted to be marketed in the world. I thought that was very interesting. And so, I spent a week with Dorothy McLean at a retreat centre, learning about attunement from her, and how they did it at Findhorn and it was more aligned with the elementals of the plant kingdom. And I extrapolated that and made it into a business process. And now it is part of our committee meetings and it’s becoming a larger and larger part of our decision-making process. It’s a little different than just creating. It’s another way of creating a high consciousness field. Jeff and I have our own particular way. As we’re rolling out to the company, we’ve had to sort of allow for other people to have their own connection. So, the attunement processes a way to create a wider net for people to use to capture the thoughts and the intuitions that they have.  Jeffrey – Yeah, it’s been a fascinating process, as the field that set up and the attunement begins, and everyone is connecting in their own way everyone in the business is participating in their way and then they each speak what they felt or heard or saw and it’s just very interesting how consistent many of it was. And then that becomes, you know, part of our go-forward plan for the quarter is what came through and that meeting so it’s a way for everyone in the company to participate in connecting to Divinity, or their Higher Power. And the intelligence of the business and bringing it forward into the world. (25:00)  Clayten – That’s a  good example Jeff.  It is interesting to see other people become empowered in their own connection and see the alignment with all of the actions that want to happen or the priorities for the quarter. And then we have a like a theme for the quarter that emerges out of that and everybody’s on the same page and we all know what needs to get done this quarter. So, it’s been another level up of how we operate as a company for sure. So typically, if we’re doing the Attunement Process for the next quarter we will also talk about group and company shadow. I’ll give an example or two to this Jeff and hand it back to you.  Every individual has a shadow, every company has a shadow – so the shadow is not necessarily negative, but we can frame it in a way that we would identify as an unacknowledged aspect of ourselves, or the group or the company, and some of us in the company have done different types of training processes. And one of the training programs that I participated in talking about the positivity of the warrior archetype and the positivity of the warrior archetype when it is full, is to keep its shadow out in front of it. And so that’s really where I learned about Shadow Work. And it expresses a little bit different in the company.  It’s really talking about the things that we may not feel comfortable talking about. And it’s a little bit more of a delicate process to create a framework or parameters or boundaries around how that expresses. So that one is an evolving piece, even for us in the company. And talking about it has been very I don’t know, relieving is the word that comes to mind. So, you know, everybody talks about the white elephants in the room. And when you finally talk about the white elephants, the people know they are there, but if you don’t talk about it creates uneasiness and it kind of corrupts the trust between people, it doesn’t mean you have to solve everything really quickly. But if you don’t acknowledge it, then people lose faith in the environment and lose faith in the company and they lose faith in each other. So, it’s become a really interesting dynamic as we explore that more and more.  Jeffrey  – I’ll just give you an example, you know Clayten and I are busy and there’s a lot going on and we were you know, taking longer than what was helpful to respond to emails sometimes requests for information or decisions or just a little insight into situations that were happening. So, we can kind of stay in our business and get overwhelmed. But you know, when that starts to come out and be talked about in the business, then it allows us to start to restructure the business to have someone help us with our emails and give us support to you know, flag things that need to be decided on right away, get us together talk about things so  that was what wasn’t being spoken about for a while there and then when it finally came out, then those things can be very helpful in the business when there are unspoken or maybe talked about, you know, in small groups but really unspoken in the larger context  where everyone can be part of the discussion and part of the solution.  Clayten – That’s a good that’s a good example. The next piece would be to talk about service work. Service work, in a sense, is like tithing, it tells the Universe we have more than enough. And any healthy group of people I have ever been a part of or any team that I’ve ever been a part of that’s healthy one aspect of its health is an expression of sharing something outside of the group. And the way that we do that in FLFE or one of the ways we do it is our Pay it Forward Program.  So, for every subscription that a person purchases we allow them to put another property or location, latitude/ longitude. (30:00)  It’s not a location on the service and it’s at a lower level of consciousness, it’s at 500 out of 1000 instead of 560 or higher, and there are no programs on it. And that stays on indefinitely for as long as Jeff and I have the technology running. So that’s an example of how we serve as a company something outside of ourselves that contributes to the greater good and maybe you could talk about some examples of that, Jeff, or expand upon that a little bit.  