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Working with Shadow in the FLFE Field 

August 17, 2017

(0:00) Jeffrey – Hello everyone welcome to the FLFE webinar Working with Shadow in the FLFE Field. This webinar is about becoming conscious of and transforming our personal limitations. I’m Jeffrey Stegman.

Clayten –  And  I’m Clayten Stedmann.

Jeffrey – Welcome. We’re glad to have you here. This is an interesting subject and one that we have had some experience with. Clayten, let’s start at the beginning with a definition of shadow. What’s the difference between an issue and the shadow?

Clayten – Thanks, Jeff, we’re going to share a chart with you in a few minutes, it’s always helpful to have a visual representation of what we’re talking about. And we appreciate the comments on the Facebook page and to the Free Trial Callers and Customer Relations Managers about the issue of the shadow work that needs to be done in a high consciousness field. In a high consciousness field, all aspects of ourselves are brought into the light. And therefore, our consciousness is rising, especially for those of us who have the tools to do that. For those that don’t, it can be more challenging and so that’s why we want to address this topic tonight. And we’ll go into it in the future again if more support is needed.

Let’s look at the difference between issue and shadow. So, for the purpose of this evening’s conversation, we’re going to say that an issue is a challenge we’re having that we’re conscious of and that we have not yet transcended. So, what’s the definition of shadow that we’re using? The shadow is a part of our being that is unintegrated, either unconscious or conscious. So, we’re either aware of it or not aware of it. And oftentimes, it is unspoken. So, one of the things for diminishing shadow is to have a safe enough place to discuss it, so that we bring it into the light as a metaphor. These are the lower consciousness aspects of ourselves and they influence us in various ways, depending on our awareness, and our ability to work with them. So that’s an operating definition of shadow.

So, we’re going to relate shadow and the transcendence of shadow to the four-step learning  model because many of us are familiar with that from our education background or different seminars that we have attended. So, the first step in the four-step learning model is unconscious incompetence. That’s when we don’t know what we don’t know. And in shadow work, we would call that being blindsided. So, we’re in a situation where we find ourselves behaving in a way and don’t know how we ended up there. And we’re kind of shocked.

The next stage in the four-step learning model is conscious incompetence. So that is where we know, what we don’t know. So, we know we have an issue in this part of our life but may not know the full extent of it. But this is a repeated pattern that’s showing up. And it’s demonstrated that obviously, it’s a problem in our life.

Then we go to step three, which is conscious competency. So, in this case, we would know we have an issue, and we’re developing some skills to cope with it. And then there are probably some times where we’re able to transcend the issue, or not react to the stimulus, whatever is going on or the trigger, we might call it a trigger.

The next stage is conscious competency, stage four. That’s mastery of an issue, that’s when we have a trigger, or we see a trigger, and it doesn’t create any reaction in us. We are able to observe ourselves perhaps from the observer position, which many people talk about, and watch the trigger happen and go by and we’re at peace. So those are the four steps of learning that are related to the shadow, we’re going to show you a graph here in a few minutes and Jeff will talk about that. So, do you want to take the wheel for a minute, Jeff, and you can talk about this, and I’ll add a few things in and we’ll talk about a metaphor afterward, which, which is hopefully a funny one. (5:00) 

Jeffrey – So the scale here is to give us a graphic look at the range of awareness that we could have about something that is coming up in us, and that is influencing in some way. As Clayten, said we have on the far left completely unaware, it’s an issue we don’t know we have; we are acting out of it, or it’s influencing us in a completely unconscious way. And getting the learning model is to our unconscious incompetence, where we don’t know what we don’t know. So, in that case, we have been blindsided if something occurs that we’re triggered by and we’re acting in a way that we don’t understand about ourselves and it might be shocking.

