Dr. Gary Schwartz presents FLFE Customer Survey Results

April 30, 2022

Hello everyone, welcome to this FLFE webinar. So great to see everyone’s where you’re from and your names. Thank you for putting that in the chat. Today we’re inviting you to join us in a philosophy community meditation, giving a world consciousness update. And we’re going over recent FLFE research with our special treat Dr. Gary Schwartz and answering your questions afterwards about the research and the FLFE service. I’m Jeffrey Stegman.

Clayten Stedmann
And I’m Clayten Stedmann. Dr. Gary Schwartz is joining us today. Welcome Gary.

Hello, everyone. Thank you. It’s it’s a privilege to be with you on this special day.

Clayten Stedmann
For all of you scientifically minded people and research geeks, we will have an opportunity after Gary presents his data to ask about the research that was conducted and dive even deeper into some of the details that Gary is going to share with us and in addition to our answering questions about the FLFE service, as Jeff mentioned earlier. Gary is part of our research team at FLFE. The research team involves Gary and Luis Humphrey, Paule Belwood, Maria Colomy, Jeff and myself. Gary was a recent guest on our podcast fields of consciousness, and the topic was super synchronicities. So you can look that up if you would like to hear more about Gary’s philosophy of life and sure if you last with us so we have questions and comments for us in the q&a. Maria and Perhaps Aditi will be responding in the chat as much as they can to answer your questions there for you. If we have time, we’ll answer questions from that ourselves and will perhaps have conversations with you as you’ll be able to put your hands up, personally.

So it’s good to be with you again. And we’ve got just under 200 People with us right now, which is great. And yeah, love love seeing where you’re from in the chat. Everywhere from Asheville, North Carolina, to Spain, to California to all over Canada. It’s great to see those. So again, this Clayton said, after the meditation and the rest of the program, including Gary’s presentation on some of our latest FLFE research, we’d love to hear from you. We always love to hear your comments and questions and discussions. It’s always really great. In fact, we get so carried away talking to you all that, the last couple of webinars, we haven’t gotten into the q&a and answered those questions. So we’re going to try to do that today. But we just love talking, a quick reminder, we’re in a 700 consciousness field During this webinar, each of you listening people that are listening is in a field activated. So you might consider drinking lots of hydrating liquids, and magnesium and essential fatty acids, you could consider taking afterwards.

Clayten Stedmann
So we are going to do a short FLFE community meditation today. We intend to develop a community meditation practice during webinars on a regular basis. And we’re working on a kind of a script for that, so that we have a basis to go from. As you may have experienced, there is more power, and a higher consciousness field to manifest intentions. So as we go through this meditation, there may be something that you’re intending to bring into your life that you can focus on.

Clayten Stedmann
You also may have discovered that you can direct the FLFE energy for beneficial purposes. And we may include that in our meditations today and in the future.

So some of you may have seen our podcasts fields of consciousness. We had Gary on as the guests talking about synchronicities. And so it’s a great one to see and a two part podcast. But what I was reminded of in that podcast was just how consciousness seems to be the underlying structure of everything. And these seemingly impossible, or extremely improbable multiple synchronicities that we talked about there, and many of you may also connect to synchronicities, which we sort of came to the conclusion. It’s one of the languages of the Divine, speaking to us through synchronicities. But there’s an enormous scale in which reality is bent or affected. For all the synchronicities that happen, and all these things that come together, triggered by our consciousness, it’s just a reminder of the power of our consciousness, and the power of our intention. And coming together in these FLFE community meditations. It’s an opportunity to direct that along with the FLFE energy to to make a difference in the world. And today, we’re going to do a relatively short one. As we have a lot to cover today, and lots of lots of treats in store. So why don’t we cue the music, the quiet level? And I’ll start us off Clayten.

All right, everyone, why don’t we just settle into our seats and close our eyes for a moment I’m going to ask for divinity intelligent infinity to flow energy through the realms seen and unseen into all of us into this group now and those watching in the future as the energies gathering we ask for a protocol of protection around all of us during this meditation

in this energy and in FLFE energy of your location or around your cell phone in your mind you could express gratitude for what you have for all that you have and we’ll do that individually for one minute

Well holding that gratitude and continuing to feel it Let us form a circle everyone on this call all 211 at this point and those who joined later and watch this later, we form a large circle you could picture each of us facing inwards to the center of the circle and in the center shining like the brightest Sun is divinity intelligent infinity

and in this circle together in this FLFE energy and this energy of each one of us joining the circle there is a synergy multiplying effect of each of us holding gratitude in our hearts and this shining light upon us just ask for you to notice you have a neighbor to your left in a clockwise fashion share gratitude to your left to your neighbor to your left each of us sharin gratitude to our left and the second person to third we’re sharing gratitude and and a huge circle of all of us and the excellent FLFE energy or direct the FLFE the energy to move in this clockwise fashion to amplify the gratitude and the positive effects of receiving gratitude from our neighbor to the right.

It’s bathing our body, mind and spirit With gratitude in we’re passing it on the bright light of divinity in the center, shining and amplifying as well the circle of gratitude now if you wish you could bring your loved ones, your family, anyone you wish into the circle so that they may receive this gratitude bath and this shining light divinity for whatever they need. Picture this energy this light ever brighter and moving around the circle as the gratitude builds notice in the center we’ve chosen to bring in filled with light, love and gratitude

Now let us move the earth just picture the earth moving into the circle we’re just allowing this energy to just go to wherever it’s needed most to whoever it’s needed the most.

Alright, you wrap it up Clayten when you see fit

Clayten Stedmann
as we see the Earth receiving the shared good that we have created together between ourselves the members of the community, your friends and family and whoever else you’ve called into the circle. Now that we have blessed the earth, and thank that for all that it gives us for all the material things in life for all of our food and clothing and shelter then we offer up this abundance to the entire universe to all of creation. Trusting that there is an intelligence in this place that we share. This co created space that we’re in will send this abundance out to wherever it needs to go in all of creation.

Clayten Stedmann
Now we are going to turn the light back inward again noticing that we are full that our cup is overflowing with good. We take the energetic image of the earth and let it go back to the place that it needs to be We thank our friends and family and others that we called into the circle and ask that they energetically go back to wherever they need to be

Clayten Stedmann
we step back out of the circle perhaps noticing somebody that we recognize we are now an individual the light of divinity is still shining on all of us notice we are coming back into our bodies our feet on the floor may notice our body and a chair if we are in a chair. We are energized we are happy and we are resourced in whatever way we need to to take the next conscious steps in our lives moving forward from this abundant state

Clayten Stedmann
I invite you to open your eyes as you notice your breathing and noticing the peace in our bodies as we continue on today.

that was good. Thank you to everyone in the circle now and in the future

Clayten Stedmann
have a world loc update Jeff?

It would be great. Yeah, I’m trying to bring bring it back into

Clayten Stedmann
3D Here

Yes. Thanks so much.

Clayten Stedmann
Yeah. So one of the things that many people have told us they find interesting is for us to give a report on the level of consciousness of the planet, a couple of countries on the planet and relate it to current circumstances in the world, and gives us a chance to explore the relationship between levels of consciousness and events in society, which does remind us that we’re co creators, and that the world we live in is of our will, say, imagination and efforts. And because we’re data people, we like data. So we put numbers to the measurements. And for those of you unfamiliar with our work, we use the Hawkins scale of consciousness to measure these influences on the planet. If you go on to veritaspub.com, Dr. Hawkins, body of work is on there. We are not associated with Dr. Hawkins in any way other than being students of his. And we just wanted to let you know what reference we are using when we measure this. So whenever you’re ready, Jeff, if you have that chart, bring that up and I’ll share some numbers. Okay. So you can see some historical perspective here. We’re going to focus on the last four months on the chart. You can see that it goes back to the fall of 2019. You can see what happened when COVID was announced in March, down into April, we dropped to the lowest level of consciousness that the planet has been at since the literally the Middle Ages. And then we’ve come back up. And we’ve had an event that we thought was worth mentioning, which was the US Capitol event. I think that was January 5, sixth and seventh, if I remember correctly, and you can see where the world was at a certain level of consciousness and the United States went to 150, the world at that time was over 200 on the Hawkins map. And this is on average over the month of January 2021. 200 is courage. 200 is integrity on the Hawkins scale of consciousness. 150 is anger. So when you have an event, such as the US Capitol event, whatever you want to frame that as. A society will go into typically turmoil. Down at 100, you have fear. You can see in April 2020, the world was primarily at fear as we didn’t know the effects of COVID And what it would do. And then, of course, the US, as most countries, do, they rise quicker, a smaller system will typically rise quicker than a larger system. So the US started going up quite quickly, the world stabilized over 200. And then we had the conflict in Ukraine. I think it was the 24th of February. So you can see where the world again, went just down to about 150, around 150, to 180. And that’s basically the effect of conflict in the world, the world goes to anger as we’re uncertain, frustrated and afraid of what might happen

Clayten, that is the average for the month and the actual, on those days of February 24, 25th, and 26th, the world went to 100, or fear, and the US was at 150. So for those three days, so you know, the rest of the month was much higher. So that was the average that we see on the chart.

