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Q&A Webinar #21

September 30, 2023

Q&A Webinar #21  (2h17min)


Welcome, everyone, to this FLFE webinar. It’s great to be with you. Today we’ll be speaking live with you having conversations with those that want to talk to us and answering your questions about the FLFE service. So we have activated a 700 boost. That’s a 700-level of consciousness on the Hawkins map. Extra boost that activates for you in wherever you are now and in the future. And the beginning music also has a 600-level of consciousness field that activates when you listen to it. It’s available in your customer portal. FLFE-infused music. I’m Jeffrey Stegman.


And I’m Clayten Steadman. Welcome, everyone. We have a lot of people today from the Inspired Community. That is the group that Jean and Christine Nolan steward. Welcome you all, especially there’s been a lot of interaction with their community and an FLFE recently. So we wanted to say a special thank you to Jean and Christine. So as Jeff said, if you replay this webinar in the future, there’ll be a 700 boost within the sound of the webinar playing. In the chat section, you could put who you are and where you are from. It’s always great to see all these names and countries and cities that you’re from. It gives it’s a sense of the scope of the community. The questions and answers go into Q&A. Later, as Jeff said, you can raise your hand virtually, and we’ll talk to you live. You can use the chat to talk to others within the community. Sometimes there’s resources within the group that Jeff and I might not even have or know about. We do have some help today to manage the chat and the Q&A. We have Allison, Paule, Aditi and Janine. They will be facilitating the chat section, just to keep the Q&A and keep things moving.


It’s good. It’s good to be with you live here on Saturday morning. I’m broadcasting from Nelson, British Columbia, Canada. And we thought it would be good idea to just go over a few things that are important to remember while you’re on the FLFE service, whether it’s a free trial or a subscriber. And this can really help to optimize your experience. The first is hydration. So in a high consciousness field, the body uses all this extra available energy, for repairs, for updates and for rising in consciousness, and all of those things require water. So water is very important for the biological processes for repairs. And also for taking away waste. So you know, in the way we design the FLFE service is that the service actually turns down if people in the field are dehydrated. So to optimize your experience, drink more water than you would normally think of drinking. And we have a hydration resource in your customer portal. In the first one or two emails you would have gotten a customer portal login, very important place to go. And in that customer portal under Resources, there’s a hydration page that gives you recommendations for how much water to drink. And to note that…to start a journal and really look at what your what your input is. Nutrition is another factor in a high-consciousness field. In the FLFE, high consciousness bubble, the average person goes up in consciousness really rapidly. And gets to over 30 points in the first 90 days which is lot. So this is physical as well as mental, emotional and spiritual. And we have found that we can rise more rapidly and more sustainably with nutrition support. So again in the customer portal, under Resources, there’s supplements for consciousness support.


You are in control of the FLFE environment using your customer portal. For properties there is a, we call it the FLFE slider, it’s a consciousness controller that allows you to turn the level of consciousness of the environment up and down. We really encourage people to be their own consciousness researcher, if you will. And this helps you create the optimal environment for you sometimes, you know, you may want it a little bit higher, sometimes you may want a little bit lower. So you can play with that. There’s also a 600 boost, in addition to the consciousness controller. There is also an 850 Boost. And that will depend on which service you have. That’s all in your control panel, it’ll give you the details of that. And there is an opportunity to turn on and off the EMF mitigation, and to turn on and off the FLFE service. So every once in a while, I like to just turn it off for a little bit. Part of the reason is I just like to feeling when I turn it back on that kind of rush there. So you can play with that. Okay, yeah, so I didn’t say that properly before. So the for the properties, yeah, so the property you have a 600 boost, and an 850 Boost. And for phones and objects, you have a 650 boost, and an 850 Boost. You can also turn on and off the EMF mitigation and the FLFE service as well on your phone, through your customer portal for phones and objects.


I find it especially interesting to play with the EMF mitigation. Turning that off separately. And so the main service stays on, but you can turn off the EMF mitigation. And for me, it really shows up in my body as a feeling of tension and anxiety if I’m not in an mitigating field, you know, if the EMF mitigation is turned off. And as soon as I turn it back on, I just feel like I relaxed, like my shoulders come down. I feel less anxious, less tense. So you know, people ask us well, you know, why should they ever turn it off? But it really is good to look to play with the contrast. And as Clayten said, be your own consciousness experimenter. And that from the very beginning of FLFE that was the part we wanted to give you control to trust yourself to try it out. That’s why we do the free trial with no credit card. And as many of you may have found out, you can do two free trials, you can do one on the phone, one on the property, your home, and there’s you know, no credit cards, no pressure. So it’s part of the experience. Your experience, in your discernment is what’s most important. So just a reminder, for many of those who are subscribers is your PIF. You have a pay it forward subscription that you can put anywhere on the world. Even if you join us as a subscriber for one month and you put a pay it forward somewhere it stays on for as long as we run this company, which could be we expect at the end of our lifetime and we plan to be around a long time. The PIF’s are your complete discretion. People are using them for what they consider low areas in their neighborhood or place cemeteries or places they want to support like schools, government where people gather like concert halls or you know, town squares, things like that. And it’s just a blessing. It’s just a love zone. It’s not as high as the rest of the FLFE service. It’s not guaranteed. It doesn’t have the mitigation of EMF. It doesn’t have the mitigation of geopathic stresses but it’s a blessing. And just want to remind you those are there in again in your control panel.

FLFE space is an open source. Kind of you could call it Facebook gathering place resource that we created with the help of a lot of technical people to customize. It’s on our own server, it’s totally secure. So we welcome you there to come in and discuss your experience and ask questions. And just play with us there.


Yeah, the FLFE space is our Facebook substitute. It isn’t a replacement, because we still have Facebook because some people like to interact on that as their preferred way of communicating. And we wanted to have another option that was not under the influence of any outside authority. So today, for the again, just a reminder for the questions and answers. You can share your FLFE experience or ask a question. And you can also raise your hand virtually, and we can talk.



Well we could talk a little bit about consciousness. And just to get us started. And while you get your questions in the Q&A. Some people ask if they’re new, new to consciousness, or thinking about consciousness and rising. Why does it matter? Why would I want to rise in consciousness? And we tend to think of it and experience it as increasing freedom. So increasing freedom from our maybe our own psychological suffering, our own stories. And, you know, what we find in our research with customers is that forgiveness of yourself, forgiveness of others, is much easier in a high consciousness field. As well as turning a negative thought to a positive, which are both really important tools for evolving and being happy.


Yes, there’s a there is a little graph, one of the many graphs in Dr. David Hawkins, multiple books, it’s a correlation between happiness and criminality, employment rate, I think there’s quite a few correlations. And we’re beginning our own research on that just to confirm it and clarify it in the context of FLFE and perhaps expand upon it. So higher levels of consciousness are typically associated with greater abundance, I guess, is the word that’s coming to me, Jeff, in all parts of our life, I think the psychological threshold for if you have more money than this, it doesn’t help you becoming any happier. It used to be 75,000, but it’s probably 90 now, because it’s a long time since that’s been out. Or at least this I’ve read it. So there is a point beyond which your physical needs are taken care of. And then it’s the story of your story. Or maybe the story of your not story that increases your happiness, or it is correlated with levels of consciousness, I suppose. Same thing.


And there’s something about you know, there’s these conscious stories that we’re running. And then there’s these unconscious stories that we’re running that we don’t even maybe know that we’re running, you know, from childhood and trauma. You know, trauma can just be a small thing that we discover, gee, you know, my mother doesn’t love me because she got mad at me. And so I’m never going to be that way again. So those in this higher field, vibrating field, and there’s these parts of us that are lower, that are lower emotional age, maybe lower consciousness, start to rise, to be to be seen and felt and healed and integrated. And so those can be coming up. It might be a little interesting in the beginning when you start on the FLFE and all people have different experiences. And as these parts of us start to join together and to integrate. It’s a different experience as it was for me.


The unconscious ones are typically not in our awareness and they occasionally come for a visit. And when they come for a visit, they seem to take up a lot of space. And maybe because we don’t know those parts of us yet they seem to be a bigger than others. Or maybe it’s because we just have not seen them for a long time and didn’t realize they were there. Okay, well, we’ve got some hands up Jeff so it’s nice to talk to people.


Well, we were thinking of talking about it a little bit before, like, we want to get through a fair number of questions as well. Maybe we could do four or five questions, and then talk to someone and then come back and do four or five more. Would that work?


Oh, yeah.


And we do…we love, we love talking to you all. And it’s really, you know, such a heart opening, lovely experience. And we really do want to get to your questions, because we know you have a lot of them today. So someone’s asking… James is asking,

“Have you tested how well if at all, FLFE mitigates EMFs generated by electric cars?

So I have an electric car. So I have a personal experience and personal stake in that one. And as long as you have your phone with you. So the EMF mitigation in the mobile service or FLFE Everywhere, which is on the free trial, it’s a phone subscription, it could be an object like a pendant, or watch or something like that as well, within nine feet is where the EMF mitigations happening of the phone or object. And it’s working hard in the nine feet. And the reason it’s nine feet is because it takes time to mitigate some of these…what we call harmonize these incoming EMFs. And so there’s a lot of EMF generated an electric car. And we’re actually looking at we and we’re testing a electric service for an electric car, that we have one person on it at this point going then this friend of mine, he basically had to do it as an object and take a picture of the car from a ladder out in the parking lot. But that’s a test, please don’t send in your car for your object at this point. But, but I personally noticed the EMF mitigation in my electric car. And I don’t have any data right now as to the percentage of mitigation. And of course, you know, different cars would be different. But yes, there is EMF mitigation happening there.