Jeffrey – Yeah, from the beginning. You know, in 2012, Clayten and I used the technology which was new to us at that time, and we were learning and writing programs and  discovering Google Earth to direct the energy to different places and you know that really FLFE was born out of service work, because that full year we used FLFE to raise the level of consciousness of the world by finding those leverage points or those critical places where just a small area could make a difference for a continent. So that has continued as part of our natural way of being an FLFE ethic that we’re doing it at one point 99% of the energy of FLFE was on service projects and 1% was on subscriptions as far as the actual energy of the machines.  We haven’t tested it lately much where it is now but the Pay it Forward was way to also give that joy because there’s a lot of joy in this work to the subscribers to all of you so that you could also Pay it Forward or you could designate places that you felt  would benefit from a loving environment  being at 500 on the Hawkins map. So, it is an important part of the business. And working on the business now has kind of taken more precedent. We were getting a lot of requests for interviews, and there’s a lot going on there and we continue to do the service work in the background.  Clayten – I don’t think there’s been any time Jeff when less than 90% of the power that the machine puts out has been on service work, maybe for a day or two, but it’s 90% the last couple of months, I’m just kind of doing some calculations.  So, we have business as a spiritual practice-oriented on a specific behavioural change, or one type of challenge you want to take on in your work.  And business as a spiritual path where the business becomes your monastery, and everything becomes an expression of your spiritual devotion. And the third phase is business as a spiritual service. So, this is where you’ve worked in business long enough, or received enough money in some way and you decide, the greatest gift you can give to the evolution of consciousness is to work and give all the money away.  Let’s say you have the resources you need to live, and you can give in other ways, such as mentoring, or stewarding of a business or an industry that’s another particular it doesn’t have to be in a business, but it could be in an industry sitting on volunteer boards or things of that nature. But we’re focused really on business here. Not non-profit or volunteering in a service industry or service function in society such as the Kiwanis or Rotary Club. Some people that I’ve seen  do business as spiritual service  come out of retirement and find joy in their work and working for free – they could work for free for a business or they could make the money and give it away but either way they’re just being a service.  (35:00) Jeffrey – One challenge in this is transcending the ego identity that is associated with our role at work you know if we’re moving into a larger service and out of our particular role, some of us have difficulty just identifying with that role. It’s why so many men in particular, but men and women I’m sure don’t live very long once they go into retirement and that role that they’ve been receiving so much satisfaction from, you know, it’s not there anymore. So, there’s a transcending that is part of this and moving into a larger picture. So, we met a man named Bruce who came to us through his friend John Peterson and he’d worked in the trucking industry all his life and retired. He decided he didn’t want to not work. And so, he created a whole new business, a trucking business, which was the way to create jobs. It’s something he loves to do, and he gave away the money that he made, in fact, he gave some to us.  He all of a sudden called us up and said, I love what you’re doing and I’m writing you a check and it was really a beautiful moment for me to receive that. And that’s, you know quite an impact.  Clayten – There is a trend in society amongst some high profile very wealthy people where they work for $1 a year where they create foundations and they distribute their wealth through that. I think there’s even a challenge out right now amongst the billionaire crowd that I’ve heard just recently is to give away 50% of your net worth and I  won’t mention any names because they may not fit everybody’s idea of spiritual service because of the investments that they’ve made or the way they do business but to be at a point where you’re not just accumulating more and more money for yourself does say something about you. And so that would be the last phase and maybe we’ll get there one day, Jeff. But if we didn’t have businesses, spiritual service, it wouldn’t be complete. Because there are people, many people who are very mission oriented and they retired, they decide to go back to work and they have a family, they may want to accumulate money, or they just give it to make the world a better place. It does not to be expressed in such lofty terms. Volunteers help make the world work to be part of our economy, just maybe not acknowledged for the economic value that it creates for that would have been expended that role wasn’t given or done by somebody out of the goodness of their heart.  Jeffrey – Well, we can move into the discussion phase, you can put your questions in the Q&A. It’s down at the bottom of your screen. And you can also down there, raise your hand if you would like to ask a question on air with us here and just make sure your microphone is on and functioning on your computer so that you can join that. And if your cameras on you will be on you will be live on camera with this, you know that so we do have a couple of questions in the Q&A that we could do and then we’ve got two people with their hands. So, Melody is asking for the full name of the woman who did the retreat.  Clayten – It is Dorothy McLean.   She was one of the founders of Findhorn, she describes that process to a degree in some of her books.  