Clayten Stedmann
Yeah, thank you for mentioning that, Jeff. There’s only so much data you can put in these charts. So we’re trying to create a historical perspective. And so that just gives us an idea of the impact of world events, and how that might affect our individual consciousness. And then you can see the USA, starting to climb again, as we’re at least settled with the level of conflict over there and where it’s progressing. It’s not what we would like, of course, but there is a certain settledness that comes with something over time, as the amount of fear typically is diminished. Because we’re seeing a pattern of behavior that we assume is going to project into the future. Other countries in the world might parallel this very closely, depending on their foreign policy, and their involvement in Ukraine. If we did this, with the world, and Ukraine, you can imagine Ukraine would be much lower. There may have been times where there were times in Ukraine that the country was at 50 out of 1000, for at least several days, which is sort of in the despair, level of consciousness. So you know, we could spend a lot of time going into detail about data. But we just wanted to give you an update, and share a perspective that many of you have found helpful from what you’ve told us.

Yeah, We do have a PIF on Ukraine. And, you know, doing our best on the energetic side. And that we, in a previous webinar, we did a meditation to raise the level of consciousness of the country. So we thought we’d move into the FLFE research. I wanted to give a short introduction review of the FLFE research. So we’re looking into high consciousness fields. You know, what are the effects one of the Benefits of high consciousness fields. We’re doing research with plants. This research project we’re talking about today is with the FLFE subscribers. And we have substantial resources of the company going into this research and its to support FLFE. And, you know, evidence for what we’re doing here, but it’s also to explore the implications of high consciousness fields in general. And with Gary’s help, Lewis, Paule and Maria, there’s quite a lot of research projects lined up, that are very exciting, we’ll introduce those as we move into those. But it’s all furthering the FLFE mission of supporting the optimal conditions for the evolution of consciousness. So, we’re activating a high consciousness field with service, its purpose is to support the evolution of consciousness. And, we’re starting to call the FLFE service, service for seekers. Because we do find that many, many people are conscious, you know, seekers in this situation means people that are consciously on the evolutionary path. And we find that many of our subscribers are you could say veterans and really consciously and vigorously on that path. And we see a lot of really, really wise and interesting things on the private Facebook page. And there’s other benefits to being in the FLFE high consciousness field, which we’ll discuss in this research. And this research really came from the community from you all, from your spontaneous testimonials, phone calls, Facebook posts, and emails. And that really was the start of this research. And I should mention that, you know, we’re in frontier research, where it’s really kind of out ahead. And, you know, much of what we’re working with, is the benefits without having all the theories in mainstream science that would explain it. So we’re, we’re developing what we call a gold standard of research and Gary will talk a little bit about that. That brings a high level of rigor to our FLFE research projects. Because of the nonlinear nature of the service, and the benefits that we’re seeing, and that we really need to develop a very high standard that we could then share with other companies like FLFE or other services or other products, where they are also in the nonlinear realm of the frontiers. With that, I think I’ll pass it to you, Gary. Something else you would like to say, Clayten?

Clayten Stedmann
For those of you who may be here, for the first time, the PIF that Jeff mentioned, is a free service that we offer to subscribers. When you purchase a subscription, we give you a lower level of consciousness free service with no programs on it for as long as we own the company. And we made some adjustments in our machines, and we put the entire country of Ukraine on temporarily. So we’re not sure how long we can leave that on. But just for those of you were wondering what PIF was. We are making an extraordinary effort to help Ukraine at this time, in the ways that we can. So I should probably say something nice about you as well, Gary.

Clayten Stedmann
Yeah, Gary is a scientist, but other than considering him my friend, the thing I most respect about Gary, he is a spiritual seeker and He has the courage to. And I think the the resourcefulness to explore some of these nonlinear nonlinear technologies that he’s certainly involved in with his own body of work and with ours. And so when we were looking for somebody to help us quantify and standardize our way of vetting the service, so that we can serve people whose minds may want that type of information, so that they can relax into at least trying it. Gary was the guy that kept coming up. And so we’re really glad to have you, Gary, thank you for what you’ve done for us so far.

My privilege, but what’s very special today is that we have major data that justifies your enthusiasm for all this and everybody else. And it’s a privilege to be able to share it.


I really want to thank Clayten, and Jeff, for not only inspiring all this, but making it possible to share all of this with people who really care about hearing it. And this, today is a special day because it’s the first time where I think you’re going public with this initial stage of this work. So I want to honor that, that specialness. The second is that, besides thanking everyone on the team, it’s really quite an extraordinary team doing extraordinary research. I’d also like to actually dedicate this to two people. One person is Professor William James from Harvard University, who lived over a century ago. And he was a physician and a philosopher, who also Bridged sciences and spirituality. And he was so to speak the grandfather of American psychology and a core leader in the birthing of Psychology at a global level. And he was a hero of mine. In fact, I had the privilege to do my PhD in William James Hall, named after William James at Harvard. And one of William James’s many wonderful ideas, was his devotion to what he called Radical empiricism. And radical empiricism is the idea that you not be afraid to ask questions, and then follow the data, where it takes you. And I would like to honor him today. Because he’s part of the inspiration for me to have the courage to do this kind of work. The other person I’d like to honor is someone whose name is Miles Stegman. Miles has been an inspiration for ongoing research with the research team, particularly to plant research. And he suddenly I think, probably for most of us unexpectedly, transitioned a few weeks ago, and although he may have passed on, he has not passed away. And I am honored to be able to share this with his consciousness clearly in my mind and heart. And I hope for some of you his as well. Okay. So let’s talk about first of all, what do we mean by the gold standard and these are called four phases of research.

I should explain by the way that that these phases have been used to in various ways by various organizations, including, for example, biomedical research and also psychological research involving treatment outcomes, and it can easily be applied to any area, including any kind of service work. And in phase one research, you’re doing exploratory research, it’s typically small scale, but it can have even large numbers. And it addresses the question does carefully collected user evidence suggests that a given service works? In other words, do people actually reporting things that are beneficial to them? It doesn’t tell us how it works. But it justifies then seeking further research. Now if positive findings are obtained then we have phase two research, which is confirmatory and parametric research, typically also small scale, addressing the question, the laboratory and controlled experiments, support the user evidence and also verify safety. Now, if positive findings are obtained here, which includes, by the way, working on understanding how it works, as opposed to that it works, then we move on to what’s called phase three research. Now, this is very large scale research typically, in for example, the pharmacological industry or in other large scale service providers, where you address the question to control the multicenter multiply, multi blinded, randomized control trials, replicate the phase two experiments in terms of efficacy and safety. And then if positive findings are obtained here, then some people do what’s called phase four research, where you have real life validation experiments, typically large scale, addressing the question are positive findings obtained, observing in the phase three research replicated in large scale usage in real life, because sometimes, for example, something can be observed when you do research on it. But then the effects are different when it’s observed in real life. And FLFE, as a visionary company has the potential with this, with these goals in mind, to be able to address all four types of research in an ever spiraling, evolving way. Now FLFE customers provide a wealth of spontaneous accounts and positive experiences with FLFE, on the FLFE website, as well as on the Facebook page. So what were the four purposes of this retrospective phase one research. Purpose number one was to develop an instrument which we’ll call the customer experience survey, that can easily and effectively assess frequently reported benefits of FLFE. Think about this, where are these FLFE benefits coming from? They’re being reported by users. This is user generated, experience generated, research. It is the claims that you who are listening make as you’ve been on the service. Purpose two is to evaluate the degree of benefits in a representative sample of FLFE customers using a validated scale. Purpose of the three is to explore the replicability of the degree of positive effects from FLFE as a function of gender, or age, and years of FLFE participation was the first step in this work. And then finally, purpose four was to examine the relationship between expectation of benefits from less than expected to more than expected, and degrees of positive experiences reported, which we’ll see was added in step seven, below. Now, one of the things I should say is that when you engage in radical empiricism, when you work at the frontiers, when you’re willing to follow the data, where it takes you, one of the great lessons, is to be prepared for surprises. It’s also part of the great fun of being a seeker, seeking information. And you’re gonna see, there are a couple of, I would say, extraordinary surprises that are about to be revealed.