And the way we…we just skipped on a couple of questions, because it’s related to this, it’s…

“How do you measure the level or determine the level of consciousness of a location or property?

We use consciousness, kinesiology, or muscle testing. And our area of expertise is in that use of that technology. We certainly are aware of trifield meters and different standard EMF devices. We use a gas discharge visualization camera in our experiments, and that is conducted by Melissa Waterman, who was Joe Dispenza’s technician in his workshops when he was trying to measure harmonization as a result of meditation, and workshops. And there has been a significant reduction in entropy or chaos in an environment when FLFE was turned on in the environment. That’s really the way that we measure it and we’re exploring. Well, we also have EMF sensitive studies, we have that we have started with an NF 10 and a 40 and 60 now. And P values that are plus point 0005, or less than two, I forgot my zeros, right? But it’s statistically significant. So you can go on the on the website and look under research. And you can find out more about our database approach to measuring EMFs and what we claim and what we don’t. And this sort of relates to…well we could talk a lot about that, but there are a lot of questions.

So this relates to Valerie’s question about the rumored harm plan through 5G. And in October and we spent some time on this recently, Jeff, so I’ll just start and then hand it over to you.

We have, there’s really no way for us to know exactly what’s planned to happen. And I’ll let Jeff make the announcement of what we’re going to do. So in a high consciousness field you’re more resilient. Typically your immune system is stronger. You know, humans are extraordinarily resourced and powerful. If you’re concerned about something, my personal suggestion would be to take time out. When you feel your you’re feeling off that day, and get present with yourself, make sure you’re hydrated, maybe go for a walk, and assert your own sovereignty over your own physical instrument, your being.

Jeffrey   21:10

And one of the one of the things we do is, you know, measure the level of consciousness of the intent. And you know, the FEMA broadcast had a sort of a normal intent level of conscious of the intent. Which, you know, like in the 400’s, it doesn’t mean that somebody else couldn’t try to co op it or, you know, that there couldn’t be some other factor at play there. So we’re not making any guarantees. But we really come at things from consciousness. And what we’re noticing is that there is a lot of concern and perhaps fear around this event, and that, at that time, it could lower the consciousness of the planet. It could lower the consciousness of large groups of people if they’re fearful or worried about what might happen. And yeah, so we’re recommending, you know, if you’re concerned, turn your phone off. But what we’re going to do is put a boost, you know, a 500 boost on the planet on the entire earth for, we can do that for a short amount of time, we had the power for that during this announcement. During this broadcast at this time. And, you know, we just recommend meditating, as Clayten said, taking a walk in the woods or spending time meditating on just seeing the Earth at a high level of consciousness, seeing it, you know, really thriving and golden and peace. And we always recommend in these kinds of situations not to focus on the thing we don’t want, but to focus instead on what we do want. And so we’re going to ask the community, we’re going to be sending out emails going out asking the community do some meditations during that time. So you’re welcome to join us. Just a quick thing on measuring consciousness, I think one of the previous question had something about that. So using conscious Kinesiology is great and mentioned, we have a team that meets every day, or nearly every day, to measure the level of consciousness of all properties coming onto the surface. And the reason it’s a team is that with conscious kinesiology and the protocols that Clayten has developed, you really need to check each other, you know, we’re checking ourselves in the, in the, in the protocol series. You know, am I hydrated? am I, you know, free, free of any biases? But we have to check each other as well. And then, when we actually do the calibrating, we all compare notes to see that we’re in the same range together, you know, within a plus or minus, depending on what it is we’re measuring. So we have a process, we’ve been doing this for years, every property as it comes down to the service is measured. In the range we expect or in the at the level we expect 98% of the time over the previous period of time, 24 hours. And then on Saturday, we check all the properties on the service over the previous seven days that they were 98% or better of the slider or the consciousness controller value that you set during that seven days. And so that ensures you know that there isn’t something changing in the world. And what we’ve found is that new EMF influences, for instance, when the satellites came on can potentially lower the level of consciousness of the environments. The way we measure EMFs is consciousness lowering EMFs. So if something is lowering the level of consciousness of space, we feel that it’s lowering the health and vitality of that environment. And so that’s one of the things we’re watching for on a daily and weekly basis with FLFE.


That’s worth mentioning. The team the last time I checked the collective group of us, Jeff, you know, some of us have done a lot more than others. But we have 13 million calibrations between us now. It adds up over time. So I’ll pick up number one and three here. So someone’s asking

“If a literal grid goes down, does the technology still work?

Yes, it does. Years ago, there was an input into the system, as we call it. And over time with amplification, we’ve been able to disconnect the technology from the grid. And so it’s going to run. Yeah, if there’s an EMP pulse, or you know, the power goes out a fair bit…like we live in Nelson, which is a 10,000 person town. I wouldn’t say it’s remote, but it’s four hours, four and a half hours away from any town that’s a 100,000. And we’re out in the country, a lot of forest around. So when we have a storm, you know, the trees lower, knock off the lines for a while. But you know, the technology will still work.


And works if the internet goes down as well.


Yeah, works if the internet goes down. Yeah. So Caroline was asking,

“If one’s level of consciousness already at 550 to 570, or you’re able to adjust the level two over 570. Once you’re a subscriber?

She’s still on the trial.

“How does that affect other people in the home?

So if you’re at that level, Carolyn, what you would have done pre FLFE is you would have been contributing more of your personal energy to maintain the level of consciousness of the environment than you would now. So probably..I think it’s less than 1% of homes in the world? Well, actually, no, that’s a lot less than 1% of homes are even at 500. So if your home’s at 550 year, and probably in a point 0001, you know, maybe a few more zeros 1% or 1/1000, of 1% of the homes on the planet. So it’s a, it’s a very unusual situation to be in. And the primary benefit for those people who are over 570 will say is that they don’t have to give up their own energy to support the environment around them. Now, there’s also an EMF harmonization that you wouldn’t have to account for or work with in other ways, you can still use things like we use the energetic signature of shungite…energetic essence of shungite. We also have the level of consciousness of the consciousness lowering emitters in any device, and on the property that the service is on, go up in consciousness to the point where the device is now emitting a consciousness enhancing energy. And all of the frequencies or EMFs that come onto the property are harmonized as well. So that’s where the benefit of FLFE comes in. If you’re at a very high level of consciousness, of course, you have your boosts and in terms of how that helps or affects other people in the home over time, well, over the first 90 days, the average person in an FLFE environment goes up 30 points. If you’re over 550, you’re in the top 100th of 1% of people on the planet right now, in terms of consciousness, if I’m correct, it’s been a little while since I’ve tested that.

So you might not go up 30 points in the first 90 days because you’re already quite high and it will positively benefit everybody in the home, all beings on the property. It just depends. That depends. It depends on the person. And, you know, we’re not interested in interfering with people’s freewill. If you want to be unhappy, miserable, and grumpy, you can still do it. You’ll just have to work harder at it and then FLFE environment.


The other factor is the way that…so we’re activating a consciousness field. And there’s information in the field that we put in, and part of it is part of that information is supporting us physically, you know, mentally, and spiritually. There’s what’s written in is for the level of consciousness of the property to be at the appropriate level, to support the people that are there. So we find that a fairly large percentage of the properties are higher than 600.


Over 10 percent.


Over 10? Yeah, so that’s, you know, sliders, maybe 570. But the properties over 600. And it’s a great example here in the office in Nelson, the average level of consciousness of the office has been at 700. Over the previous week, but the sliders I think the slider said 500 now.


Yeah, we have to keep turning it down. We had a particularly happy week at the office.


It’s an evolving support, let’s put it that way. And it’s not a limiting factor. So having the slider at 570, it’s not a limiting factor. It’s more of a trampoline bottom. So you can you know, stub your toe…you lost…lose something…you pop down and the field tends to pop you back up more easily. So that’s important to say that it’s not a limit to the slider or the conscious control. It’s not a limit. It’s sort of the bottom…the bottom of the field level.

So someone’s asking,

“My home is lined with copper foil. In the walls and roof, how would that affect the energies? Does copper magnify EMFs inside the house?

That’s an interesting question. FLFE is not affected by Faraday cages. It’s not affected by shielding. It is a consciousness field. So it’s, you know, it’s not a frequency. It’s not an EMF, of any kind. It’s a it’s a consciousness field. So we have evidence of that with the experiment we did with ions, the Institute of Noetic Sciences, they have a big Faraday double Faraday cage that you can sit in. And we did an experiment with them with random number generators in the Faraday cage, and we activated FLFE inside the Faraday room while you know, during the experiment, and they saw an effect, you know, direct…dramatic effect. It’s not chance that there were you know, there was a complicated study of that Dean Raiden wrote a report about that, which is on our evidence page. So not affected as far as what about what happens in a environment is kind of coated in copper and you have EMF emitting devices inside the home. I don’t know there might be a bouncing effect. They might, you know, stay in the environment, but I’m not an expert in that and you’d want to talk to like an EMF shielding expert on that one.


Guerlain was would love a refresher on how FLFE works in the apartment building environment.