And as we move to the right on the scale, it’s increasing in awareness. So, the next step would be on the edge of awareness, where we get a glimpse of something every once in a while. And it could be especially in stressful situations, where we see ourselves acting out and can finally get a little bit of distance on what’s occurring. And we just get a little piece of it. So, then we have something to work with. And when I work with shadow, and I have done a lot of this over the years and worked with Clayten on it.  That’s an exciting moment because we know something’s there. And we’re starting to get a little bit of a bead on what it is. Now at the bottom of the Hawkins Map when something’s happening, and we don’t know why, and maybe we’re acting in ways that we are ashamed of, or don’t feel are consistent with who we think we are. And so that’s where the shame comes in, on the Hawkins Map, it’s just another way to think about it. And as we move to the right, and become consciously aware of what’s going on, we’re still triggered. We’re still perhaps acting from it, but we’re consciously aware of what’s going on.

And on the Hawkins Map, we’d move into 200, or Courage where you’re starting to get like, Okay, I can handle this I can learn to use the tools I have, I can learn some new tools, and I can start to work with what’s happening here.

And then it moves us to the right to the next step, where we’re consciously then working on it. In the learning model, we’re moving to conscious competency, where we’re learning how to do it. We’re still kind of conscious and we’re aware of the fact that we’re working on it; it hasn’t become an unconscious issue with the tools that we have, or tools that we’re learning. When the trigger is triggered, or when that shadow is arising for some reason, often it is because it’s triggered by something, then we have an opportunity to work on that and release that from our system in whatever ways we have at our disposal.

And then all the way to the right, we’re moving into a complete mastery of that shadow piece that influence on your life, that now, when we’re triggered, it’s either we get a very small reaction that we’re completely aware of, and completely at peace with, or we have no reaction at all. And that’s the payoff that the Peace zone of 600. And that’s using those tools that we have, or tools that we may learn to pick up over time. I love that process from the first edge of awareness to peace. And when we can really apply ourselves to that and have that opportunity to clear something that’s been in our unconscious mind or in our system influence us for perhaps the first time in our life. And now we’re free of it. That’s really the peace and freedom, the end of the scale. Anything else on that Clayten? (10:00) 

Clayten – That’s well explained Jeff, it does take courage to consciously work on the issue. And if we don’t find the courage to do it, then we go back into it and we’re trying to push it out of our awareness. So, it’s kind of on the edge still. Whereas when we become consciously aware or have the courage to face directly into the positive side of the scale, so we could look at the left, the shadow side as being negative. And the right is positive, just as on Hawkins Map where Courage is a beginning of a positive relationship with an issue.

Jeffrey – I’d have to say, while I say I enjoy finding that edge of awareness, there are times when it’s up that I just  push it back down. It could be too much or too stressful, or shameful. I don’t want to make it sound like every shadow I’ve got I’m working on because it’s not true. We’re all in different levels of awareness of the different parts of our unconscious.

Clayten – Yes, I think it’s probably presumptuous for anybody to say that they’re working on all aspects of their shadow. We all experience periods where we’re overwhelmed. You know, we’re too busy or too stressed to really face it straight on. It’s like, I don’t know if I have the time to deal with this right now, or the energy or the or the resources. So, we kind of bookmark it. Or, if you’re a time management type person, you’ll make an appointment with yourself to deal with it. There are lots of ways to manage that when it comes up. And at some point, if we want to grow, we do have to have the courage and chase it straight on.

Jeffrey – So we thought we would use an example of what transcending this process would look like. And when we were thinking about it this morning, the example that we came up with is Krispy Kreme Donuts.  So, let’s say we had a fight at work, or with a spouse at home, and let’s say we’re at work, and coming home going by Krispy Kreme Doughnuts. And the Hot light is flashing, and we pull into the parking lot. And before we know it, we’ve eaten a  dozen Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, and we’re kind of sitting there afterward and thinking; what just happened?  So that’s unconscious incompetence, or being completely unaware and blindsided, we didn’t put the issue of having the argument at work together with holding at the Krispy Kreme Doughnuts when the Hot light was flashing.

The second stage would be on the edge of awareness where we’ve had that issue at work, and we’re coming home, and see the Hot lights flashing, or see Krispy Kreme Doughnuts again, and we pull in and eat a half dozen donuts. And this is maybe the second time this week and we’re starting to wonder what’s wrong.  And we may feel some shame about overeating. And it’s on the edge of awareness that we’re feeling a disproportionate amount of stress when coming home from work. Or that particular situation that we are repeating is triggering us. So consciously aware, we’re aware that when we have that meeting on Wednesday afternoon at three o’clock and it goes to five and we’re angry at the end of it, for whatever reason, we’re coming to the Krispy Kreme Donut parking lot. And we may or may not pull in.