So let me give you the summary of the four findings so that you see the big picture, and then we’re going to take you through each one in what they called the deep dive. So you get to see lots of scientific data, plus data that’s been restructured by Maria and also Paule, to make it easy for us to be able to see and understand. So the findings for purpose one is that the CES the customer experience survey was found to be successful and easily and effectively assessing frequently reported FLFE customer experiences. We succeeded in doing that then findings for purpose two the majority of FLFE customers report high rates of positive experiences across each of the 16 individual benefits that comprise the questionnaire we developed, replicating and extending spontaneous testimonials. Findings for purpose number three, is that these positive findings importantly, were replicated across age, gender, and years using FLFE with a slight proviso there you’ll see and findings for purpose number four, is that the majority of FLFE customers reported that the benefits of FLFE were greater than they expected. Think about this, you who filled out these questionnaires, ended up indicating that for many of you, your experiences were greater than you expected. And these individuals also reported the highest levels of positive experiences with FLFE. So what were the eight steps we used for creating pilot testing of conducting the FLFE CES phase one research? Briefly step one, approximately four years of spontaneous accounts of benefits were entered in verbatim into an Excel spreadsheet. Then two word frequency account analyses performed and word cloud graphs were examined to see how the content and concepts were structured. Three, a set of frequently reported benefits were selected by senior FLFE members and carefully crafted the questions that were easy to read and rate. Step four additional questions regarding expectations age, gender, and time using FLFE were created for a total of 20 questions. Then in step five, we did a pilot experiment, the first one of five people the original CES, one was taken by five executives and seniors FLFE staff members under two conditions. First, the items are rated based on their own personal experiences with FLFE. And two, items were rendered, again, based on their predictions regarding how representative consumers wouldn’t answer the questions. In the process improvements in the wording specific benefits were made. So you do an initial pilot study. Then we did a second pilot study with a larger N and 14, the modified CES, which is number two was then beta tested using FLFE staff. additional modifications or wording questions remain as indicated. Then step number three, we did a pilot study with enter 52 people that’s already starting to move into something that we can draw decent conclusions about “is something working”. This version was announced on the FLFE website and answered by approximately 52 customers, after analyzing the data it was decided to add the expectation question. And also create six subcategories of benefits to make it easier to grok Or understand the information in terms of physical items, mental items emotional, personal, social, nature and spiritual. And then step A, we now have a representative, retrospective phase one study total of 338 people filled out all these questions. So now it’s on Facebook. And now we have this data.

Now, what I’m going to do here is I’m going to include graphs that you’ll see in the in the summaries of the quick look that Maria has so beautifully reported, but then give you the scientific data and the detailed graphs that show how these summary graphs were made. So you can see, for example, it’s very easy to tell that using the four categories of under 20, age 21 to 40, 41 to 60. And age 61 to 90, you could look at the color coding, and you could see what the approximate percentage are numbers of people who are in each category. So the fairly large distribution of age, you can also see in terms of males and females, that the females were clearly more representative than males, which is I think, my understanding of thats the way the service is in general. Now what were the 16 items and the six subcategories of FLFE reported benefits. So I’m going to take you through each of the items. So you can think about how you experienced these, the degree to which you experienced them. And they were rated by the way from one which essentially was never, not at all, to five, which is very often when we’ re talking about frequency of noticing these changes. For the physical items we have, how often have you experienced more physical energy? And a second one is how often have you experienced more restful sleep? These numbers over here are actually where the questions fell in the order that they were presented and that you filled them out as opposed to the question you didn’t present them in this order which means they were “scrambled”. Mental items by contrast, were how often have you experienced more mental clarity? And how often have you experienced that it’s easier to notice a negative thought and move it to a more positive thought this item becomes very important, because that was also one of the most frequently reported benefits. Then in the emotional category, we have three items. How often have you noticed more joy, laughter or fun for those in the FLFE environment? Nine how often have you experienced a relief from anxiety? And the 12 here was how often have you noticed that it’s easier to find forgiveness again, one that I was surprised that came up so frequently in terms of experience change. I say, I was surprised because I wasn’t thinking of this in terms of high consciousness fields, because that becomes a prediction. Then we have personal and social items. How often have you noticed improvements and communication among those around you in the FLFE Environment? How often have you noticed more ease and flow in everyday life? How often have you noticed positive changes in overall quality of life? How often have you noticed engaging less in perceived bad habits? How often have you experienced breakthroughs or seen bigger life changes? And again, I remind you, where did these items come from? They came from you. This is all based on your spontaneous testimonials, which we then formulized. Then we have two items that relate to nature, of which I have a pet interested in no pun intended, which is how often have you noticed the change in the vitality, or growth of your houseplants, which of course requires that you have healthy plants if you’re going to see a change. And then how often have you noticed the presence of abundant wildlife beyond what you normally experienced? Again, it helps if you’re living out of the country or have abundant wildlife that could appear. And finally, spiritual. Some of you may be particularly interested in this, I happen to be one of those people. However, if you experience easier or deeper meditations, or feel more connected overall. And finally, how often have you seen or experienced more synchronicities of any kind, that called relevance to you, personally. So those are the 16 items. So now we’re gonna get to like numbers. Okay, purpose number one is the 16 Item CES, a reliable instrument. And one of the ways scientists check reliability is they look to see to which a given item is correlated with other items in an instrument. So you see, we have 16 items going across here, in the order that they occurred, this is the these are the, the rows down. So these are the columns. And then they’re in rows. And of course, the rows are also the items. Now, what is a correlation? A correlation was the extent to which two sets of sets of numbers are related to each other. And the maximum they can be related is 100%. Perfection, which in statistics term is called a one. If there’s no relationship, the number is zero. And if they’re inversely related, they’re out of phase, for example, you have a minus one. So the numbers range from minus one to plus one, that you’ll notice all these ones down here, in the darker number. The reason is that when an item is correlated with itself, that would be perfect. This is one of the ways you know your statistics program is working, is that the item correlates well with itself. Once you know it correlates well with yourself, then you can look to see whether to what extent do people who report increased in physical energy? Do they report increasing mental clarity and joy and fun or restful sleep and so and the thing that’s amazing about these data is that the numbers are all above, typically above 50.5. And they go up to, you know, point seven, even point eight. These numbers are highly statistically significant. So every item correlates with every other item. So if you want to create an instrument of overall perceived benefit, it passes one of the first criteria for looking at. Now you can do this in a more sophisticated way, by looking at for example, what’s called split half reliability, and something called for example, the Chromebox alpha. And again, this number can be from zero to point one. Anything that’s typically around point A or eight or so you’re really quite happy with. The CES was point 969, which is really excellent for an instrument to justify its use. And if you also look at what’s called split half reliability, looking in terms of the First and Second, set half of the items, and you look at what’s called the Gutman split half reliability or other measures, you see there clearly above nine, anywhere from nine five to nine seven. So we have some confidence now in knowing that at least in terms of the internal consistency of the scale that we created, that it holds together sufficiently well to justify using it to assess people’s experiences. You also want to look at when we create the sub scales where we talked about physical, mental, emotional, personal, nature and spiritual. And we again have the columns and the rows. Again, everything’s correlated with everything. Which by the way, it better be the case if each of the individual items were correlated with each other. And so again, this provides further consistency, and confidence. So we now move on to purpose number two, do a majority of respondents report positive benefits with FLFE? And the answer is clearly yes. If we take this, the items, and the ratings as you know, are from none or minimal, which are numbers of one and two, or some items some benefit, which is a rating of three versus a substantial benefit, which is a rating of four and five. And then you classify each person in terms of their average rating across the 16 items, you can see the 57.86%, ie around 58% of people report substantial benefits. 23.48%, report some benefits, and only 18.7% Report No or minimal benefits. So if you were looking to see whether some or substantial benefits, you’re talking about more than 80% of the people, the 338 people, who answered this question, reported positive benefits. Now, of course, you would think that people who would care enough to fill out a questionnaire are going to be people who care about their philosophy, and might report positive benefits. The fact that we see a clear, small, but nonetheless, representative sample of people reporting minimal or no benefits, gives us confidence that the data are real. Because nothing works for everyone. And also, there are other factors, why people not might not report benefits, if benefits are there to be found, for example, you get habituated to good things, and then you stop noticing them.