So Guerlain the FLFE works on the principle of the unique identifier. So because your apartment building is the or your apartment, is the only apartment at that address on that street in that province or state, in that country anywhere in the world. It is able to identify that that’s when you enter your address in the in the database online or on the website goes to a database, the technology associated with that apartment and it will go to the edge of the apartment. Which is typically it depends if you have a balcony it will go to the balcony. If not, it’ll just go to the walls. Now. It will benefit your neighbors. Typically, let’s say the apartments at 550, the default is 550, on the, on the consciousness controller, when you start to service, then your neighbors would get a little bit of benefit. It’s like a candle kind of in the dark, there will be some light that will be shed close by. So the building itself because the drywall in the apartment, it’s typically drywall and apartment, or there’s a brick that is type of crystal, of course. And it holds energy and so the positivity of the FLFE environment will expand through the building depending on the level of conscious of the building that people in it, etc. So you do help your neighbors. And it would be the equivalent of a PIF next door. That’s the way we’ve kind of programmed it so that there is a law of non-interference and the Pay It Forward, or PIF is a level of consciousness of 500, leaving the technology. And if the you know, if the person’s quite high next door, their property may go to 500. But if they’re like say that’s the environment is at 150, it may only go to 160 or 180, or 190, or 200. It depends on a lot of things. And so we found that in neighborhoods where people have FLFE, sometimes the radiant positivity of the FLFE environment on that property will slowly transform the whole neighborhood. So you might find that you’re building…and your community gets a little happier.


And just for those that aren’t immediately familiar with the Hawkins map and the numbers that were that we’re talking about. So 500 is the level of love. So that’s why you know, the PIF for having your slider at 500 or what we call the smarter EMF products at 500 hertz, the level of love in this standard FLFE Service is at 550 when it starts the default, and that’s unconditional love. So that’s in the unconditional love range. And that’s why we think that, you know, forgiveness for ourselves and for others is easier in that environment that you know, being bathed in unconditional love can do a lot of a lot of healing. So, and we can maybe in a bit we can go if you got if you all want us to we can go deeper into the map and what it all means. So we have an interesting question,


“Is FLFE conscious, aware energy? Can there be a dialogue with it?

So what we have noticed, and many people in the community are doing this, and we’ve talked about it on previous webinars is that we can consciously direct the FLFE energy. There’s just more energy available. There’s a consciousness level there. That means there’s a high level of subtle energy there that we can direct that and people use it to direct it to a healing place on their body or someone else they want to send a blessing to or healing to or I know Clayten you’ve done areas as you’re driving down the highway. I’ve talked been talking to you and your blessing some area that you’re seeing, you know, off the highway, you know, some part of the Earth. Want to address that one too Clayten?


Yeah, so it’s a great question. We’ve got some good questions here. There’s another one down below about grace and FLFE that’s really interesting. To say it’s conscious, aware energy, I’d have to really write out a definition of conscious aware and try to scale the truth of that definition up. So I’m not quite sure how to answer it. And there is definitely a relationship that is possible with the FLFE energy. So we have a referral partner, Alyssa Malehorn. And she’s done probably more experiments with this than we have. She has a spiritual coaching practice and she has encouraged people to take the FLFE energy into times in their life when they’ve experienced the trauma that they still feel is affecting them. And the positivity of that energy helps dispel the trauma, according to her. The way that I’ve used it is I have asked that the FLFE the energy…I imagined the system in my mind, the machine where it’s generated. And I imagined it going through the earth and picking up all of the elements in the earth, that my body would need to heal a certain thing that’s going on in my body. And, I would ask it to come into my body and nutrify it and energize it in such a way that it’s brought back to the original blueprint of my body, which is pre-karma. So we believe there is an original blueprint, on the other side of the veil, as it’s called, or in another dimension, that has a pristine record of our optimal healthy body. And that when we are born and choose our…we choose it before we’re born. But in the part of life between life when we choose our next incarnation, we choose a set of experiences and family environment to come into. And the body reflects the karma associated with those choices. So that’s what I believe, I’m not here to really convince you that that’s the way the world works. But I’m going to tell you how that’s how I use it. So I ask it to go to the healing to take me back to the pristine, optimal blueprint so that I can be healthy. You know, healthy, happy. Happy, healthy, wealthy, and enjoy my life as much as I can while I’m here. So that’s definitely the way that I use it. Yeah, and if we’re driving around, and we happen to see a really low spot, we might just you know, if you’re in the right state of mind just try to throw a blessing on there if you’re going down the road, because there’s people that are probably suffering. So together we can kind of play with play around with that.


Yeah, it’s beautiful Clayten. Still, we’ve got a question,

“Where’s the FLFE space found?

In your customer portal. So if you log into your customer portal, you’ll, you’ll see an icon for FLFE space. And the way we the way we set it up is you don’t have to log in it, your login for the customer…takes you right into FLFE space, that’s your login there, you don’t have to reenter it, it’s super simple. And then you can set up your profile and off you go.


This next one is really interesting. I’ve been thinking about how to answer this,

“Is there an element of grace added to the overall energy?” 

So there is the request for grace. As far as I know, grace can only be dispensed by divinity. I was asking myself, well, you know, if we could control grace, would we want to Jeff?

And you know, like, we all want the power. But I don’t know what the responsibilities would come? What responsibilities would come with that power. So I have to think about that one more. But we definitely make the request to divinity, that the good deeds that you have accumulated in your life are released into your life so that you can have higher quality of existence, if that is something that you want. So you can ask for that, because the environment contains that possibility. And the way that I imagined that is, it’s just like, if there was thousands of monks praying for my home. And each monk would hold a certain thought and one monk would hold the thought of, you know, may the beings in this property be blessed something to this effect. May the good deeds of their merit be released into their life in such a way that they can experience more joy and by having more joy be of more service to the world, Lord. They repeat something like that. So that is similar to the thought that we have requested of divinity in the environment. That’s about right Jeff was that that’s pretty close to what we’ve said.


Yeah, yeah, I believe so. And I think there’s something about the stories quieting. So the mind the ego quieting over time, particularly in a meditation  that we’re closer to that source. Or at least we’re more conscious of it.  We are the Source. Right, but we have the separation kind of built in now and but as it’s spending time in a high consciousness field, and you know, as Clayten said, like a place where, like, if you had 10,000, monks, you know, praying for you. It’s simple, that would be similar to FLFE. And there’s places in the world where that’s what they do, they create a high consciousness fields through prayer, and mantra, and other meanings. And in that space, then they can connect more easily to the source, to divinity, to those higher consciousness that may be helping you. And in that state of quiet and connection, we can ask for grace. And I think for me, that’s one of the greatest benefits is the meditation, and the ability to really get quiet. And it’s just amazing what comes, you know, what information comes down. What the quiet voices I can hear when I’m not chattering away with my own stuff, things I need to do tomorrow. So I’ll just leave it at that one.


It’s a paradox because we are part divine, of course, right. So we’re part divine part animal. And so if only divine can dispense grace, then it would infer that a part of us can dispense grace. So I’d have to write out answers to that and test the level of consciousness of the answers. And then really, I have to really think about that, to answer it any better. Better. Yeah. That’s a good question.


One of the things we’ve talked about and haven’t done yet in the service, is a checkbox, that, you know, basically requests to the universe to divinity to, you know, to just clear all my restraints, you know, just deliver grace to me in the form of just clearing all my restraints on my past lives on this lifetime trauma. And, you know, just making that declaration or asking for that help. Is there something I forget to do? You know, I think many of us forget to do it’s like that verbal asking for help. Anytime it’s, I believe, benefits us. And, you know, that may be something in the future, in FLFE, is just have a place where people can do that and have it just be part of the program.


Yeah, when we say Clear…clear the past lives…we mean heal. Heal all the incomplete lessons or heal the traumas associated with it. It either means different things in different places, but I assume everybody knows how we’re thinking.


You’re gonna get the next two and then go over to…


Yeah, I’m thinking first. Okay, so, so, last year became a natural…this is from Celine…

“Last year, I became a natural beekeeper. And now I understand the conscious of bees, it’s around 900. Can you confirm this? Or is there a way to establish the hive consciousness?

Yes. So in a book by Dr. David Hawkins called Truth vs. Falsehood, and in that book, he has the level of consciousness of many animals. And bees are not 900 they’re probably in the probably in the 200 range, I’ll say. So what happens is that if you do consciousness kinesiology testing, then if you’re not doing it in a group and you have not practiced in such a way that you’re with people that use the standard controls within Hawkins body of work. So you’d have to assume that the controls within Hawkins body of work are accurate, which I do. So for example, when I was doing kinesiology research in the beginning, we would take the three by five card, put it in an envelope, and on the three by five card we have we would have written the level of consciousness of the chapters in the book, say, Power vs. Force, I believe the addition that I have has the level of consciousness of the chapters of each chapter in the book at the back of the book. Now, I’ve got a lot of books in my head in this moment. So it might not be that one. But there’s definitely some of his books have the level of conscious of the chapters at the end of the book. Now, the reason I’m talking about using books as a control, is that if you use the level of conscious of a person, you would have to make sure that you test that person on average over a period of time, because people change, even people that have passed over. For example, Dr. Hawkins himself has gone up substantially, since he’s passed over if we’re correct, and we, we probably are…. probably are cause we do a lot of Kinesiology. So yeah, so the reason I mentioned that Celine is that people just start using kinesiology and they get an answer. And they assume it’s correct. And they might state it as correct and their intent may very well be positive, but they just don’t have the they just don’t have the expertise yet. So consciousness kinesiology as a profession, as I understand it, it can be learned pretty quickly, if you’re a good tester. In even a weekend, if you have predetermined declarative statements used in a certain context, like testing nutritional supplements. I know that people do intensive weekend courses, they have these manuals, all the inquiries, or those predetermined declarative statements are written out. And they’re written in a context of testing for supplements, particularly, for foods or for food sensitivity. So under certain circumstances, that can be learned very quickly. And if you would like to use it in many, many ways, it’s a profession and it takes years of training, in my experience.