Next Wednesday rolls around, we are aware that we typically get angry at the end of these meetings, and we are watching ourselves have a reaction. And we have the tools now, including the awareness to not get as triggered, not get as frustrated, not get as angry. And we drive by the Krispy Kreme Donut store and we’re not eating any Krispy Kreme Donuts.

The mastery of the issue would be that we have learned to prepare better for the meeting. Or we have learned enough techniques and perhaps done some personal work or gotten some professional help with whatever is triggering us in the meeting. We’re driving home from work, and now hardly even notice the Krispy Kreme Donut store, or don’t notice it at all, and go straight home and are in a good mood. (15:00)  So that is an example of being completely unaware and blindsided, finding ourselves acting unconsciously, to seeing we have an issue and facing it squarely working on it. And then being at peace.

We also talked about another example, Jeff. You’re pretty good with managing moods and talking about moods at work. So, if you want to run through that one, we can give people another metaphor.

Jeffrey – It looks a little bit similar, where we went with the first one though without the food without the  Krispy Kremes.  So, as we go through our life, and we spend a lot of time at work and our relations affect us in many different ways. And in this example, we talked about having arguments at work and having something that happens in our life as a result. It could be that we just don’t sleep well at night on those days. And it may go on for years that we don’t make the connection, or can be unaware of what’s causing the fight, or what’s causing the disagreements at work. And it’s easy to point fingers in other places. Meanwhile, each night that happens, we don’t sleep well. But at some point, we may make the connection and start to get a tiny little bit of awareness, that there’s a connection, and it’s not serving us well. And there may be a better way to get through our workday and not have it affect us at night and the next day after. So as something comes into awareness and we can work on transcending an issue, the first step is awareness.

So, as you become aware of it, and now have the courage to move forward, and look at ourselves and ask; why am I getting in arguments all the time?  How can I communicate in a better way? So, maybe we take a nonviolent communication course, or you find other ways to become a better communicator. We’re now working on our competency in those kinds of interpersonal situations. And as we’re working it, we’re very conscious of it. And noticing, I’m sleeping better every night that I go home, and I haven’t had a disagreement. But that mastery is interesting as well, because we’re now completely aware of the issue, we’re using new tools in a completely transparent way. We’re unconsciously going to embody those tools, so that we’re acting in a day to day manner from a new perspective, or a new way of being. So, now we’ve transcended whatever was causing us to get into these arguments. Anything else on that Clayten?

Clayten – That was well said, Jeff. We have some more notes, we always prepare quite a bit for these presentations. And we find that the plan we have for the webinar and what wants to emerge when we’re on the call. The next step that we have here is just to summarize; transcending these issues is that if we get blindsided in a part of life, then recognize that it is shadow.  If we’re acting in a way that we don’t feel that is part of who we are, it’s not how you see ourselves, then recognize it is shadow, and don’t ignore it. We can begin to work on it, and we’ve got a scale here or a map to use  and there are many other tools that can explain it. And there are many resources out there in the world to use to get help. And we’ll talk a little bit more about that just a few minutes. The main thing is just to know if we’re blindsided and struggling, don’t ignore it. It doesn’t go away on its own. It may change form, but it keeps cycling up into our awareness because the purpose of life here on earth is to evolve our consciousness as best as I can tell. And so, nature just keeps sending us the same issue over and over and over again, until we learn it.

Jeffrey – So Clayten, what would you say is the effect of the FLFE field on unconscious patterns that we have? Why are people noticing those more? What’s the mechanism there? Any thoughts about that?