It’s standard phenomena that you know, many people experience. So all of this suggests we want to do more research. And this is a plot of those means. And I want you to look at the shape of this curve, because this shape is repeated over and over again. So for example, by the way, like Clayten and Jeff, I really love data. And so when I get into data, I get the data, and I like to look at it thoroughly and completely. So in my, I would say “obsessive seeking of information”, they did not want to waste a single possible gem and honoring the fact that people have given their time and energy into filling out these questionnaires. I will analyze and analyze, and I’m just displaying how the data came out. So look at this, this is a plot of the average for every single item, all 16 items are individually plotted on this graph. Excel is so nice, because it makes it much prettier than my statistical packages. But anyway, you can see that every item shows this general effect. There’s a pattern that shows for every single item. So we know that whatever this effect is, and it’s clearly there. It’s something that is highly repeated across the items. Now, purpose three, did the majority of respondents reporting positive benefits replicate across gender? The answer is clearly yes. When we split the subjects into male people who reported being males versus people reported being females, there would be other people who didn’t report their gender. So didn’t include them. You can see that both males and females showed the identical trend. So this is not just due to female participants with that delivery. This is for the sample as a whole, applies to both men and women. Represented three also do the majority of respondents reporting positive benefits replicated across age. The answer is yes. So here I have five age groups, which I originally set upgraded into the categories of less, you know, 33 years or less 34 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64 and above 65. And you can say, Why did I do that, when we had the early one were only four age groups. And the reason is because I was attempting to split the data so that we had fairly comparable and large numbers in each of the groups. So going up to age 33, we had an end of 30. And then getting to the next category, we have an end of 61. So these are sufficiently large enough that each of the curves are valid. And notice, irrespective of age, the effects are the same. So all the people get benefits, not just younger people, all the birth years. Okay, purpose number three, again, to the majority of respondents reporting positive benefits, replicate across length of using FLFE, yes, with a minor exception here. Now, plotting the data this way, is not the clearest way to see the to see the result, as you’ll see, when Maria does her beautiful ways of integrating the data. But if you split people into less than three months, three months to 12 months, one to two years, two to three years are greater than three years, which of these five groups and you could see that less than three months, the end was 121. Whereas three to 12 months was in of 107, the smallest group was great three years that is filling out sample, not surprising, and 30, you can see all four groups show this effect. They showed the same trend. But one group showed a much smaller trend, smaller trend here. And that’s the group that were less than three months. So the less than three months group are showing some effects, not as large as what happens when you go from three months to one year. Now, again, before we jump to any conclusions about interpretation, right now, we’re just in the radical empiricism with looking at the data. Later, we can talk about, well, how might we explain these data? What else would we do to be able to replicate to be sure that these data are in fact, the right, you know, an accurate generalization, and so on. So I share these results. Now. These are the same data, but replotted, by Maria.

And you can see here now, the what’s called the y axis is the the percent scores, and on the x axis, we now have years in the service. And it’s very easy to see that as you go along in the service that, you know, the most people are reporting, obviously, the high benefits, and then you’ve got some benefits here. And it really trails off by the time you get three years in terms of people not reporting anything. Again, we’re not putting an interpretation on this. But you can also see that this is the first few months and it’s just a beautiful curve. It’s aesthetically pretty, and the data are also really nice. Okay, now purpose of before, can the expectation of FLFE effectiveness, explain the experience of FLFE benefits? In other words, if we were going to go from is something happening to the first question that anyone wants to ask whether you’re a skeptic or not. But if you’re a truth seeker, and you want to know why is this happening, you want to know whether or not is people’s expectations, what determines the outcome? So we included, because this was a retrospective study, we included an item where people filled out whether the results that they experienced were less than expected. Or were the results that the benefits that they experienced, as they anticipated, or was greater than expected? And I as someone who is, if you would ,the person who is supposed to approach all of this with as little pre bias or pre experience as possible, so I can look at the data afresh. I for one and I think many others were expected. That surprised that the people who reported that the effects were greater than they expected when they started the program. That represents two thirds of the people who report it which means what? A, they couldn’t have had very high expectations because they have very high expectations, it couldn’t have been greater than expected. And again, we don’t know because we didn’t collect those data. But you can be sure we will in the next survey, as we progress in the research, you really want to be able to get what the pre values are starting ahead of them, as opposed to memory to see how that relates to outcome. But the only way you can get these results is if many people were unsure about whether the results were positive or negative. So there could be some room for surprise. And if you’ll notice, if you notice here, not only were two thirds of the sample with the results greater than expected, and a good 17% were as expected, but only about 16% of the people reporting who filled out the questionnaire reported as being less than the expected. And if you look now at their ratings of perceived benefits, in this case, on each of the sub scales, the physical, the mental, emotional, personal, nature and spiritual, ie, these are six categories, as opposed to all 16 items, you can see the results as clear as day the people who were where they were, the findings were greater than expected their perceived benefits. They were the people who reported the highest benefits. So if you’re gonna be surprised, Isn’t it nice to be surprised with the with strongly positive benefits?

Okay. Now, these are the same data re-grabbed by Maria. And of course, they’re really easy to see it in this fashion. These are the real numbers for them from which these graphs were then created. So now you have access to both of those graphs. Now, this gets to be a little complicated, but I was told that enough of you who are listening, want to get into the nitty gritty. So I’ll give you at least one thing that’s a little complicated. So you could ponder this. And that is can expectation of FLFE effectiveness explain experience of FLFE benefits? And I say no. Again, we’ve seen the same value ratings that we said before in terms of the percentage here. But now what I want to do is I want to graph these in terms of people who reported minimal and or find benefits, some benefits or substantial benefits. Now, if we look at the group, which was greater than expected, you’ll notice that over 80% of these people reported clearly substantial benefits. Another 12% reported some benefits, and virtually none of them reported no benefits, or minimal or no benefits. Not surprisingly, the people who experience things with less than expected, the predominance of these people reported minimal benefits. And some of them reported, obviously some benefits, but relatively few reported only minimal benefits. If it was as was expected. Notice the peak is in the middle, where it’s either less on either substantial or minimal. These are the data. They look complicated until you explain them. But they’re again, they “make sense”. And this is just the summary. Remembering that these items are all highly reliable. But these break into this. When we look at this, when we look at the more sophisticated fashion. Here’s the last bit of data. And I I was really surprised again about this. What happens if we rank order the items in terms of items where people reported the least benefits for those that were reporting the most benefits? We look at the items and see how they line up? Is there any trend? Is there any pattern? Is there any structure? Is it teaching us anything about FLFE. And I plotted them separately. For those who reported that were the benefits were greater than expected. And then I’ll show you the other two, as expected and then below expected. Notice, sort of not surprisingly, the average rule was least reported for abundant wildlife and vital plants. But again, if you don’t have plants, you’re not going to see many changes. And if you don’t have a lot of wildlife, so unless you have data about people’s locales, and the the number of plants they have in their house, you can’t interpret this number. But what is interesting here is restful sleep and physical energy. People did not report as highly benefits, I mean clearly reported benefits, but it’s not nearly as high as the items that were the most stellar. And those most Stellars highest items, which I will emphasize here is improvement in overall quality of life, capacity to express forgiveness, and the ease of shifting from negative to positive thoughts and actions.

This is the kind of change that I think many people would like in their lives. Now, the question is, is this pattern only present if the you have benefits are greater than expected. So of course, you know me now I had to look at the data. Anyway, here’s the data. Now, again, this scale is lower. So these numbers are lower. Obviously, three is the as you know, the moderate range for experiencing positive symptoms. But look at the graph, the shape is virtually identical, abundant, and relief, anxiety and breakthroughs are down here, physical energy still down here. And notice what’s highest up here forgiveness, negative to positive, quality of life is down a little bit, more improved communication is up here. But the general trend of these items is very similar. If we now look at the people with the benefits were less than expected, this needs to be reversed. Anyway. You’ll notice here, the ratings are now lowest, again, abundant wildlife physical energy. Interestingly, joy and fun are lower. But look, it’s up here again, highest again, even among people who reported benefits less than what they expected. Forgiveness and negative to positive. And also, deep meditation was up there. So there is some pattern here yet to be understood, which may make sense to some of you. Which is telling us there’s something real going on here. Now, again, we can thank Maria for this, but she’s plotted it in a much cleaner and prettier way for this total sample as a whole. So you can see that for all the people together. Forgiveness negative, positive and deeper meditation, you can see this are clearly the highest compared lowest, and that’s a very aesthetically pretty and also intellectually pretty graph. Finally, she’s created a graph here where every single item in the order that they were filled out is listed in terms of less than, as expected, or better than expected. So you can see the whole thing in one clear graph. So what are the conclusions that we can reach from this phase one retrospective, exploratory, is something happening data set, what can we draw from this conclusion? Number one, it is possible to measure 16 commonly reported benefits for better levy using a standardized questionnaire or survey. Conclusion number two, the majority as we said 58% Approximately of respondents in a relatively large sample, we say a relatively large sample, because that’s a lot of people. It’s not a huge number in terms of the total customer base of FLFE, but it’s large for an initial Exploratory Phase One experiment For this work, report experiencing these benefits and additional approximately 23% report experiencing some benefits, only 18.66% of the respondents reported minimal or no benefits. Conclusion number three, these substantial effects are replicated across genders and ages. They’re also replicated across people experiencing the FLFE service for three months or longer, extending beyond three years. That’s clearly the case. Conclusion number four, the substantial experience benefits cannot be explained as being a simple placebo effect. This is not just if you believe, it’s more than belief. The majority 67% of approximately the respondents reported that their experience of benefits were greater than they expected, implying that they were surprised by these positive observations and experiences. Only 7.5% reported that the FLFE results were as they expected, while 15.97% indicated the effects were less than they expected. And therefore, conclusion number five altogether. The findings from this large scale retrospective phase one experiment, support the claim made by customers, that FLFE is having positive effects for a majority of users. And that phase two research, ie to do the kind of research that gets at mechanisms of action, and gets that the conditions for optimally hitting effects and so on, to doing this kind of research.