The level of consciousness of the bees in the beehive is, it’s an interesting one Paule who’s helped me on the call, and part of our research team  has a hive…has some hives, so it would be interesting to look at that. We do have a service project on bees. And we are interested in doing more specific work with specific beekeepers to prove out, you know, a program that could assist bee so it’d be interesting, you know, there’s different times in the lifecycle of bees and you know, new queens and migrating… moving the hive and things where it may go up and down.  Be interesting to learn more and be more sort of understanding of the cycle of bees to know how to support them in the best way. So Paule, you probably would love to do some of that research with us. So another great question…

“Does this energy impact our being at all levels, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual?

And the way we’ve been thinking about this lately, and we’re actually looking for some good research, survey instruments to measure resilience, that you can look at resilience in terms of, you know, physical, mental, spiritual, emotional as well. So in the physical side, there’s more energy available. So in a high consciousness field, there’s just more chi or prana, as Chinese medicine looks at the movement of subtle energies in the body, chi, you know, the health of the body is, you know is linked so much to the Chi to the flow of chi into the amount of Chi in the body. So in a high consciousness field, there’s more chi, there’s more life-force coming in. And so that energy…intercession  of the body people feel as you know, they don’t get that low in the afternoon. They just they have more mental energy, more ability to get things done. And then we see it in rising consciousness. There’s there as we rise, the body is adjusting, and there’s just more energy to do things, there’s more energy to get things done in the body. And then in the mental side, it seems to be the little more quieting of the mind, which leaves more energy to do, you know, to get things done mentally, we did a experiment with again with Institute of Noetic Sciences, and in their discovery lab. And they recruited volunteers, and they did EEG measurements and cognitive testing. And from, you know, this was a very pilot study, of course, small end, but what they saw was in the FLFE environment, which we…the research system, turned it on and off inside that lab, an increase in cognitive functioning in the FLFE environment, so there’s more energy available for mental processes. And then the spiritual we’ve talked about a little bit, that ability to quiet and connect and perhaps the thinning of the veil. So it does seem to be a global, all parts of us experience in these in these environments.


Right, I thought I’d throw a couple of factoids a bit couple of be factoids at it, Celine. I’ve done a little bit of research on bees, just for Paule in the office, I don’t think I’ve shared this with you, Paule, if you’re listening. Bees have a slightly higher level of consciousness in the hive than outside the hive. So we could do some more testing on that. Whatever you call it, it is about 10 points higher in the hive. And that seems to be parallel with ants, Jeff, because when a species is…well they said yes, please with a bee icon that’s So Paule. A hive type creatures tend to have a slightly higher level of consciousness when they’re in their hive. Now, obviously, bees, you know, are known as having bee hives. So there might be another way to say that. But I think of hive mind, right? When I think of those types, that’s linked to what the bee emoticon…that’s good. So they have a slightly higher level when they’re together, which is interesting, you know, I hadn’t really thought it through much. But there it is higher, it’s about 10 points higher if I’m correct, and don’t quote me on that one, I’ll have to do more research. And honey, actually, Jeff, it holds consciousness. It holds consciousness better than water. Now, I, what might be interesting to do, I don’t know if we could do this, if we could freeze honey and take pictures of it, like we did with a Emoto crystals. That’d be a really interesting experiment if we could do that. But honey was used as a currency in the past. And so you know…I don’t really know if this is true, but I wonder if some of the value that people got from honey was the blessing of the keeper of the hive and the level of consciousness of the experience of people…you know, eating the honey, this is a kind of a…this is just, it’s not quite me thinking out loud, because I have compared it to water and other substances. And in the world of substances that have that type of viscosity…it held energy better than anything else I found. Now I just can I can I just checked a few things. I checked molasses, I checked motor oil, I checked honey, and I checked you know, some of those really bad pancake syrups you know, those high fructose corn syrup, goopy things. I didn’t eat them, but I just tested them. So it’s just like really, really preliminary. But I thought it was interesting that bee, bee cells, or honey held energy, particularly positive energy. Anyway, this is one of those things where you start to do research and you’ve really got to, you know, get a bunch of people doing it together. And check your inquiries and check your check each other because it starts…to if you don’t write out your inquiries and test the level of consciousness of them in the context that you’re riding them and then you can get on some side roads really fast. So I’m just telling you that I’m at a crossroads, and I’ve probably gone down side roads, and I don’t want to go too much farther down those side roads, though anyway, that’s a little, a little yammering for Paule and Celine.


Well, it’s a great example of how we, how FLFE’s developed, you know, we get to these, these thoughts, and sometimes, you know, they’re not our thoughts. And it will take his take us down a new road that we hadn’t thought of before. And then we go out and do the research, you know, we learned what we can learn from, you know, what’s available out there and sound, you know, internet search, and then we do our kinesiology diving into that, okay, which part of that’s true, which part is not true. And then take the true parts start to put it together into a new way of understanding what’s going on. And then we can write, you know, an FLFE program to support what’s happening. So it’s really, it’s so much fun. I mean, it’s like, to be able to, you know, do this kind of research and kinesiology to really know what’s true and what’s not true, and kind of, even on a scale, like, you know, like these books that are 850 on the Hawkins map, what’s really unusually true.  400 on Hawkins may have been like, you know, a textbook or some scientific materialistic book. Anyway, we get very excited about truth and discovery and sometimes just one sentence, or one word on an entire page will turn it from 199 to 999 on the Hawkin’s Map. And that’s just  it’s just amazing. Do we want to bring somebody in?


I’m still running on bees. Okay, I just tried to quiet Okay, a little bit more. So, I haven’t met a beekeeper personally that didn’t love their bees. So that’s interesting. And I remember when we did because we have a large service project for those who don’t know it, we have a large service projects on the bee population on the planet, because they’re one of our if not the primary pollinator. So we have a level of consciousness influence to support the bee population. And when we were doing that research, uh, one of the things that we noticed was that the, there are, there are large commercial companies that have move hives around, that’s kind of their business. Now, I haven’t met any of those people. I just met a few beekeepers like there’s, like Luke’s father, Jeff. Luke Story, not Luke Story. Luke Berm used to work for us. He was he has a big beehive up the valley. And there’s a few at the market here in town. And of course Paule. But there are these companies that have like, you know, 18 Wheeler trucks. And they move beehives around to orchards. And people kind of rent out their hives for pollination. And some of those companies were using high fructose corn syrup to feed their bees in transit. And they found it because it’s cheap. And they found over time that it was weakening the bees resiliency. So, they had their ways of measuring I can’t remember if this was kind of, you know, probably years ago. So the whole thing of bees is interesting. There’s a lot of conversations about certain types of pesticides that harm bees, the transport of bees in large commercial operations, and what they’re feeding them. So you’re feeding them this horrible stuff, and you’re expecting them to be healthy and vital and do their thing. Well, that doesn’t make sense. And then there’s EMFs. The influence of EMFs. And so it’s just it’s all interesting in the bee world, it’s like we want our bees to be better, better than any we need to invest some resources into them. Because without bees, the world would be a very different place. We just take bees for granted. You know, pollinators I mean.


Yeah, look forward to diving into that another day.


That’s my last bee thought.


We could make more jokes about that. Cool. We’ll be moving on to the next thing. So how about Eric, if you’re still there, Eric. We’re gonna bring you on to talk. You should be able to speak now if you’re not muted. Are you still there? Eric? Gonna give you another minute there? Just go ahead and unmute yourself. All right, so we’ll move on to looks like Lila. Lila let me just…

okay Lila you like to join us and decided to do is unmute yourself and you can share your camera if you’d like to come on as well.


Some people have been waiting for like 45 minutes so they might have stepped away or gone to the bathroom or something.


So yeah, looks like you are muted, so you would have to unmute yourself. Alright, so we’ll move on to Gina. See if you’d like to join us Gina. And can you have to unmute yourself to talk with us. Sounds like the universe wants us to stay in the Q&A’s.


Well, I know Louise just put up her hand a moment ago. So she might be she might be close by.


Okay, let’s do that. And hopefully we’re…Louise Did you say?


Yes, Louise Marland.


Okay, Louise, I think you’re you can speak now if you unmute yourself. Alessio make sure we don’t have something that’s preventing people from talking. But Louis, it looks like you’re still muted. From our perspective, no way to unmute or turn the camera on? Yes, maybe you could look into that. Alessio. And meanwhile, we’ll go back to the Q&A’s.


Yeah, typically, in the in the bottom left corner, at least on a PC computer, there’s just a mute button. You can press that and then unmute to.


Yeah, Louise we’re just gonna leave you as open. So if you can eventually unmute, you could just say something, we’ll know you’re there.

So back to the Q&A’s. Sandra is asking,

“As your consciousness level changes. Do people react differently to you? And does it help raise the consciousness of people around you?

It’s a great question. What would you say Clayten?


Well, absolutely. People react differently to you. If you’re, let’s just do extremes here. If you’re ranting and raving, walking down the street, yelling at people, or you’re just kind of peaceful and happy and smiling. That’s a dramatic difference. But that’s, you know, people will react to you differently. And does it help raise the consciousness of people around you? Absolutely. There’s a saying a rising tide floats all ships. And if you want to get technical about that, in the back of the first edition of Power vs Force, which is the one I’m reading again, I think it’s I think it’s page 282. But I can’t remember specifically, but at the back of the book, there’s something called a consciousness compensation chart. And the consciousness compensation changes depending on the level of consciousness of the world. And one time a single individual at 500 Would counterbalance for say 500,000 People below 200 This is on the Hawkins map of consciousness. So yeah, so it does affect the people around you… individually and collectively.