Clayten – Yes, there is a stimulus to all of us in the higher consciousness field to grow. And my experience of being in high consciousness fields is that everything on the map, just if you’re kind of here, everything just moves over. And so, we do have mastery in some things. People have written saying that they had been taking a certain type of medication for years, and they’re not needing it anymore. They’ve had an addiction issue that they were able to stop. (20:00)  And so, they’ve gone from consciously working on it to being relieved of the issue, almost miraculously. And as we go up in consciousness, part of what needs to happen is the unconscious parts of ourselves come into the light, sometimes, because we can better handle them. There’s a saying out there that life doesn’t give us any less than that we can handle. I don’t believe that’s true and it tested below 200 because people are getting challenged by life all the time in ways that they simply can’t manage. And what seems to happen is that when we’re raising our consciousness, we’re raising all parts of us into the light, and some of the parts of us are in the shadow. It’s just the nature of the high consciousness energy field.

Jeffrey – It seems that the FLFE field is a resource in itself, we’ll talk a little bit more about resources. When it comes to doing shadow work having that energy reservoir in the field, steadily activating a higher vibration and it tends to shine the light. But it’s also a resource that our system can use which is additional energy.

Clayten – Yes, we have more energy to transcend the shadow for sure we have more capacity. That doesn’t mean it is there doesn’t always come up in a way that we would like it to; it’s just the nature of shadow.

Jeffrey – And we’ve talked in past webinars about personal will and Divine Will, things that come into play here with shadow when we’re working that that part of the graph where we’re consciously becoming competent, or we’re consciously working to release what’s triggering us or the what’s behind the trigger.

Clayten – Yes, asking for your Higher Power to help us understand why we’re behaving this way if we’re on the far left of the scale. Asking it to help you know that part of ourselves that is causing the acting out. And then once we become more aware of that we can ask our Higher Power all the way along to help us transcend it. We talked about the personal will versus Divine Will, the personal will calibrates at the level of consciousness that we are at and Divine Will has a higher power, a loving, benevolent power, that calibrates at 850. So, most addictions and intransigent issues take a field of 540 or higher, to transcend. That’s why the 12-step Programs are so powerful. The 12-step Program calibrates at 540. And so those strong fields can help us overcome things that we can’t do on our own.

Jeffrey – We can tell from the Facebook page and the emails we receive and on the phone calls. Many subscribers are well resourced as far as tools go to process out these challenging emotions that can be part of these triggers are part of what’s happening for us with that shadow. And so, with those tools, and even without the tools, there’s movement along that scale of awareness and of working to clear the emotional work that’s coming up due to that shadow, and to become competent and have mastery or transcend that. (25:00)  So, the movement, as Clayten said before, is in all of our life and it’s what raising consciousness is about, it’s moving toward peace in as many areas of your life, we can be moving to peace in all areas of our life. You know, it’s the goal, it seems, of raising consciousness and that’s really what it’s all about, and why we developed FLFE in the first place or were attracted to it and developed to the point where it is now. And most of us experience periods of overwhelm in our lives.  There are times when we don’t have either the resource of energy or even time or money to thrive and to move forward through something like this. And it’s time, energy, money, and tools.

So, for some subscribers who don’t have tools they may likely experience more periods of overwhelm. And that’s what we want to talk a little bit more about tonight, of not feeling resourced enough to handle what’s happening to us. Do you want to talk about that a little more Clayten? Some of the tools?

Clayten – Let’s talk about some basic tools, we have a bit of a laundry list here we’ll go through and like we said, there are lots of resources on the Facebook page. And once you have this list if you’re pretty new into the personal development or consciousness-raising field, you can go out and explore how to better take care of yourself.

So, some basic tools. First of all, it’s a first slow down and give ourselves more quiet time. Many of us are very busy. And having more personal time to reflect is very helpful. Avoid situations that give us stress. If something is constantly triggering, if we can stay out of that situation until we get more resources, likely we’ll be better off. Still eventually, we do have to face the lesson. And the situation may express differently as another situation. But in the meantime, we can give ourselves some space by avoiding that situation.

We could join a group of people that are learning or practicing self-development techniques, or processes. Being in a group field is very powerful. The 12-step Programs are well known for that and they’re probably the most powerful personal development program on the planet at this time, partially because they express a high degree of truth and partially because they’re very inexpensive and very accessible. And just about any issue that we could have would be covered in the 12-step Program. There are many different models, and when we were talking this morning, we wanted to recommend these because they’re so inexpensive and so accessible that the money issue isn’t an obstacle.