Extending this research, including how FLFE works is justified. If FLFE provides a summary conclusion, I’m not even going to give you that soundbite here, I think I’m going to close this down for reasons that I would like to explain. And then I will pass the baton back to Clayten and Jeff, who have been very patient listening to this evidence. And that is that unless one collects systematic data, on the very foundation of a service, which is what the people are experiencing positive benefits or not, there is little justification for doing more extensive research, or in trying to understand how it works, particularly when, in order to understand how it works, you have to integrate things that could go outside the box of conventional thinking. And therefore, putting the time and energy into quantifying the people’s experiences And becoming clear about that, is it’s truly fundamental. And I’m very proud that, that FLFE is committed to that, that purity of effort, and that foundational of effort. And also, for those of you who are hearing this who either yourself are skeptical, it is good to be skeptical to be a seeker is to ask questions. So skeptical is wonderful to be asking questions. But in the future, since the people who you know might think well, maybe you’re a little odd to it, what the heck are you doing, thinking about this stuff and participating in this, you can now say, Well, you know, they’re actually collecting data on the fundamental nature of the idea that there’s something real here. And if you go to the website, or you watch this webinar, you could find out. And so if this helps you in terms of trying to live a more evolved life and grow and help your loved ones of the people, you know, be with you on this journey as well, that hopefully these data will be of that service.

Thank you, Gary. It’s your excitement on the numbers is infectious.

just sharing my feelings. Can’t make these data while you couldn’t make it up, but I couldn’t have and you can’t make up the enthusiasm. And I apologize for interrupting,

yeah, it’s great. Yeah, and it did, you know, the way it’s laid out, really does help bring new insights to the fore, which I love is, you know, keep looking and asking questions, as you analyze it. In just a couple of things came up to mind for me, it’s the less than three months, you know, having less benefits showing up there. And, you know, the way we designed the free trial, being two weeks, was trying to get, you know, within a reasonable amount of time for a free trial to get as many benefits as possible. So, within that two weeks, we wanted people to really to be better off. And that’s just a blessing to them if they subscribe or not. That’s up to them. And you know, of course, we we don’t make it automatic you have to work at it to actually subscribe. But what we’ve seen in some of the other research which were is going is that three months timeframe is when things really start to kick in. And with that FLFE being in high consciousness field and energized nutrients and some of these other things that take a longer time, that three months is where we believed, you know, it was starting to take off even greater in terms of benefits. And so this research shows clearly that. And you know, all this preliminary phase one, we’re careful to draw too many conclusions and paint it too broadly across everyone. But I found that interesting that less than three months is where the benefits receive benefits for less.

if I could say something that you have reiterated over and over as Clayten, is that the philosophy of radical empiricism, which I’m going to thank William James for, I love that phrase. To have integrity means not only do you follow the data wherever it takes you, but you share whatever the results are. And it’s the commitment to sharing the evidence, whatever the surprises are, it’s always nice if they’re more positive than negative. But the true commitment to being a seeker is in pursuing the evidence and going where truth takes us. And FLFE has that as a framework. How many companies do we know have that kind of philosophy? I don’t know too many.

Someone in the chat said that they felt that FLFE was helpful in terms of the past, you know, clearing the past for us, and that makes sense for both, maybe the forgiveness and the negative positive.

Clayten Stedmann
Well, when I was a kid, we used to play with Mexican jumping beans, you guys remember those? I’m dating myself?

God, yes, you are dating yourself. Many, many, many years,

Clayten Stedmann
My mind feels like a Mexican jumping bean. Just wonder what this means? Well, I’ll share something that I think might be relative to most of us that are on this call. I don’t go to many research meetings like very, very few, in fact. But I know that in our planning of this, the part that I’ve been involved in the creation of the high consciousness field, our prayer at the beginning of the meeting 99% of the time anyway, when we remember to do it is that we would ask divinity to know the truth and help us have the courage to follow the data wherever it may lead. And it’s not always easy to find courage. And I find it helps to put that out in front of me and ask for it and have a group of people such as Gary and Lewis and Paule, and Maria and Jeff to work with where we can humble ourselves to some greater source of knowledge than us and recognize that we struggle with courage to follow data, wherever it leads. I remember when we did the amount of research, Jeff, we had all these images, there’s dozens and dozens, typically, people just pick the best image, you know, and put it up on the website. And when we were testing what was in the highest and best interest of all we got told that our conclusion to that was when I say we got told that it’s really the data kind of tells you from Kinesiology anyway, that you don’t just share the best data that you have to make you look the best, you share representative view of the data that comes in because otherwise it’s not Integris so yeah, so it’s great to be in a space where we are able to have this agreement between us and it doesn’t come by accident and it’s not easy. So and just reminds me like how much we need each other as humans. You know, it’s been a pretty isolating time in the last couple of years and there’s times when we don’t have the strength ourselves to do things and we have those people around us to kind of bolster us up and say, Okay, that’s the agreement. And so I guess we got to stick to it so that was one Mexican jumping bean. And one of the other ones. We have talked about this, of course, you know, in our little groups, but it just makes me more curious how we could correlate this to either other high consciousness experiments that have been going on from time immemorial at every sacred pilgrimage site on the planet. And that’s what excites me about this is the correlation to other places around the world, and it excites me to be part of the possibility of how we could take this standardization of the ability to gather data on high consciousness fields and perhaps share it and help other places explore how to gather data for them in a way that could help people recognize that there are places on the planet that are miraculous, you know, something happens there, if you want to call that miraculous.

Yeah. Who is the person who said a miracle is something that you don’t believe is possible, but it happens anyway.

That’s, you could say, FLFE falls in that category, and that people don’t necessarily understand how it works. And if you look to mainstream science, they, they would say, it doesn’t work or couldn’t work. But we’ve got this quantum connection that’s occurring with technology and to the homes and businesses around the cell phone and we get these benefit, we get these results. And they’re happening. So it’s like this frontier research where the results are leading the theory. You know, the proven theory or the, you know, in science seems to be just the extension of an existing theory by a small amount. And unless you have a theory, there’s, you know, if I made false in the miracle category. But, yeah, so someone just said, miracles are always there. It’s just up to us to perceive them. And it almost falls into synchronicity category to have divine talking to us, if we will, if we’re paying attention. And anyway, this does all kind of fit together and yea my own jumping bean was the, around the meditation too the deeper meditation was in the top three to four, I think in all categories. Yes, of expectation. And that’s one from the beginning. That’s for me, that was one of the most intense differences in the FLFE environment was that ability to really quiet the mind and drop in. And we’ve talked about that a lot on webinars as well in the past. And yeah, there it is right at the top. So it’s great. It’s very confirming to see the things that we’ve noticed personally and we’ve heard in talking to customers and people you know, say over and over but to see the numbers like that.

by the way, you’ve just triggered a ridiculous thought. And the trip between the two of you is totally ridiculous thought and I’m saying this I think partly in honor of Miles because I think he did enjoy this based on my knowledge of Miles but since you brought up Mexican jumping beans I was thinking about money. And you know, they jump and I was wondering if in an FLFE field that’s promoting you know, all the things that FLFE means. Do Mexican beans spontaneously jump? And that’s actually research that you could do. And you just could measure the spontaneous jumping bean.

Clayten Stedmann
Could do jumps per minute, height of jumps and number of jumps

Right? Absolutely.

To control the temperature and humidity though. Yeah. Put it on the list! So it’s great. Great to be on the call with the two of you and to talk through this.

And we’ll hit the q&a to consider a few questions in there.

Clayten Stedmann


Clayten Stedmann


Clayten Stedmann

I’m gonna go to the end to see if there’s things related to the presentation. So I’ve got an anonymous one “do you present this questionnaire at the beginning of service prior to use the same list of questions with number rating, perhaps, as someone with chronic illness and notice how symptoms that heal, or minimize, I can forget the pain I was in when it’s gone. It would be really great to have a list of symptoms and such to compare to after the 3, 6, 12 months of service.”

