“NEAR SPEECHLESS! The main reason I knew it was on was actually 3 things. I have had a headache for the last 3-4 days, I literally felt it melt away and feel lighter after the first 3 minutes. The second was, as soon as I grabbed my phone to see if FILE was on, my phone felt very different. I can feel the energy around it is so much lighter now. Oh, and my eyesight.. because of my head ache, I’ve been squinting with my glasses the last few days.. and all of a sudden, my eyesight improved. This is no placebo effect. I will admit I understand and believe in scalar waves and quantum healing (because I am capable of doing it myself), but I’ve been "highly skeptical " of it coming from anything that is not a human. I can admit, I was wrong. I am energy sensitive and empathic, so perhaps others may not feel the same experience as I have, but trust me. When they say it works, its true, and I am just getting started! Thank you FLFE!”