Also, acknowledging that we are investing in raising our consciousness, being a subscriber to FLFE is an investment, there’s a financial investment. And there’s also an investment of time and energy to process out what is coming up. And for those of us who are focused on the consciousness game, if we want to call it that, or raising our awareness for decades, FLFE is an extraordinary opportunity, it really does move the bar up. And so be aware that we’re investing in that consciously and we can cut ourselves some slack.

People throughout history who have high levels of consciousness, high levels of peace, joy, and satisfaction in life, financial freedom have invested a lot of time to get there. And an investment in FLFE is going to pay dividends in raising our consciousness. And also congratulate yourselves that we are perhaps investing more than we have in the past. Because it’s a 24/7/365 environment that we may be in if on a Mobile Subscription or have home and mobile.

We can hire professional help to assist us. There are coaches and counselors and group work. There are all types of professional assistance out there, there are clergy and many different options. (30:00)  And it may take some time to find the right person, but it’s worth looking into.

And lastly, we would say use your Control Panel. That’s why we made the effort to include the Control Panel and try calling the office and asking us to do it for you. So, you have 24/7 control over that.

Jeffrey – Clayten, I would just add to that about investing in time. And just recently, I’ve been very busy working a lot of hours  getting up going to working until 9:00 or 10:00 at night and going to sleep. And just recently, I started spending more time sitting in the morning,  taking some time and meditating and the amount of change; there were anxieties that were coming up and I was able to sit with those and work to clear those just brought me into a new state of peace and bliss, I have to say. And I had to ask myself why am I not doing this every day? It’s just giving myself 20 minutes, half an hour, so that that investment in time for us, I mean, we’re worth it and we deserve it to spend time with ourselves and quiet time personally. If you can take a day off, take an inward day, really just spend it with yourself.

Clayten – Yes for those of you who may not know, Jeff’s got an extraordinary constitution, he works 60 or 70 plus hours a week and is one of the most even-tempered people I’ve ever met. So, for him to say that is something. We do need to take care of ourselves. And there’s no one formula that fits all of us, we all have to find our own way. So, we encourage you to be kind and gentle to yourself if you’re having a struggle and find a happy place to go to and get rejuvenated.

I’ve been traveling a lot lately and sleeping in different hotels and  it seems that I don’t get a great night’s sleep the first night and by the second night I’m adapted to it. So there are certain little things I’m learning as I travel like taking my own pillow and little things like that. There is no one simple answer, we have to just work at knowing ourselves and how we adapt to our situations.

Jeffrey – So if you have some questions, if you go down to the either at the bottom of the screen at the top of the screen, there’s a Q&A button. So, move things over to the Q&A, that is a great place for us to start to answer some questions.

Clayten – OK Paul has three meters and he’s looking to verify that he’s indeed in the 95% grounded environment. He says – “I am reviewing the testing procedure to verify accuracy. I did not see results that I’m grounded in my third-floor condo, which has both Home and Mobile. Do you have others who have done this? And do you have the results or findings to prove otherwise?” This is interesting, Paul, I’m going to look into these different meters that you’ve talked about.  The way that we measure our results, Paul is with kinesiology; we use consciousness kinesiology. And that is our main research tool in terms of measuring these variables.

Our intent is to do blood work. There’s a good documentary called Grounded. And that person actually does blood work to show the difference in being grounded and non-grounded. There’s a different reaction in the cells. But for me to really comment in this, Paul, I’d have to be familiar with the meters. And I have not heard of one of them, Coronet. The Tri-Field meter I have heard of. (35:00)  So, I really don’t think I’m able to answer that question with the expertise that I’d like to. It will take me some time to look into it.

Jeffrey – Rusty comments – “Since I’ve been on FLFE, I found out I’m not nearly as nice as I thought I was. With that in mind when someone irritates us, and it’s not anything important, I need to change and not put it on the other person. I guess that’s looking at ourself rather than the other person. Is that correct?”  Well, it’s certainly looking inward. One of the tools that I use when something comes up and I’m feeling irritated with someone I ask, “what’s going on in me that’s causing that irritation?” That’s certainly one of the places to look. I’m not sure, it’s just as simple as always looking to the other person, or always looking to yourself, sometimes it’s the combination of both.