Well, first of all, I want to thank anonymous for that question. And secondly, that is one of the next steps of doing a phase one study. Now that we’ve done a retrospective study, you want to do equal prospective, which means you want to get this information before people start the service, and then be able to track it as it goes along. And if one is focusing on medical effects, for example, as opposed to other kinds of effects, you wouldn’t want to hone in on the kinds of questions that both pre and post that you would ask, if this were to be a phase two kind of research, which will happen at some point, then we would compare this to a waiting list control or we would compare it to other comparisons to be able to impart try to understand what’s relevant, or what’s important to quote, why and how FLFE is associated with what it does. And I know Clayten You, I can’t remember whether you accused me personally or you just blamed my mind, but you said that I was that I was like a soup. Different combinations. But FLFE is sort of like a soup too, meaning it has multiple factors, which have to be all mixed properly and combined properly in order for the optimal conditions to occur. So, um, but it’s a very good question that I’m glad that person asked that.

And we have the EMF sensitives research, which will be pre and post. I mean, we’ve done the pre, post is I think three months later. So that’s one that we’ll have that and it’s a good point. And it’s interesting about the soup, you know, it’s one of the things that we’ve talked about, and you know, probably way back and very early ones. In Clayten’s work, the critical factor was, you know, the thing that you can change to have have the greatest change, right? It may be that take the smallest amount of energy to have the largest effect.

Interest. Interesting, right?

So, so since our focus is consciousness is the evolution of consciousness and supporting that with the service. One of the early things we saw is that there are some physical aspects of the body that can slow down the evolution of consciousness. And so that was one of the early programs that we did was supporting the we don’t make medical claims but supporting the liver and kidneys through basically energetic support. It’s like a 24/7 prayer for your kidneys and 24/7 prayer for your liver. And because that supporting those organs to work better, through our own innate intelligence doing healing, doing the work doing the upgrades, that then it frees the body to heal and to evolve in consciousness because it’s a physical, you know, I tend to think of evolving in consciousness is just consciousness and not physical. But there seems to be, you know, neural changes, body changes, physical changes that happen. And if you don’t have the filtering capacity, then the body doesn’t do those things. So that’s kind of part of the soup, there is supporting the body to be optimal for the evolution of consciousness.

Clayten Stedmann
So liver, kidney gallbladders, and the GI tract almost at the same time, because the body needs to filter toxins better and eliminate them. Typically quicker, faster isn’t always better, there is a way to measure your transit time, we’ll call it and that’s the amount of time that it takes something to go through your GI tract. And we did experiments with this in the beginning, we sort of used an unsophisticated test called the beat test. The beat test ever heard the beat test?

Clayten Stedmann
You eat beats and then you pay attention to your bowel movements. And that tells you how long your transit time is. And how. You know, there’s the duration of it. And then there’s the frequency of bowel movements and things like that. So it may not have been a double blind longitudinal study, but it was a place to start.

You always start phase one. Pull up to be comfortable starting, you start at the beginning to phase one. That’s what triggers ideas, triggers, get to jumpy beans going. And then you do the more sophisticated ones as you go along.

Yeah, so what we saw was going from a longer transit time, which was not optimal to a more optimal transit time. With that program in place, with a small sample of one or maybe two. But I don’t know if you had other people in your family do that as well, Clayten. But that was an indicator.

Clayten Stedmann
Tried to enrol a few friends as well. And, of course made for great dinner conversations. Over beats, pasta beats. Yeah, I did 14, liver, kidney gallbladder flushes, according to the protocols in Andreas Moritz’ book, The Amazing liver, kidney, gallbladder flush. And Jeff, you did a number of those, and you took Stonebreaker for about a year as well, which is a herb that dissolves deposits in the liver, kidney and gallbladder. So we did our own. We did lots of personal experiments. we typically, Well, we do everything on ourselves first Gary. I mean, we test it in many, many different ways. And then we test it on ourselves when we get to the point where it’s passed all the other standards. And then we have different layers of beta testing in our communities that we rolled out through.

So I’ve got a question for Gary. It came from Joe, it looks like “Gary, can you expand on conclusion number four. Although I know that FLFE is not a placebo from personal experience, it’s not clear to me why the data could not be explained away as a placebo effect? Wouldn’t the only way to be sure is a double blind study? I want to make sure we present 100% accurate conclusions, evidence points to know placebo, but is it really a conclusion? Or proof?”

Boy, that is a great question. The answer is that in order to evaluate a placebo effect, you need a double blind protocol in order to be definitively plus you need to also assess people’s expectations or beliefs prior to so it’s not enough just to do a double blind experiment. But if you want to do it completely, you would want to get both the the self report measure and the double blind paradigm. What’s novel about what we’ve done in this study, what we’ve discovered, and I call it really isn’t discovered accidentally, is that you can use people’s, the extent to which things fit or do not fit. One’s expectancies, expectancy for benefit becomes a way to infer whether something’s a placebo effect without proof without having definitive proof again, in a phase one study, you collect data that you say, doesn’t work. And you also generate hypotheses for future research. And so I would agree with the in fact again, making this clearer, Joe. Yeah, Joe. Hey, I want to thank Joe for that. Because it’s really important. There isn’t, it’s very difficult to explain all of these effects as placebo effects, if people are surprised and substantially surprised, and the benefits are so high, because you, it’s hard to explain those data as being quote, a pre expectancy effect, because that doesn’t allow for the surprise hypothesis. So it’s a surprise element. That points to the idea that it’s not a placebo effect. The way you confirm it is a phase two double blind experiment. So that’s the way I would clarify these data, points to the conclusion, these data do not support the idea that it’s a placebo effect, but they do not prove that it’s more than placebo, again, that you would need the one. That’s why we do more research. And what is research, read dash search? Research again, and again.

That’s great. Yeah, thank you, Joe. for that. Let’s see what other questions related to the presentation we could find here.

Clayten Stedmann
What about the gallbladder? Why don’t I answer that one, Jeff, while we’re looking for more because that seems like a fairly urgent. So Eleni was saying, “I need to have my gallbladder removed next month due to pain of gallstones. Will FLFE assist with quick healing?” Well, we don’t make any medical claims aleni if you’re not on the service, we do suggest you do the at least the free trial. When I started doing the liver, kidney gallbladder flushes. I was having severe gallbladder pain and apparently my gallbladder as best as we could assess it was about 85% full of stones, which is not uncommon. Now the book The amazing liver, kidney, gallbladder flush by Andreas Moritz is the best way of dealing with gallbladder deposits that I have found other than the product called Stonebreaker, which is a number of herbs. It’s a brand of product. So I would encourage you to read Andreas Moritz his book, what he does differently than the Hulda Clark, liver, kidney, gallbladder flush, is he suggests you take malic acid for a week before you do the flush. Now the malic acid softens the outsides of the stones so that they can pass more easily through the ducts. I found that the average flush took between three and 5% by volume of stones out of my liver, kidney, and gallbladder. And I don’t want to get into the ways of measuring that here. But you will notice if you read his book, different ways of assessing what’s coming out of you. And if you’re going to have your gallbladder removed, you may want to do a flush and see if at least it reduces the pain. And if you have one successful flush with some reduction of pain, then you can continue until all of the stones are gone. Which you can tell if there’s nothing there’s no stones coming out after the last flush. There’s ways you can measure that. We’ve had enough bowel movement conversations for one meeting. But I would encourage you to do that. I think I would have had to have my gallbladder removed as well. I don’t think nature puts gall bladders in our bodies by accident. I think they’re necessary. So I just wanted to address that because that could help a lady’s health significantly.

Yeah, so we highly recommend reading the book and And, of course checking with your health professional at all times before doing anything. So we have another question from Laura Roy saying, “I wonder how many questionnaire respondents were longer term, like my husband and I almost five years on FLFE. We remember only the two very dramatic, significant changes, but not the subtle changes. It seems like that could skew your results, if there were many long termers in the study.” She’s wondering about that, thank you. Okay,

You have to forgive me for not remembering the ends for every group, I have to go back and look at prior slides, and stuff. But I think my memory is that they were 30 people in that group. I mean, it was actually a relatively small group compared to the 338. So even though it might have quote, skewed that, it wouldn’t have skewed it that much. But now that she’s mentioned that, these are the kinds of questions that lead you to them want to look at the data more closely. I mean, think about how much data we’ve looked at already. But then there are these pearls in there waiting to be discovered. And that’s something I think we should look at more finally. So I want to thank her for that.

Yeah, thank you, Laura. So let’s see, do me read a few more thing.