Jeffrey –  So Janice is asking about service work. “Are you directing any energy towards us detention camps? Just curious.” It’s come up lately and there’s definitely a lot of interest in that.  Of course, we do a lot of work in many different places, former detention camps or concentration camps and also areas where refugees are being held or gathering for one reason or another. (40:00) So US detention camps,  I don’t recall anything right at the moment you know, some of this new immigration reform that’s happening and there’s some intention on that right now so if we could find the location that would be a great place to do it and I know that on the Facebook page some of our people are looking at where to put their PIFs or Pay it Forward locations and one of the camps has come up.  Clayten – Anna Marie was asking “what were the steps that helped you move past the over scheduling overwhelm?” Well with the time management course together I’ve taken a lot of time management courses over the years and I find it really helps me to revisit the principles that kind of brings me back into alignment so that was helpful I have had a daytimer for I don’t know well it’s a priority manager actually and I have had it for 23 years. I started taking that time management training course back in the mid 80s. So, I’ve had it a lot longer than 23 years, probably this one I’ve had forever, it’s an old leather one. And we’ve switched to Outlook.  And we use the calendars and I find that that that helps to just have everything where you can see other people’s calendars and you start coordinating things, just the amount of time you can spend trying to get a meeting together can be really onerous. So, having a shared calendar really helped and then things typically take 20% longer than we then we imagine they will. So that’s one of the rules of thumb that most of the time management courses will teach you is to just schedule less so I know that if I have any more than three meetings a day that my day is too full and for whatever reason, that’s just how it works for me.  There’s lots of administration to do in between there are lots of people coming and going in the office but that’s a rule of thumb for me so I guess developing your own rules of thumb and guidelines will help. That’s an individual process but there are a few you can take time management courses from priority management or Franklin Covey is a good one.  Jeffrey – Yeah, I find there’s a spiritual practice in time management you know and take a look at the beginning of the week. What’s important, what do I care about what are the big rocks that I want to fit in during the week and schedule and then leave room for the other pieces to fall in fall in between. So, we do have someone would like to talk.  Claude – I’m 74 years old, retired in 2009 from the construction industry, I’ve been with FLFE for over a year I can attest to the fact that it works. It’s because I’ve moved to different places. So, we could talk about that quite a bit. But my purpose for talking tonight is to commend you guys for bringing that subject to the forefront tonight as you are doing and just so you know, I’ve been trying to do the same thing with the construction industry over the past 15 years. And I can share with you some of the challenges that I’ve had and using the language that is readily acceptable in such a rough and tough area. So being a supervisor all my life, I’ve managed men from the age of 19 and on that’s all they did build bridges high rise buildings and all sorts of things. (45:00) So, raising the consciousness in the field of construction has been a challenge that I have set for myself. And I finally designed a program which I call personal empowerment for all ages and walks of life. And I use the Scale of Consciousness as a template to go through the process of empowerment, which is very interesting. And I hope that sometime in the near future we’ll be able to look up and chat about this because I would love to have your input on what I created.  I’m just completing the website advertising that I’m going to be presenting this as webinars and seminars and perhaps I’ll end up in your end of the world and do a presentation for everyone because I know that this is the way to go. I’ve tested so many many different modalities bringing these teaching to the table.  Boy oh Boy, it’s been fun. I have another hundred years to go. So, I’m starting my best work in my life. And so, I want to be in touch with you guys and then your future and congratulations with the good work that you’re doing.  Jeffrey – Well thank you. It’s really great to hear about what you’re what you’re doing. We’d love to hear more details  Claude – My website will be up and running this week. So, you’ll be able to go to the website I believe you may have that information on file and if you were you certainly have my email I think and let’s be in touch that way and then we’ll go from there.  Jeffrey – In your career in construction how long were you studying Dr Hawkins work?  Claude – I started studying Dr David Hawkins in November 2004 and a lot of the things that you have talked about tonight in surrendering is the subject of his 11th book, the last book, letting go and it’s about letting go of negativity. And the process really works. I participate in two different study groups of the book Letting Go and what we’re doing in the book study group, we are leading the class to dissect each chapter and I mean, we tear it apart and I and questions and how do you interpret what you’re reading? And it’s rather interesting when you have eight to 10 people share what they are getting from the read it’s totally different and it’s like gardening roses. I mean, there’s so much richness that comes out of this book study that it will become a steady thing that I will do in the very near future. Right now. It’s just a pilot project, but it’s proving to be very fruitful. And it’s rather interesting to study the book, Letting Go because letting go is the process of surrendering. It truly is a healing process, which is what the book is about. And it is part of the workshop that I’ve designed to bring that to the table as a stress management technique. And once you start managing stress in that fashion, healing comes along physical healing, mental healing, all sorts of healing takes place and I have the great advantage of having FLFE on my phone and on my home and all of that is very powerful, the combination of it all is very powerful.  