Sandra, I would say to on a kind of a more granular level. So we see, you know, as we as we rise in consciousness, those parts of us that are, may have been lower in consciousness or lower emotional age start, start to rise and integrate. And our stories may change. That our interaction…so we have a field around each of us a consciousness field, and our consciousness fields are interacting with other people close to us. At some level, as Clayten said, with all of the planet, maybe all of creation…um that there may have been some unconscious patterns that, that we’re like pattern to pattern in relationship with someone where we’re low in a certain area, they’re, you know, low in another area that those two mesh together, it’s often, you know, it’s seen where there’s people that are in a relationship of abuse, where there’s an abuser and, and a victim. That, you know, as we rise, and as we become more free and were free from our patterns, or unconscious programs that may have been running us that, that we can start to relate to people person to person instead of pattern to pattern. You know, when those patterns are our relating, then it’s, you know, we’re just one step or two steps removed from the person. Where as we become cleaner, maybe clearer and more ourselves more authentically, then. You know, it’s a different conversation with people.


Yes, okay. We’re still looking for a way to unmute. So Alessio, if you can hear us, just let us know. You can maybe send me a text, Alessio. And let me know if you’ve found a way to get that working. I’ll just turn my phone on. It did work the last webinar so I don’t know why it was changed.

Jim saying,

“Sleep was great first couple of days and then started to get a bit restless. I’ve been experimenting with turning FLFE or it off and down to see what is best to sleep disturbance common?

Well, it’s interesting. Sleep…to sleep is typically one of the main physical indicators of a high consciousness field. So I would look at your hydration Jim, pay attention to it, you can use the formula on the website, point six, six times your body weight in ounces of water. So if you’re 200 pounds, and that would be 130 ounces a day, Jeff 132 ounces a day. So that’s I would look at that. Sometimes, you know, we talked about this before the webinar today, Jeff and I about when you’re in a high consciousness field, or just in a time of rapid personal development for any reason, things come up for healing. And that process can be uncomfortable at times. So that would be something to consider Jim. If you’re going through a period of rapid evolution, and things are coming up for healing, it’s kind of like stirring up the mud from the bottom of the bucket as some spiritual teachings would say and then you know…you pour the pure water in the muddy water flows off the edge and you learn you know, you have less muck…less mud in your bucket. So what I do when I get kind of cranked up Jim is I take a combination of GABA, 5 HTP and melatonin. Now I weigh about 220 pounds I’m heavy, heavier than I need to be. And I take 250 milligrams of GABA, 100 milligrams of 5 HTP, and five drops of melatonin in an eyedropper. So I’m not saying that those ratios are right for people in general. So you could take my weight and divide it that way. That was about the same I use it as 195 but those are the those are the three things that I use. Some people just use melatonin I found that that three was like a stack and was optimal for me you can buy a pre-mixed formula that different companies sell. I just because I’m a bit of a data geek, I thought I had more control if I just had different inputs like I knew…that I could get the quality of each and individual ingredient and mix it the way that I wanted. So maybe that’ll help you.


Yeah, Jim, I would also highly recommend magnesium. So what we’re noticing in an in a higher consciousness field than we’re used to, and, you know, with the EMF mitigation…you know, what you experienced, of better sleep right away is the common kind of the common theme. But as our  nervous system is adapting to this higher energy, because that energy is moving through us, you know what we tend to think of the digital nervous system, which are neurons, and synapses and firing. But there’s also, it turns out the analog nervous system, which is really the acupuncture system, the myelin sheath around the nerves, and connective tissue, which is flowing energy through the body. And what we discovered is that magnesium and essential fatty acids, like fish oils, taken together within a half an hour, are very helpful for our nervous system adaptation. So you know, we saw it is really helping the myelin sheath to carry more energy.

So that’s something we would recommend for anybody that’s having sleep issues who are just like a feeling of jitteriness like, or…I can’t say the word. Must be the coffee. Jittery-ness. So the magnesium…we have some recommendations on the on the website in the Control Panel resources section. So that’s something you could try as well. And what we found is when people got on the magnesium and essential fatty acid blend, that their consciousness jumped up, because they were resourced in a different way in their nervous systems. And that, you know, could be something like that is happening as well.


Yeah, it’s one of the one of the indicators of a rapidly…rapid rise in consciousness is a sensation of your nervous system being warm, it’s almost like, if there’s enough of a change, that could feel like a mild sunburn, where you have that kind of heat. So for those of you who are into electronics, if you have too much energy running through, not enough wire, that’s not very technical, I know that but it does cause heat in the wires. And so if you get your wires, more resourced, by essential fatty acids and magnesium…i’s four to one EFH to four units of essential fatty acids to one unit of magnesium. And you might find that your if you’re running hot that your nervous system will actually cool down. And our ratios by the way, we did over 3000 experiments with central fatty acids on ourselves. Over the years… like we did lots of doses multiple times a day, multiple combinations. And our ratio turned out to be the exact same ratio as Charles Poliquin, who was the number one Olympic athlete trainer in Canada. So that was interesting that we…after doing all that research…I have a friend of mine who’s a high performance athlete, and he mentioned that he found the same thing on Charles Poliquin’s website. So.


And these were Olympic weightlifters. And what he discovered is that the…in some cases, the restraint to lifting more was not the muscles, it was the nerves. So because the nerves have to support the muscles to do things they’re not used to doing so that this formula of magnesium essential fatty acid was supporting the nerves of those athletes to carry more energy and to allow them to lift more so…yeah, so that’s… there’s more on that site. And we’ve got some different suggestions. Sources there that once we’ve tested that, so we’ll do some testing around the level of appropriateness of a food on a scale parallel to the Hawkins map, and then look for one that’s like, you know, at a, at a good high level for all of humanity. And that would be, you know, what we’d recommend.


By the way, we do have two technicians now looking at trying to solve the issue of not being able to talk to people. If you’re hearing this, Alessio, I believe Jeff in the past people had to be made co-hosts temporarily, but I’m not familiar with Zoom enough to know how that would work? Or if, or if that’s the issue, but that’s coming to mind. So maybe worth checking into.


Yeah. So, you could just pick a person and let them talk. It’s like Audrey Cassia has got her hand up as well. So, Marcella is asking,

“Is there a way for us to measure the consciousness around our place with and without FLFE turned on? Could we purchase a device to measure or request the measurement of our property? Assuming at a certain period of time?

Well, at this point in our history and development of science, there’s not an instrument to measure consciousness. That’s been sort of calibrated to the scale, the Hawkins map. There is the GDV camera, but it’s quite expensive…the really good ones. And we haven’t done enough correlation kind of work on those to see how they fit in. So really, it comes down to the human body as a very sensitive instrument of consciousness. And we use kinesiology, you know, consciousness, kinesiology to measure on a scale using the strength of the muscle is true statement and the weakness of the muscle is a false statement, as we go through the scale. But the way for you to do it…the other way is to turn it on and off and see how you feel, is just really, what are the sensations in your body? What do you notice about…say pets? Sometimes people see resolve very quickly, in the way pets interact with each other. And children, you know, siblings, we have a lot of stories where prior to the service going on, the children fight a lot. And there’s a lot of conflict around certain things in the household. The service goes on that conflict stops or really quiets down. So that’s a, you know, an indicator that there’s more of an unconditional love…level of consciousness present…over a longer period of time, plants react quite nicely to the level. But you know, I understand what you’re asking. And, for us, it’s very labor intensive. It takes a person measuring, and with, you know, 10s of 1000s of customers, we’re just not able to do this kind of individual measurements. We do measure, as we said, each property is it comes on in a batch and batch process. But you’re not able to…we just advise you to trust yourself and look for whatever measures you can within the household.


I’ve been texting back and forth with Alessio and Jeff, and he’s asking us to try Audrey. That might have been might have fixed it. So…

Okay, Audrey…


Yes, hello can you hear me?

Jeffrey & Clayten

Yes, we can. We can.


Okay, so a screen came up giving me the option to unmute and I was able to do that.




Okay. Well, while you’re on, onward and upward, which you while you’re on, would you like to ask a question or talk about anything?


Oh, I’m just really feeling the 700 Boost right now. It’s pretty invigorating. So, thanks for that. And no, I just let the others ask their questions. Thanks so much.


Okay, great. Thanks. Thanks for that.


Audrey is the creator of the music that we have the consciousness field on that plays whenever the music is playing. So, it’s if you haven’t tried that yet, it’s pretty extraordinary.


The FLFE enhanced music in the in the cusp of Portal. So, let’s go back to Eric now and see if we can get you on Eric. And there may be something that pops up that you where you can unmute.


Yeah, Alessio saying it always worked. The customers didn’t unmute themselves. So that sounds counter to what other people have been saying. But we could go down to maybe a more recent person because Eric might have just forgotten. I think he put his hand up.


Okay, how about Miranda? Let’s allow you to join us, Miranda, give it a shot.


You will have to unmute yourself.




Hey, there we are.

Hi, nice to hear your voice.


Well, you know what happened because I didn’t have any of the usual mute unmute. And then when you said to speak, and I was just gonna say I can’t. But then suddenly another dialog box popped up. Where it said, stay unmuted, stay muted or unmute. So that was lucky. But it’s not how it normally works. Because those calls normally. And in fact, now I’ve got the right thing there where it’s in the left-hand corner, where I could mute now. Sorry.


Zoom has done some upgrades recently. So, it might have upgraded things, and it might not be the way we’re used to.


Yeah, maybe.