Clayten – Yes, one of the ways our ego will defend itself is to try to project our issue onto another person to avoid looking at it ourselves. I think in that context; I would agree with Rusty is to really look at the lesson that’s in a situation for us, and not to put it on the other person. So, I would say that’s a correct statement in that regard. You know, if I was working with somebody, and they had been triggered by something, and they talked about how they were triggered by that situation, then I would feel compassion for them and want to help them rather than if they said, “Well, you triggered me.” Of course, nobody else can really trigger us. That’s a true statement. But it’s really hard to stay peaceful in all situations so, it’s kind of a contextual truth.

Jeffrey – Barbara is asking –  “Where and what are some of the 12-step Programs you’d mentioned earlier?”

Clayten – Well, there’s the Emotions Anonymous, you can go on the internet, there’s Overeaters Anonymous, there’s obviously Alcoholics Anonymous, there’s Al-Anon. There are way more than I’m even aware of those are just the kind of the common ones that we kind of came across this morning, when we were looking at different groups out there that are high consciousness, inexpensive, and accessible. Those are the three kinds of qualifications that we were considering. I would go online, do a web search, and you’ll find more information there.

Jeffrey – “ So we’ve got someone that’s asking – “I’m a yoga teacher, and I’ve been working on myself for many years.  I’m on FLFE for my second month now and I’ve been crying daily. And yes, overwhelmed with emotion. Plus, the guilt, because I’m struggling with still smoking weed. I want to be my best self, but I’m stuck in this habit. And also living with my ex after six years of being broken up.  I’m feeling stuck in so many ways. Thanks for the tools you shared tonight, I want to face my sadness and get unstuck, I guess I’m sharing, but I know this energy is shifting me, so I’m really grateful. Do you have anything for her Clayten?

Clayten – It’s always touching when people are so vulnerable. Sometimes being human is hard. It’s difficult times I think for all of us, sooner or later, we face an issue in life that we just don’t know how to deal with, or we don’t like the way we’re showing up or behaving. And, you know, I would say that, if you can afford the professional help get it. If you feel like you cannot afford it, find a group to be part of that is supportive in that way. And another possibility is to find a service project that you can do, being of service is a really good way to get out of ourselves, to get out of our head, and to be free of our own thinking and our own mind for a while. So, service can be a great catalyst for change.

Jeffrey –  And in my personal experience, as well with these tools, and working on myself is appealing for help. (40:00)  Just knowing that I’m not sufficient sometimes to make a change that’s been really difficult for me to make, or that is so deep in my unconscious  and asking for help from a Higher Power will help us transcend whatever it is we want to transcend. And I’ve found that to be very powerful, as we talked earlier, there seem to be a much higher field, much more power around it. First of all, surrendering and asking for help from a Higher Power. So that’s just personal experience, as well.

Clayten – Yes, I didn’t mention that; thanks for that. My mind is kind of going back to Paul the gentleman who talked about all the meters he’s using, and I really liked his scientific approach. And I guess I want to express a little more respect for his taking the time to use the different scientific instruments to verify things as best as possible. We’re pretty transparent in how we do things and how we test things. And most of our time, we spend trying to add more value to the service, or to take care of our customers. And there will be a time when we have the resources to buy those meters and understand them and whatever the results are, we will share them.

And we were looking the other day at some of Dr. Hawkins work. And he talked about the levels of consciousness of different research modalities. So, it is possible that the technology because it’s quite nonlinear, would not give the same response, as did some of the scientific instruments that Paul talked about. When we do our testing, we will be transparent with what those results are. And include the possibility at this point, because of the nonlinear nature of the technology may not show up with laser instruments. So, it’s not a cop-out for us. It’s just to acknowledge that not everything is measured by a meter that you can hold in your hand. I don’t know if you can measure Reiki and yet it certainly has helped myself and others.

So, it’s an interesting topic. And in some ways, we’re very scientifically minded. And we are willing to be accountable to those instruments, we just haven’t taken the time to do it. We want to be straightforward with that. I really like what Paul is doing.