Clayten Stedmann
It’s worth mentioning that many people, we get so acclimatized to the high consciousness field that we I don’t know, if you call it aclimatization, as you could call it something else, Gary, we get used to it

Clayten Stedmann
For myself, I’ve been in I’ve been in this field now, as you know, and it is evolving, of course, all the time as we add new programs and more resources, since primarily, but 2007. And the times I noticed that the most are when I travel and the service isn’t on the building, where I’m going to, I really noticed that and then I noticed that when we put that building on, like we’re staying in a hotel, or an Airbnb or something like that. I really noticed that then, and then every once a while they turn it off. And it’s like, wow. So for those of you who are long timers like Laura or myself and Jeff, you can always turn it off for a little while. We actually have a large kind of spike in people who sign up for the service after the free trial runs out. And it’s a day or two and they’re not sure what’s changed. And they figure out that what’s changed is that the service is no longer on, they get an email from us, and they call back in and they turn it on and it’s like, wow, okay. I kind of knew I had it on but I just got busy and forgot about it. So that’s that’s worth saying, I think probably once in a while, you can always turn it off. Of course you can. And you do have in your control panel once you’ve once your property has been tested, a slider to slide the level of consciousness up and down and on off button to turn the EMF mitigation on and off. So we’re trying to give you more and more tools to help you be your own consciousness researcher. Yeah. Maybe we should talk to you about that one day, Gary. We’ll go through the control panel with you. And well sort of imagine what else we could give people access to that will help them with their experience that might be interesting.

Another jumping Bean. That’s a good one too. Yeah, I could have a whole bunch, that’s that’s a wonderful idea.

So we said we have a comment from Joseph. This could be a question for the next survey. Joseph’s saying “We’ve had the service for over five years. I’m 69 years old and have worn glasses my entire life nearsighted and and they’re required on my license for driving. So my eyesight is improved to the point that I don’t need my glasses anymore. Even driving. Question. Are you seeing results like this? You know, these physical results for others.” So I mean, if anyone in the chat would like to, you know, chime in about your eyesight that would be interesting. Of course I’ve got my glasses on.

I had Cataract surgery so that doesn’t count either.

But really my reading glasses have gone down in number even though I’m getting you know of course getting older. So Im using less and I don’t really need them but I don’t like squinting, you know, to read this, but so anyway, that would be maybe could be an interesting pre and post.

Boy, I love that question. In fact, it’s really important when people ask these things because when you start with Phase One research, you have to start with one, some person has to observe some effect. And then you look to see if there’s two, and then you look to see if there’s three. And when you start accumulating enough “instances or spontaneous cases”, that’s when you will then want to formalize the official phase one research, and that is the history of I think of FLFE. FLFE is an evidence based company driven by observation and experience, then replication of that experience. So it’s very much evidence based. And I use the term self science for that term. Remember, I’m a boring scientist so I tend to put in this kind of jargon. But I see self science as applying the tools of the scientific method to the laboratories of our personal lives. And you guys do that naturally. I mean, you sort of can’t help yourself and again, something that FLFE Foster’s, and it’s something that it also could further nurture in the community.

Yeah, developing consciousness researchers, a whole community of people, they can do research. And that’s why I love the idea of more tools. And we’ve been talking about more boosts or higher consciousness boosts. So we could also, perhaps do some research around that. So Michelle is asking “Can Too much high frequency energy be detrimental to a body” and just want to make the distinction, Michelle, that FLFE is high consciousness field. It’s not a high frequency field. So we don’t, we don’t use frequency even though there may be some underlying frequency that’s part of all of creation. We’re activating a consciousness field. So it’s different from a from a high frequency energy, which would be a pious high oscillation waveform of some kind. It’s not, not the FLFE Environment. Did you want to say more about that? Clayten?

Clayten Stedmann
Yes, it’s, it’s an interesting conversation, it’s where you get into a very specific line of study, your language becomes critical. And it’s very easy to use different words interchangeably. And in our day to day conversations it’s s not really a problem. But in very specific studies, a lot of the education that’s involved in those studies is about the appropriateness of language that is used in a certain context. And so in our very specialized area, the differences between frequency and field is quite significant. And in the beginning, we were looking for metaphors to use to explain our philosophy. And we use the metaphor of a radio tower, sending out a signal, which would infer it was a type of frequency. And so we’ve refined our metaphors over time. And we’ve actually found a way to measure our metaphors, Gary, in certain things, because it is critical that we communicate as clearly as we can, the exact language that will help people understand the service the most. So the best metaphor that we’ve come up with is drawing an analogy between FLFE and human prayer, where you hold someone in mind. And that is creating a unique identifier, which is in the technology, it goes into the for those of you who’ve heard us describe the machines, there’s an output stack at the bottom of the machine, where the where the high consciousness areas created. And there’s a quantum association between that area with all of the information in it and the unique identifier that you give us in the database, which is your address, or a cell phone number or a picture and an object. So that unique identifier that’s held in the high consciousness field or inserted into the high consciousness field in the in the machine, the FLFE system, as we call it is the same as you holding a friend in mind that you’re praying for or sending a positive thought to. And oftentimes, maybe for people who are very much aware of synchronicities. I don’t know anybody that hasn’t thought of somebody, at least in my age group anyway, we’ve been around a few years, and then that friend has called them. Right. It’s like, you know, the odds of that happening, where you’re thinking of somebody and the phone rings while you’re thinking of them. After a certain amount of time, there’s, I would imagine there’s a way to measure the statistical probability of that happening, Gary. So that’s just a little bit of a context on the difference between high consciousness field and frequency. And in our little world, that is a pretty big deal. So we don’t expect everybody to be as picky about it as us it’s just that when we’re explaining it, we need to be really pristine in our language. I do notice another hand up, Jeff.

Yep. Got one more related to the study in here. And then yeah, let’s see, it’s from Nan’s and Anne Z, “Do you think that the participants that the results are based on could be affected by enthusiasm for FLFE, for instance, I do not recall seeing an opportunity to participate. But I rarely go on the FLFE Facebook page or website, I like your results, I would be interested to see results from people that are not users of the Facebook page, or FLFE website. If next time, make the net broader.” One point I did confirm with Maria, we sent this out in emails to everybody as well. So we did cast the net. It’s just, you know, everyone’s busy, and not everyone has time to see all their emails. So there was definitely an email invitation to participate in the study as well. And, you know, what we can also try to do is maybe in the webinars we could, next when we’re ready to do the next study, we can announce it watch for an email, you know, some other ways to kind of alert people that it’s coming. So yeah, we would recommend you watch the newsletter that comes from us. And watch for the next study, because it will come in email as well. But what do you think about that? The results could be affected by enthusiasm for FLFE, that part of the question here.

I think that has to be the case. And that applies to every survey that’s ever done, where people are allowed to volunteer as to whether or not they participate or not, you are always dealing with a subset of people who are motivated enough to answer the fact that we received information, people who are enthusiastic enough to tell us that the service was less than they expected. And that they did not observe, you know, many benefits, minimal or no benefits, is telling us that the results are not just simply only enthusiastic people were participating in the survey in terms of explaining the positive results, but enthusiasm for caring about FLFE and wanting to be heard. Yes, I think that that’s important. I think also, though, that one’s enthusiasm for anything is part of the soup that allows something to work. You know, you’ve heard the phrase that if I hadn’t seen it, I wouldn’t have believed it. But the reverse is also true as Yogi Berra put it, I wouldn’t have seen it if I hadn’t believed it. Meaning that if you weren’t willing to look at if you weren’t open hearted to see it, you wouldn’t even have the experience people won’t notice synchronicities, or notice miracles or notice anything unless they’re willing to be open. And to seek it in a positive way. So the part of this can actually be part of the process that enables something to happen.

Clayten Stedmann
And part of our intent with our philosophy is to create enough goodwill within the community, for people to take the effort to let us know what their experience is.

Clayten Stedmann
Yes, positive and negative.

Whatever it is. Exactly.


Well, we were on two hours here. It went fast. It was so much fun. So I think it might be a good idea to wrap it up. I don’t see any hands up. Oh there’s one. I’m going to bring Matt.

Guest Matt
Good day, gentlemen, how are you guys doing? Great.