Yeah, thanks for that.


What I wanted to say actually was I wanted to show you, but I can’t, I’ve opened my camera, but you obviously not showing me. I did a buyer geometry healing course some years ago. And that works with we use this various pendulums, but one of them is one that shows the sort of most beautiful creation…love. If you if you hold it above something, or you are in your mind, you’re thinking something, and you want to see whether it’s got this lovely…they call it BG3. But in other words, it’s the best creative, loving energy to it. And I tried it on…I signed up, and I signed up for my son just last night. And I must say, I’ve had a lovely morning with him, which is very usual, he took me shopping. And he’s usually very impatient with those things. I mean, he is quite an impatient person. But we had an absolutely lovely morning. And even though I wanted to shop here, and I wanted to do that…this, that and the other we just had a lovely, lovely morning. He wasn’t grumpy or impatient at all. And when I said to him, I’ve had a lovely time when he dropped me off home again. He said, yes, I’ve really enjoyed it, too. It’s been lovely. So, I must say I’m very impressed. But anyway, I tested closing the test on my phone, you know, closing it down. And then opening it up again. And with my pendulum. And definitely the pendulum loves my phone when your thing is on. Really impressive.


Yeah, another thing people can do is sort of put the phone in front of you and see if you lean towards it or away from it. You know on the balls of your feet.


Yeah. Great idea. Okay, anyway, thank you very much. Very exciting.

Yeah, um, thank you, Miranda.


And I think the bio geometry is an interesting thing for us to explore Clayten, because they are they have a system and may be relatively accessible for people to use. I’ve been reading about it, and I reached out to contact them and hadn’t haven’t heard back yet. But anyway, thank you for sharing that.


Yeah. It’s probably the best person is the American gentleman, and his name escapes me this minute. He’s sort of more efficient. They are not efficient. They’re lovely. But I can’t remember his name. Anyway.


It’s based in Turkey. Isn’t it? The original inventor?


No, he’s he lives in mostly there in Canada and his daughters do it with him. He’s Egyptian


That’s right. Yeah.


But it’s if you want info and to email them. Is Robert somebody?


Yeah, if you think of it, you could put it in the in the chat for us.


Yeah, I could probably go and find it. Actually. I will. Okay.


Yeah, somebody else just put it in. Such a resourceful community

is awesome.


Yes, that’s the one. Robert, from the Vesica Institute.


Okay, well, thanks so much, Miranda. Welcome. Where are you calling from? By the way?


I’m in UK. Mm. Yep. And a lady just, I met her last week. And, and she just told me about your thing. And she said, Oh, I, I don’t know if you know this, and I saw I looked at watch your videos on. I can’t remember the other gentleman’s name who introduced you to us? And I thought, yes, well, let’s give this a go. Because I need some healing, I had a stroke about 2 months ago.  And I still can’t walk very well or anything else. But anyway, so I’ve, as I say, I’m most impressed with the happiness and calmness and feel good so far. Thank you.


Thank you. Thanks for joining us.


I’m saying a prayer for your for your heart, Miranda.


Well, let’s go, we will go up from the bottom. Let’s try Christine. And maybe after the next one, we’ll go back to the Q&A for a little bit.  Christine, we’ve unmuted you see if you can see if the dialog box pops up for you. Looks like you might be muted. Yeah. It’s interesting.


Yeah, it’s interesting we’ve never had a problem with it before. Oh, looks like that’s it. Christine. Can you hear us? It appears you’re unmuted on our and now it’s connecting. Okay, so maybe it’s just her connection…is getting to work? Nope, she’s muted again.


All right. So, we’ll, we’ll leave you there…and if you can…let me just speak up and we’ll be answering some Q & A’s and you can let us know you’re there. Okay.

All right, Jane,

“Is LOC the same as actual frequency?

No, LOC is level of consciousness. So FLFE is a consciousness field, which, like we as humans can generate, are very powerful generating consciousness fields. And this is a measure of the you could say it’s; you know, it could be the frequency of, but it’s really the level of consciousness of. Some people, you know, might call it a higher vibe or higher frequency. But it’s not like a…you know…some kind of turn a dial and change the frequency. It’s not, not like that.


You know what I’d like to really to do Jeff, I’d like to write out multiple definitions of frequency, and then multiple definitions of level of consciousness and share with people. That would be interesting, because this comes up a lot. And yeah, so why don’t we do that?


Yeah, I think it’s important because there’s a lot in the world about frequency. People, you know, there’s frequency machines, you know the kind of the RIFE type machine that’s putting a particular frequency into an environment. And, you know, using that to destroy pathogens and things like that, and do healing. There’s like a radio frequency, you know, you go down the dial, you pick up higher level stations at a higher frequency. So, you know, consciousness really is a different scale. But there’s some correlation. Yeah. So, we won’t talk about it. Getting to the 1000 out of 1000 definition. So…. if you’re in the community, you probably hear us talking about getting a definition, you know, as high and as pristine as we can. And that’s that pursuit of truth that we’ve talked about.


Yeah, we can put it on FLFE space. So, this is an interesting one. I’ll start this off and hand it over to you, Jeff, because you have more sort of experience in the research department. But, Alicia, if I’m saying that right, is saying…

“I’m starting a Talk series sharing my work on social evolution, and we’ll be highlighting innovation, tools and processes…innovational tools and processes. Most of my audience will be farmers and ranchers.


How do I explain How FLFE increases yield on the Saskatchewan farm study we did with Wacker farms it was a was a 10,000-acre organic farm study by 22%. In the quarters where it was activated relative to the quarters that did not receive it. Please explain the measuring device was it a John Deere app on the tractor?

So, I’ll do the obvious stuff. So, it was a John Deere app on the tractor that measured the amount of yield in that particular area. It was a blinded study where the farmer did not know where the service was on, but Jeff did. I’ll say a couple other things. The program that we use for the farm is not the exact same program as your home service. It is a higher level of consciousness. And it is programmed in such a way that if you touch the soil, you’re not going to experience that level of consciousness because it’s so high. That might be disorienting. I’ll let Jeff tell you the number if you want. I’ve been reading some…doing some research myself on different farming methods. One of them is the stimulation of electrical current into fields. And I forgot the name of it could be electoral farming. But either way, what it brought up for me was stories. I’ve heard from farmers that anytime there is a lightning strike, in an area all the plants grow. And we heard that from Chuckleberry Farms. Jeff, when we went out on Monday that when they have a mesh grid in their greenhouse in some areas, and where.….and when there was a lightning strike in the area, or lightning strikes, some of the plants grew that were using that mesh as a climbing platform. So, there’s definitely, you know, a long standing history of that happening. So, is lightning a high consciousness energy? That’s I don’t know… that’s an interesting question.

But definitely electrical…or electrical energy can be a positive influence on plant growth. I’m not saying that FLFE is electrical in that way. But I just wanted to draw some…you know…just talk about the history of farming little that I know about it. And that farmers notice when there’s lightning. So, I think I’ll hand it over to you, Jeff.




He said this experiment was done. The fourth plant experiment, which came really from customers noticing plant enhanced plant growth in their in their homes as evidence for the, you know, the benefits of the FLFE environment. And this particular experiment…so we used coordinates in this case, to delineate the areas that were in the FLFE…service was applied. And there were actually two types of service there was the standard home service was applied in one section. And the enhanced plant service you’re speaking about was applied in another section. But what happened is because it was a semi drought, they were both at the same level. Because the enhanced plant service, you know, I believe needed more water in order to show up, enhanced growth. So, the way this worked is yeah, the field, this was done in John Deere app, you know, their cloud-based app. So this showed, you know, I was basically given a map of the of the farm area and shown how to use it, and you basically pick corners, four corners to create a rectangle in the field, and we’re able to get the coordinates for each of those corners. And that’s how we used to identify the land. And then the rest of the acres were control acres. And as his was red wheat…organic red wheat. And as the harvest was going to the John Deere tractor was basically uploading the yield per acre. And so, it was based on yield per yield per acre in the FLFE sections and in the control sections in the comparison of that. And Dr. Gary Schwartz did a very detailed analysis of the data. And so, he was blinded. Dr. Schwartz was blind. As he did the analysis, the farmer was blinded as well. So, Gary did the analysis, he didn’t know which section was which. And then, once he knew, you know, that the analysis was there to show the results. And some areas were much higher. And the average was in some areas were lower yield. And the average was 22%. So in the standard FLFE service, which really showed that 22% yield increase…that’s 150 acres, roughly, is what the standard service is. So that’s your $35 a month standard service is around 150 acres. So this this FLFE-enhanced plant service, it’s not ready for commercial use yet, but we would love to find more farms, and we’re only supporting organic farms with this service. But we would love to get a series of other farms…organic farms to do more experiments, because we need more data to really take this to commercial product that we can really, you know, without a shadow of a doubt, prove….have the evidence of the results. So, yeah, I’d love to, to get your help to identify some other farmers who would like to try it. And even reach out to your contact in the office that you would have received in your emails. Or call the office. And the inquiry will get to Paule…P A U L E and she would then work with you to bring you into the research department for that.  Thanks for reaching out on that.


Yeah, we’re looking for more farmers. We haven’t really focused on the commercialization of this yet and the farm community, just because there’s so many things to do with the regular service, though, so many upgrades we we’d like to make.


And what happened with our initial farmer is he had to move fields in the field wasn’t organic. So he ended up leaving, you know, not farming organically, so you know, getting some more farms on the study for next season would be really great. Or if it’s a southern farm. There’s some winter farm it would be even better.