Clayten – Yeah, I’ve been in lots of study groups, particularly with Dr Hawkins back in the beginning, when I was exploring the work and it was always inspiring. It’s It seems that the higher the consciousness of the book, the more it allows us to bring out the best in each other in a study group, that’s my experience.  Claude – The workshop on empowerment is about we are all born with the capacity to self empower, but not everybody knows that. For instance, if you look at the Scale of Consciousness, from 20 to 199 awareness is beneath it all and without awareness coming to the surface, self-empowerment only shows up at 200 so it’s an interesting way to address it you see, because many people below the 200 have the illusion of being self-empowered, but they truly are not. (50:00) So, going through the process of expanding empowerment in that fashion is a very constructive way to do it. Because people can readily see the difference between self-empowerment and the illusion of self-empowerment, which is what needs to come to the table as a clear message. And then people can really help themselves moving through consciousness, moving themselves to a higher consciousness as we learn because that’s what learning is about. That’s what evolution is about. Right? So, it’s an interesting approach.  Clayten – You’re talking our language.  Claude – Yes, I am. And one of the ladies who works for you knows me fairly well.  And we were both members at the University of Calgary and then I helped her. I’ll help her pack the truck when she will play to your area.  Clayten – Well, thanks for sharing your wisdom it is a big part of what works here at FLFE.  Claude – Just great. My pleasure. Glad to share and then we’ll talk some more.  Jeffrey –  Now let’s take a look at Q & A’s to see if there’s anything else in there?  Clayten – I did see something from Shirley she asked if you could share some of the financial resources privately or publicly. Well I don’t know that we’re in a place to really share a lot right now the business is still growing, and you even though it’s working I don’t see a lot of excess cash around and we can at the moment. She’s saying her husband has invented a technology that will help us common people through extreme weather situation such as a mini ice age as per Kryon as well as any energy consumer willing to invest the technology. She said this is entire discussion is helping me come up with some ideas as we start creating a business.  Yeah, I mean, financing a business is an interesting process. A lot of times it’s financed by owners who work for free for years and years and some of the owners even put their own money in. So good luck with your project Shirley – when you get it moving to send us an email and if we can help you in any way, we’ll see what we can do.  Jeffrey – It is interesting starting from scratch. And I would just say showing up and being persistent and keep it moving just a little bit every day to keep the momentum.   This is what it’s taken us to where we are today. We started with just an idea. It really started with the service work we were doing. And then we go the message to turn it into a business that people could choose to raise the level of consciousness of their own their own property.  Clayten – Yes, persistence, there’s no there’s no substitute for persistence. There are lots of entrepreneurial training groups around organizations such as Community Futures here in Nelson, I worked with one in Vancouver, British Columbia. They’re typically along the lines of venture centres or entrepreneurial training centres. So, there’s a good community of people there to tap into and they’re subsidized by the government so they’re inexpensive. Having people around you is really helpful when you’re starting a business.  Jeffrey – Melody is saying – “ I just wanted to say that I find the spiritual pathway completely altered my life as a brand strategist and marketer  to the point that I developed consciousness branding or conscious branding as a process and only work with that now in my company and that turned my life upside down and she says, and I can’t work on anything not on the spiritual pathway now, but I’m happy. (55:00) We recently put FLFE on the business and work with the Hawkins Conscious Map most days in some way or another. What a perfect fit!”  Jeffrey – Yeah, it’s interesting that in branding and marketing we’ve found a wonderful writer, Anthony, who assists us in high consciousness writing you could say or high consciousness copy. I think it’s a new area that’s starting to be more important in the world as things change so that’s really exciting that you’ve gone down that path Melody and created your own business around it.  Clayten – Delphine says “Hi Jeff and Clayten, I very much appreciate the work you two stand behind. Thank you, I’ve done free trial periods on both FLFE mobile and home and they both have been magical experiences. As a highly sensitive person I’m fascinated at the shift of energy when the service is off, while  I very much appreciate  the value of the work you do, I’m curious as to how as to other ways a person could create a higher consciousness field without needing a technology to rely on?”  