Guest Matt
So, I’m a part of a little group, we have a global platform where we share actual truth news, if there’s such a thing, right. But, we were gifted with your guys’s product. And this week, like, with anything we’re considering affiliating with or whatnot. I sent this out to probably about 20 people, all different from my folks who are 77 years old and very toxic, all the way up to people who are the cleanest, most purest people that can be found. And Everybody is happy. Everyone I’m very familiar with like electromagnetic frequency emitters. And we’ve had many different scalar things, the gentleman that actually brought us to our showed issue has like three or four different scalar to buy all types of devices and everything else, and other healing modalities. And man, I’m very blown away. I’m very blown away at the results, I have never seen anything like it. You know, and everything we deal with is suppressed healing modalities. Everything. And so you know, and I’m in the country here. We have the nature and it’s so funny because I’ve seen all the data that Gary putting forward and before today, I’ve been telling everybody, the birds are louder, I have more deer that are coming out. Everything is greener you know, and my communication level with my partner, you know, has definitely improved. My plants are sticking up higher. We’re in a little camper, and they’re sticking up higher than ever. My pants are smiling at me. And when it was raining outside coming down real hard, me and my girl and we have a little baby. You know, we’re pregnant again, I got boys from 25 years old all the way down. But anyways, we we stepped out into the rain and we’re sitting in the grass and we were crying. We were just were like, I could tell that the water was happy. You know? And so kudos to you guys so much. We we are totally excited. There’s a couple different people that are in the inner core group of our platform. We have a huge platform. We expect to have about 20 million people in about a year so and they’re all truthers. They’re all people that are really, I should more or less say consciousness, Journeyman. People on a consciousness awareness journey. So, I’m really happy that this day has come that we’ve really found something that this spected because, you know, this is not deniable. Everybody feels it. I still feel it, it’s been like 10 days. My beginning LOC number they said was in the top 99% Now again, we don’t have neighbors right by us and we’re already we’re purist we really are like and I know probably more about quantum physics than anybody you’ve probably talked to before I mean that’s my passion that’s my total total life and obsession. We have torsion fields all over my property all kinds of stuff but anyways, our LOC numbers start off above 560 They said but I feel this so much you know on an emotional kind of just consciousness. Everything is really come alive. I have a lot of synchronicities They’re constant in my life, they really are, I recognize them because I’m always looking for it you know it’s kind of live in the here and now and I let my life guide me that way. And my synchronicities have gotten so so crazy you know, I’m still mind blown.

Are they moving into super synchronicities? Have you read Gary’s book?

Guest Matt
I haven’t, I’m a little green. To this whole thing that. I haven’t even looked over your guyses information like I need to yet you know, we’re literally I I felt the benefits and after two days I started doing what I normally do when we have something like this come up, you know, we want to take a look at it. I got every buddy that knows our cause involved in feeling it on a trial, even my 16 year old son down in two states away, you know, everybody, everybody, all the people that own the platform. They’re all on it. They’re all like, loving it. One guy bike rides like 60 miles a day. And, he’s very much aware, there’s other scalar company, companies, I guess, along this kind of line, I don’t know if you guys say it’s scalar or not. But, you know, I’ve spent $300 a month for like, a year, a couple years ago on it. And this right here is the absolute real deal. You know, I cannot wait, I cannot wait to do everything I can to get this to everybody. Because all of us raising our level of consciousness. That’s what it’s all about.

Yeah. That’s, that’s how we move forward.

Guest Matt
That’s right. We’re about fighting the good fight. Ourur mission is about changing this earth and making it a better place. And that’s the only thing that drives us. And that’s our lighthouse. And we’re going to, we’re going to take this what you guys got, and we’re going to do the very best we can with it.

That’s exciting Matt, we’re on the same page. It’s our lighthouse to support evolution.

Guest Matt
That’s right. We have Think Tank shows, we have SpeakUp shows we have daily news, which it’s not like news that you’ve ever seen anywhere. I mean, it’s it’s quite aggressive news, because, you know, there’s people out there trying to, the world’s crazy place, right. So we run our commercials, and if you guys don’t have commercials for, I think I’ve already emailed Maria, whatever we got to do to start getting this going is what we’re going to be doing. We’ll be all over this. So great.

looking forward to talking to you more about it.

Clayten Stedmann
We received, your email about the referral partner opportunity. We we ran some numbers and we have you on our list to call so

Guest Matt
awesome. Yeah. Reach out to me. And I’ll send her another email. I think I did put my phone number on there and stuff. But we’ll we’ll get this going. I don’t want to take up anybody else’s time that you know, since I know we’re late into the game, but just wanted to say hi to you guys. And we really look forward. I’m more excited about this than I have been about anything before as

Wow. That’s great. Thanks for coming on Matt.

Guest Matt
Yes, sir. You guys have a great day. Seriously. Love this energy too. By the way, how can you not feel it right?

Yep. I’d say. Hey Matt, you’ve got lots of children, right?

Oh yea! I got nothing but boys from 25 all the way down. And one on the way.

So here’s another research experiment. Question, Gary. One of the things we hear anecdotally is that teenagers and younger kids start cleaning when they never clean before, like cleaning their rooms. Have you noticed that Matt?

Guest Matt
My 16 year olds about two states away. So I only have a one and a half year old boy here and my other kids already flew the coop. Because I’m 43 I started having kids at 17. Oh my gosh, Hey, can I tell you this? My partner Laura, She’s not world famous for cleaning. And she’s been cleaning a lot more than I’ve ever seen her clean. I will say that. So not my kids, but I’m thinking of that now? Now that’s between us and the fence post right. Yeah, it’s organization. And yes, it’s awesome. Everything you guys actually went over and things to look for with the plants and the nature and everything. The guy that brought you to us. I had been telling him this all week. I know he’s listened to this call. So he was crying, just laughing when you guys were bringing it up, because that’s all the stuff I’ve been telling him this week.

That’s great, man. Well, thanks. Yeah. Thanks so much for coming on.

Guest Matt
Hey, thank you guys, for your service for what we’re all doing here. Seriously. Thank you,

Gentlemen. I have not overstayed my welcome. But I was supposed to transform into another being at 11 o’clock, and it’s now 11:11 which was a very special number for me. But I was wondering whether or not at least just in my participation, if I could.

Sure, Gary, yeah, that’s probably 11:11 good time to, to close in. Yeah, we can. Say goodbye and thank you.

Clayten Stedmann
Thank you, Gary.

It is my pleasure. And the journey continues.

Clayten Stedmann
The journey continues. Bye

Any closing words Clayten?

Clayten Stedmann
Well, I haven’t had a moment to gather my thoughts. I’m just so charged up by Matt that guys like an energizer bunny. Awesome enthusiasm.

Yeah, great. Yeah, it’s really great to have him see a sample of 20 people all seeing the same benefits we reported here in this data. So I don’t know if it’s all but he’s saying, enthusiastically that he was seeing these benefits. So I guess I’ll start it. I feel really grateful for all the subscribers, I mean, it’s really you the subscriber, that’s allowing us to do this research. To do the research that we do to improve the service with new programs, and it often comes from you and your comments, things you’re noticing, and your subscription. You know, payments are helping to pay this research team and to buy the equipment that we need and to go outside to others to help us with research. And it’s certainly dear to my heart, to continue to evolve FLFE and to evolve our understanding of consciousness, consciousness fields, and the nature of reality in general. And that’s what we’re excited to do in the research departments. So it was great to have Gary with us and to, so you all can get a taste of what we’re doing.

Clayten Stedmann
Yes. In our prayers in the office, we often thank all of you subscribers, and all the people in the community, for the support, I mean, spending your money is a real form of support. And without that we couldn’t pay the salaries and hire people that, not many people can afford to work for free. For me, I just want to thank the research team, I’m not involved in it as, as I have, you know, I have another focus in my role, but just wanted to acknowledge Maria called me who’s in managing the chat for her. Her excellent layout of data and her commitment to the mission. And Paule now is the research coordinator. She’s currently coordinating the team. And Gary, who is a multi degree professional with decades of I want to say how many decades of experience and is now at the University of Arizona conducting research on consciousness and other interesting topics and Lewis who is really a specialist in helping emerging technologies, bring themselves to the market, and be of service to the world. And that’s his profession. So it’s taken a long time to gather the team together that can support this type of research. And I believe that there’s, there’s going to be a lot more coming out, it just takes so long to get people and resources in place and to get the field between the people if you want to use the the woowoo language and the credentials. And just the capacity to do this kind of work. And I think we’re just getting started, Jeff. And that’s exciting to me that we’re just getting started. And I really would like to see some of the sacred sites on the planet, the pilgrimage sites that humans have gone to, for time immemorial, to be supported. To have the same type of data gathering and sharing of data that we’ve been able to do today. That’s a vision I’m holding in mind so I invite the rest of you to hold that with me if you feel that’s near and dear to your heart. It does help us in our western minds, or highly educated intellects to connect with divinity. I believe that it does when we have data To support the experience. And so for me, good science and good data is a form of spiritual expression. I think those are my final words.

Yes, we’re going to the next level as it’s been one of our catchphrases is because we keep going to the next level. It’s not an empty statement. Thank you to everyone that joined us here today and in the future. With that, we’re out.

For more details on this presentation view our Evidence page, or go directly to the landing page for this study at https://www.flfe.net/ces-results/