How about we try another person. I’m thinking maybe Sarah. Haven’t tried Sarah yet. So I’m just going to invite Sarah Tahirih in. So I will try allowing her to talk so can you hear us Sara?

Looks like you’ll have to unmute Sarah on your end if that’s possible.


Looks unmuted.


Yeah. Okay, it looks like you’re unmuted there Sarah. We lost you or did we?

Okay, well, this is a bit of a mystery today to do a beta test on this within our office Jeff and be hosts and attendees see what happens.


So Don is asking,

“It seems that hate or hate speech has increased recently. I thought that LOC was increasing for the US and other countries. “Is there something we can do? Any thoughts?


You want to take a first round on it?


Yeah, that’s there’s a couple of different ways to look at this. One, you know, one thing it’s seems evident to me to us is that we’re in a transition phase in the world and there is more things coming to light. And more people frustrated or angry about what they perceive in the world. So I, you know, I just in we’re also coming out of a low consciousness period where, you know, when if you’re in despair, you know depression…angry…anger is a higher emotion higher level of consciousness. So it’s kind of like more energy moves you into anger that people may be moving kind of up unconscious and through anger could be a possibility. And some more anger is showing up perhaps there’s more light. So there’s more things being seen that were previously swept under the rug that are disturbing to people. And I’ll pass it over to you Clayten.


We were when we were talking about this earlier, there was a couple of principles we thought we should explain. So in general environment is more important than will. That’s a big conversation, we did a whole webinar on that. And you can find it in on the website and the webinars, I assume, I haven’t looked at that for a while. So over time, environment is more important than will, and so the level of consciousness is going back up in the world. And it is not as high as it was in 2019. 2019 was the highest the world had ever been. Of course, some parts of the world are higher than others, just as some people are higher than others. So people will rise…will go up or down in environments over time. Certainly individual will can override an environment. And it just takes sometimes a degree of of effort and willpower depending on the negativity of the environment.

So it does take time to change. The world dropped a lot during COVID. It was at 242 In the last quarter of 2019. And in April of 2020, it was 100. That was the lowest month I think of the planet since the Dark Ages. I’m thinking back on that 3000 years of consciousness history that we did, Jeff. I have to check the data on that. I think it was before. I don’t know if yeah, there might have been a month during the Dark Ages. But definitely, when Jesus was born, for example, I think the world was right around 100. So the world’s you know, the planet has come a long way. I mean, not everybody thinks the world is becoming a better place. But my experience is that… certainly generationally, if I look at my grandparents and the grandparents of people that I know, all of our families have a much higher quality of health care, longer life expectancy, better quality food sanitation. The food might be debatable if you grew your own food, but so the world is becoming a better place. And there’s always these…what I’m hoping is happening is there’s a there’s a breakdown, breakthrough experience happening in humanity. So if you’re trying to go to a higher level of order or higher level of consciousness. Then oftentimes there’s a lesson that we need to learn at that new level, that requires a test for us to pass just kind of like in school. And so humanity’s being tested. And some of us are doing well in the test, and some of us aren’t. And because the world dropped so much during COVID, a lot of people’s level of consciousness has not recovered. If we look at the percentage of the population that was below 200 on the Hawkins Map of Consciousness, and the last quarter of 2019. And the percentage of the population that is above…oh sorry below 200 in this last quarter. And it still hasn’t caught up. So what can we do is we can individually raise our level of consciousness of course, and I don’t have the exact numbers off the top of my head. I’m kind of picky about that sort of stuff. So if we did that research, we could put it in our FLFE space Jeff to have it in the community. But it’s an excellent question. And, you know, there’s a bunch of stuff that we could go deeper into, but I just don’t think we should.


Yeah, thank you for that. I did see a brief question about…or a question that I don’t see now in the list about during COVID. And, you know, people’s health and, you know, what did we do during that time and for new people, so we have service projects, and we have improving the FLFE service for the community on an ongoing basis. And as you’ll see, if you stay with us there, we keep doing upgrades, you know, it’s a response to what’s happening in the world and, and what you the community is experiencing, and we love to have feedback, and what you know what we see through the Kinesiology or even intuition. So, during the time of when all that was happening, we first of all, the consciousness field was there, the bubble was there, and we heard from so many of you in the community, that you just felt like, you’re watching this on a screen, you know. It’s like over there, it’s not affecting you personally, you’re not in fear, you know, you’re really thriving in your own life. But the requests that we make, what we call programs are again, requested if any, they’re written in English. And we’re asking the FLFE energy to do certain things, just like we talked about earlier, we can personally ask the FLFE energy, or any energy around us to, you know, work on a particular health issue. And so what we did is we created an immune support program, that we asked the FLFE energy, we asked the innate intelligence, to use the additional energy to support various aspects of the immune system. So we did quite a bit of research, you know  looking at all the aspects of the immune system, the, the innate immunity, the killer T cells, all the various pieces there. And we asked the FLFE energy to support those systems specifically. And to help us to be at the optimal level of immune response. And we don’t make health claims, this is really support for the innate intelligence of the body to do what it knows how to do. And when it has the energy, we believe that it can do that. So that I would say that’s you know, we had a new several those that were released at different times, supporting different things in the body, our natural immunity and natural ability to detox and be healthy.


And we did a lot of immunity research during COVID. And then really leaned heavily into supporting the body’s innate intelligence. Yeah. We could try another….could try another?


Renata. She’s the last most recent one.




Okay, Renata will, you are should be able to unmute and speak to us. Two others have said that a dialog popped up that gave you permission or you know, allowed you to unmute. So you may see that. Oh, yes, you got it. You’re there. You made it.


It’s been a long time since I listened to one of your presentations, good information. I just love how you are not so insistent upon being correct. I really feel that intention of just wanting to deliver with integrity based on what you’ve experienced and what you know. And I know you own this company, and you’re doing all of that. But underneath that is real hard. I’m just happy to hear that and happy to refer people because there’s a lot there’s a lot of stuff going on out there with cute waves and quantum entanglement and a lot of people are racing to the marketplace to you know, to sell their product. I get it. It’s all good stuff. But there’s got to be that integrity. So hats off to you. I listened the whole time just so I could speak. So thank you very much. Thank you.


Thank you. Yeah.


Oh, how long have you been a subscriber?


Well, you know, I had three subscriptions. And then we had a nonprofit and I was doing that. So off and on for the last two or three years, I’m experimenting with another company right now. 9010 med bed, they’re out of Germany, but um, I would highly recommend your product when people ask me, so I just wanted to say that.


Um, how

did you how did you hear about us?


Um, through my friend Madeleine. Gerwig. Yeah, yeah, many years ago, she when she recommend something like, I’ll check it out. She’s got integrity.


Hey, yeah, absolutely.


Yeah, she’s great. Yeah, thank you for that. Thank you for being with us.

Yeah, absolutely. I learned some good stuff.


So do we Yeah.


Yeah we’re creating as we go, though, you know, that there’s that divinity aspect. We’re all co creators. That’s actually how I believe so. That’s what comes up for me, you know, with that belief system?


Many, if not, most of our advances in FLFE have come from subscribers talking to us.


Yes. I love that you’re open to I can feel that in your discussion. And again, when people ask you for a definitive answer, and you’re like, wow, I can just tell you my experience and what we’re, you know, we’re working with, and I just so appreciate that. Because there’s so much….There’s so much other things happening out there. I’ll just put it that way.


The world’s an interesting place?


We are. But it’s a wonderful place. It’s a wonderful time to be alive. Yeah, absolutely.


I think been at this for 10 years. It’s just been a humbling experience along the way.


I bet.


It just there’s a surrender of the ego, I guess you could say. It’s just happens continuously. And it’s like, well, we don’t know. So how do we? How do we find out? You know, who? And you know, we’re getting these intuitions and we’re getting help, we have to say, and it’s just humbling, you know. Our  little minds couldn’t, couldn’t have done all this. We couldn’t have created this by ourselves. So…


Absolutely. And just the recognition that there’s that spiritual ego, too. And there’s just a lot of that happening out there…with creators and that just…sharing. I’ll just stop there. Yes, mumbling is good. Absolutely.


Yeah. Okay. So what do you do in your life? It would be nice to hear.


I’m a New Earth mentor. So I assist people in getting unstuck. So I like to know about all the things that are happening out there, just because it’s really fascinating. You know, it’s fascinating. And then if I need to direct someone, like, well go check this out, you know. Influencing in that way is, you know, I’m not right about anything, I just know what works for me. Yeah.


I think it’s an interesting time to be alive. I mean, if you think about you know, has the world evolved? But if you just even go back 10 years, the openness to this kind of service has really just exploded, because there is, you know, people are more open to this. They’re researching, they’re finding things. Even to Reiki and those kinds of things, you know.


Just that, that whole energy and aspect. So it’s it is just really fascinating to open the door. And I agree with you, it’s wonderful that people are allowing, because allowing is the big…is the big stepping stone to allow and then not to question I say thinking is highly overrated. Yeah. We could think ourselves to death.


Yeah, and there’s, there’s a discernment piece in there as well,


Isn’t there and that’s kind of it’s that time now, isn’t it? Discernment, spiritual discernment. Personal discernment. That’s all together.


Yeah, yeah. Thank you.


I think you had a thought there, Clayten?


Well I don’t know if Renata has muted or not. But this came up the other day on an interview where it seems that divinity is giving people the opportunity to we’ll say, receive, or allow new technologies, emergent technologies that I would put our technology in that category, Jeff, that can compensate for some of the technological challenges that the other conveniences in the world create. So I like Wi Fi, I like my cell phone. And there’s typically an adaptation period, when a new technology is introduced to the human energy field, human consciousness. Humans are extraordinarily adaptable, and it’s just that we need to pace our  adaptability inputs, so that we can manage them, you know, and have a good life. So we believe that we’re part of that new that new possibility that divinity is releasing, to compensate for the benefits of all the technology.