Yeah,  interesting topic – in a home it’s just really practical things you can do like cleaning your home, beautiful art helps typically or particularly original art because it’s got the vibration of the artist on it and having someone Feng Shui your home is a piece which is very helpful and having somebody help you choose the colours some Fung Shui people help you choose colours some don’t. But we had a couple of really high-end designers help us choose the colours of the wall to close the furniture and it really makes a difference. The environment in the office is just nice to be in and you know, just maintaining and keeping it clean, blessing it and putting crystals around that are cleaned and charged there are lots of things like that they’re pretty standard but we have times forget just to really clean things well you know clean underneath the desk and the corners take all the bookshop the bookshelves every six months I know that I have my private practice if I wanted to grow my business or take on new clients have it take a whole day off on Saturday and I would go into my office and  I would take every piece of furniture out, wipe the walls down wipe the ceiling down, vacuum the carpet or shampoo it and then I started putting everything back in  – one piece of furniture at a time and wipe them totally down. The office was just pristine after that, I would declutter it and then those a Saturday, sometimes I finish this Sunday, Monday, the phone ring, or I get a thought to call somebody and I call them, and stuff would just happen. So, I wouldn’t underestimate the power of just elbow grease.  Jeffrey – And I would say too – don’t underestimate the power of yourself, you know that prayer and setting intentions for your home and, and regular meditation sessions. All of that raises the level of consciousness of a home and you can create your own high conscious space in that way.  Yeah, so don’t underestimate yourself to do that. You know, the benefit of FLFE is it’s there’s a 24/7 aspect of it, but there are many ways to create a high consciousness space. Thank you for the question.  Clayten – Our intent is not to have you rely on the technology and I understand that the nature of the question I believe I do anyway we’re really trying to tell more free but  we can’t make people not rely on things, but our intent is to help you become freer.  She also says “I would also love to hear of any direction or inspiration you see from Kryon, Lee Carroll. Well yeah, Kryon Lee Carroll is one of our, I guess go to people for learning about life.  Lee Carroll certainly seems to be one of the highest channellers in the world. (1:00:00) And many people when you start learning to get really good at measuring where your thoughts come from, you find they come from a higher power and some people can hear that just like we’re talking now to each other and they can translate it and other people maybe write it out that maybe their way sometimes it’s automatic writing  but we definitely  have help from Kryon from our experience of measuring where thoughts come from and it’s part of what  makes a company work, keeps us on track We get other angels as well that help or Archangels.  There’s not much more to say about that Jeff we could go into that one for a long time.  Jeffrey – Yes, I mean I certainly receive a lot of inspiration personally from Lee Carroll’s channelling of Kryon, there’s just so much great information there and good integrity and just also such a positive view of the power of people.  You know, that our individual power to create to heal ourselves – it’s really the basis for a lot of these principles of supporting the innate intelligence to do the healing so yeah, that’s a great question, thank you Shirley. We do receive a lot from Lee Carroll and Kryon in other ways as well.  Clayten – A lady named Elizabeth is asking a question I think it got deleted by accident she was looking for Claude’s contact. So, I’m going to assume you’re a subscriber Elizabeth, and I’m going to make a note here to pass on to someone to send Claude’s information to you, we will contact him first just to make sure that’s okay with him. We’re pretty protective of people’s privacy.  Jeffrey – Well we’re at an hour and have completed all the questions. Why don’t we wrap it up, summarize a little bit? You know, I’m just grateful for all of you in the FLFE community and if you’re joining us on this journey and supporting us with your subscription or even just with your free trial and you know, we designed a free trial to be part of part of our service work that the free trial is a blessing in itself. So, in those 15 days that there are things that happen. So, we’re just grateful for you to come and join us in that and to join us in the webinar now or in the  future when you listen to it and we may take a short pause in webinars while we complete some projects that we’re on but we’ll we’ll let you know when the next one is, probably  in three to four weeks or so. Anything you would like to say Clayten?  Clayten – Yes, I appreciate your time and without all of you as customers, we wouldn’t be able to do this. We only have so many resources ourselves and we’ve put a lot of them into this to really help the world on a scale that we intend to.  We believe that we needed to start a company and economize the service so that we can afford to grow it and give more. So that’s our intention and if we do get an angel investor of some type or a benevolent benefactor, we might re-evaluate that and until then we’ll keep going with the plan we have.  But without all of you wouldn’t be able to do that. So, thank you for your business and we all do lead busy lives, so we appreciate you sharing this time with us on the webinar and we look forward to getting to know you all more, like the Claude perhaps. And we’ll look forward to the journey as it moves forward.  Jeffrey – And with that will close. Thank you. Thank you very much.  [/av_textblock] [/av_one_full]