I concur with that most definitely. Integration, you know, you’ve got to be able to integrate the knowledge wherever it comes from, and whatever it is to support you in a way that supports you. So pacing is important, isn’t it?


And I think the evolutionary stimulus, it’s another way to look at these things. They’re, they’re a stimulus for us to get stronger and more adaptable. And that the Invisible Rainbow book? And if you’ve read that one.


Oh, I don’t know. Not familiar with that.


It’s a history of it’s a history of,


oh, the big thick lecture. Oh, yeah, absolutely. The waves? Yes, yeah, I have that. But I haven’t read the whole thing.


Where, you know, it’s, it’s just been, there’s been a history of new things coming in. And like the electrification of, you know, London, for instance, when they first did electric lights, and, you know, all the flu and all the sickness and trees dying, and things, birds falling out of the sky, and all these things that did happen. You know, in each of those waves, then there was there was an adaptation of plants and animals and people. And then the next wave, you know, say it’s radio frequencies, you know, big AM radio stations. So I think, you know, when we think about EMF mitigation, what we’re asking for is a level that’s stimulating, still evolutionary stimulation, but mitigated to a point where it’s not harming us, and we’re able to do well in the world and have good life.


It is about balance. It is about balance. And I agree, I love my Wi Fi, but I don’t want that to control me. You know, I don’t need to use everything. But the things that I do use, I like them. So it is about a balance, isn’t it? Yeah.


So the name of the book is the Invisible Rainbow, somebody just asked in the chat in the chat. I can’t think of the author right off.


That was interesting, also in that one about the Vatican blasts and how people were dying from cancer when the Vatican would do their radio announcements, and then they finally were held accountable for that. You know, knowing all of that sometimes can create so much fear, that sometimes it’s hard to come back into balance, and then you’ve got that separation, you know, energy going on with people where they’ve got that conflict, you know, it’s us against them. Well, you know, there’s really no one else out there, on a universal perspective in that way we are, we’re the creators of what’s happening to us, day by day thought by thought, That’s my belief system, it’s, you know, I’m not able to untether from that at all, nor do I want to.


We seem to certainly have a lot of influence over our life. And I would, if I’m betting, I would bet that the most, the greatest increase in the quality of my life is going to come from a result of the influence that I have to control myself or influence myself.


Or to participate in the process, which is what, you know, what you’re offering people can participate. We don’t have to be apathetic or passive, because that’s not real efficient for anyone, particularly. And you don’t have to know everything that’s not even necessary as well, you know.


Right. But being a sovereign being in control of your life and with freedom, and yet the freedom then knowing the freedoms are there and using them.


Yeah, and there’s a lot so it’s just always fascinating to learn new things and like, oh, that’s got a wonderful implication, I create vibrational synergies. I’ve done it for a long time just with intention. So it’s exciting to have products out there that allow people to do that.


Yeah, yeah. Well, thank you for joining us and jumping on. And I would encourage anyone else that wants to talk to us today to just lower your hand and then raise it back up. So we know you’re still there. Yes, it would be great. Thank you Renata thank you so much for coming.


It’s just a  wonderful service. You too, are just great. You know, I appreciate you.


Thanks so much.


I seen a name and the chat as they’re popping up David Adair. And he was interested in a gardening or farming question. That that is the inventor David Adair, who has…


It’s another David.


It’s another David Adair. Okay.


Yeah, we exchanged emails. Okay, but we certainly want to answer his question if he wants to. Yeah, but we don’t want to slight you as being the wrong, David.


You are the right, David Adair. Of course, there’s a certain type of David Adair, we would like to meet with let’s put that out there. If anybody knows David Adair, personally.


The rocket man or the Rocket Man.


We have some things we’d like to talk to him about.


Though Suzanne is asking another great question.

“Where do you hope to see this technology go? We’d love to hear your vision. Also, just wondering if you’ve heard of the E system. Energy enhancement systems becoming popular also raises consciousness through Quantum Scalar energy? Do you have any concerns that the military industrial complex will target your technology and try to shut it down?

So we’ll start with the vision. I mean, our mission, Suzanne is to support the evolution of consciousness really, for all beings. In an economized society, which means, you know, in our current way of living with having to earn a living and work and be functional, and we could have a different mission with a different product. That would be if you live in a cave, and you don’t need to interact with anyone else, someone’s bringing you food, it would be a totally different service, I think. We might offer that sometime.


That sounded pretty good


Small audience maybe. But so that mission, for me it I’ll just speak for myself and to you Clayten that is supporting the evolution of consciousness for as many people on the planet as we can.  We’ve kept the service prices very low and increased it very few times. Because I believe that the issues that we’re facing as a as a as in humanity on the planet, are solved by a higher consciousness level. You know, that if we were all in unconditional love, there would be…it would be a very different experience. So supporting the evolution of consciousness, I believe we’re here in this physical plane,  to evolve our consciousness and that there are things natural and unnatural things restraining that and to the best we can to clear those and have them the optimal conditions for us to be our best selves to be our authentic selves and to continue to evolve and in curiosity and love for this amazing universe that’s around us.


First thing that comes to mind when I think of the vision for the company I’d like to grow to I’d like to grow their company to the next level so we can give more away. I mean, we really enjoy the webinars. Well, I’ll speak for myself and for doing that it’s good to get to do I enjoy spending time with all of you. There is a community of kinds of, people that are on the path, as we would call it, and that share our values. Some of you have been with us for 10 years, and it’s really quite a delight to work with the people in the office. And it’s actually quite an inspiration. There’s a lot more we can do in the world. And so managing the business in such a way that it doesn’t take as much time doing the day to day things, and we can do more service work. For some reason, that’s coming to mind, Jeff, maybe because of what you said earlier. I mean, I don’t know what percentage of our time and I know at least 90% of the energy of the of the technology is done in service work. Probably higher than that. It’s probably 95% or more 98% of the time, but, you know  it’s the judicious use of power has been a lesson. And in governing, or stewarding this technology that, you know, it’s an ongoing lesson. And the technology is…it requires you at least some of the time if you’re stewarding it to be very rigorous. Which is a blessing and a challenge, for sure. And I know, when I was a young man, I wonder what it would be like to have a lot of power and how I would use it. And I remember having a lecture and somebody’s saying I think it came up in a conversation where somebody said you already have an extraordinary amount of power. You have a trillion cells in your body. He talked about how many cells and then all the bacteria and maybe it was a trillion, maybe it was 500 billion, whatever it is, because you have all these cells that are, you know, intelligent, and are under your authority, because you have…you’re in charge of the body of your own body. And if you want to know how you would handle power in the world, you just have to look at how you’re handling your own body. And that really was a very interesting answer. And for some reason that’s coming to mind, maybe that’s for one of you out there that having the same question. Me, I just feel like, you know, Jeff, and I once in a while we make a new discovery, and we just think, Oh, good. We’re just getting started. You know, we’re just doing this. I’ve been playing with the technology since 2007. So I’m into it for what 16 years. The company’s been around for 10. So yeah, we’re just getting started.


Yeah for the number of times you said we’ve gone to the next level. Or yeah, and it’s really true. You know, there. It has been a breakthrough of sorts. Well maybe I think we should wrap up now. And maybe I’ll just mean, that was pretty nice wrap up there. Clayten. Do you want to? Is there something else you’d like to say?


No. Yeah, there’s people have asked us before about, you know, the latter part of the question. I’m getting so blissed out with the 700 zone. I’m starting to lose interest in my own thoughts.


I guess the concerns about the technologies trying to shut us down.


Yeah, I mean, well, usually you’re in Cincinnati, and I’m in Nelson. So it’s a three hour difference. And usually it’s a weeknight. So it’s seven o’clock for us by the time we’re into it for an hour and it’s 10 for you, and I know what time you get up. So we usually put the end time in your hands because you’re up late at night. So you’ve been the default when should we end guy so I don’t know how to I don’t know how to handle that.


Yeah, I think I’d like to, I’d like to wrap and I can. My gratitude always goes out to the community and these kinds of conversations. And just we just love hearing from you, you know, talking to your  person in the office, emailing FLFE space and this this webinar venue and we’ll be back next week. We’ll be back next Saturday. So you could join us there if you didn’t feel like you got your question answered, or just to hang out with us. So there’s some…there’s an incredible power in this community. That, you know, is a reflection of the tremendous power that each of us humans have, but coming together to raise our consciousness and to you know, to just be the best that we can be to be the best human being the best expression of ourselves. It’s profound, and it’s not a small thing at all. It’s big. I’m just so grateful for all of you. And for you, Clayten. What we’ve done


Yeah, it’s been a great ride, man. The highlight of my life in many ways so far.

Not always, I have a loving wife, and I’m blessed in many ways. But being in business with you, and doing this has been a great journey. I look to the future, I’d like to find ways to be closer to the community Jeff. You know, it’s a paradox because we want to spend time with more people and yet if we keep doing you know, if we keep working in the back hallways on the service projects, we get to do so much for humanity. So that’s a paradox and I haven’t made peace with yet. So yeah.


So given that, that

really beautiful comments coming through in the chat. Thank you, everyone. Lots of hearts and hugs.


Thank you all for your blessings. It helps us.


Yeah. I can feel it. All right, well, have a good day everyone. Much love to you all.


God bless