Jeffrey – And Paul made another comment about  – “Thinking one can be grounded in a metaphysical way could come up with muscle testing. So, is, in a true sense, grounding taking place?”

Yes, Paul, we are aware of subtle energies as FLFE is a concentration of the focus of subtle energies in creating the high consciousness field. And in part of the programs that we work with the Innate Intelligence of the body, including the flow of subtle energies in the meridians, which is recognized by Chinese medicine. So, I believe that when we’re measuring, we are measuring the flow of subtle energies to ground to the earth, whether it’s electrical energy or not. And it’s actually the flow of electrons that you can measure with a meter is another story. So, I think there’s more to the picture. And as we go further with the kinds of verifying that Clayten’s talking about, you know, it’s really interesting to peel apart the various pieces of this.

Just two quick points from Christina. At night, she says, “I’m aware of a push kind of energy, jangly energy that makes sleeping difficult. Any suggestions on how to work with it?” I have noticed on the Facebook page, we recommended fairly recently both there and then in emails to everyone. That combination of essential fatty acids, particularly Omega 3’s, and Magnesium together is really important in a high consciousness field. As we rise in consciousness, and as we do shadow work and we start to come to peace in many areas, we’re rising in our consciousness, we’re rising in the energy that’s flowing through us. (45:00)  And the essential fatty acids omega threes like fish oil, and magnesium together helps to build our nervous system. And what we discovered is it’s actually increasing the diameter of the nerves. So, it’s like when you have more current flowing through a wire you need thicker wiring, you need more capacity to carry the energy. So, some people on Facebook have been noticing that when they take their essential fatty acids and magnesium at night that they have less of that jangly energy, and they sleep better. So, you could try that. And over time, as we build our nervous system up to be used to the field, we’ll have a greater capacity. So it seems that’s why people, in the beginning sometimes have a kind of amped up or jangly feeling at night, and then it becomes better over time.

Clayten – I was noticing that when I was traveling. I was driving, and I wasn’t taking my supplements consistently and there was a restlessness that I was starting to experience. And I have my dosage of the EFA’s and magnesium. And I did find that it calmed things down. Another thing that you can do, Christina is you can exercise. Some people find that there’s a nervous energy that dissipates through exercise and we can do certain breathing exercises that may help us at night. We can also look at taking some supplements, such as GABA, 5- HTTP and Melatonin. When I’m restless at night and I really need to get some sleep, I am about 220 pounds so, I take 250 milligrams of GABA, hundred milligrams of 5-HTTP and four drops of melatonin. That’s pretty well the sweet spot for me, it seems if I take all three, it works better than just taking one. So, you can look at supplementation, either one of those or combinations that might help as well.

Jeffrey – Connie is asking you, Paul, if you’d like to join the Facebook page, we have a private Facebook page, and share about the instruments that you’re working with, I think everyone will be interested to hear about that.

Clayten – And when we get to the point of having those instruments ourselves, Paul, maybe we’ll invite you to do some work with us. It’s always interesting to have different people do the testing. And we always try to have multiple sources of input, it increases the odds of getting more truth.

Anne is asking a couple of questions, Jeff, I thought maybe I should maybe just address it in principle.

She’s talking about a challenge she’s having with some government issues. I would look at energetic medicine such as Gary Craig’s work; tapping. And I would also pray for those people that you’re finding challenging in the government. That’s a classic Buddhist technique where we pray for those that we’re frustrated with, ask our Higher Power to guide us to find peace with the situation and a resolution that’s within your resources. Those are a couple of things that you may not be doing. But certainly, to pray for those that you are frustrated with. And to do some of your own work with energetic medicine is really helpful. And we’re going to release a couple of energetic medicine tools for you in the future, one within the next couple of months. So that’ll be another tool in your kit.

Jeffrey – So Conrad is asking – “Being in Mobile FLFE all day, does that make things come up to be released?” That was his language.

Clayten – Well I can take the first run at that because we were looking at a question on Facebook today. Somebody commented that they thought a high consciousness field made things come up or that it causes anxiety. And the high consciousness field is like anything else, nothing outside of you can cause you to experience anything. Actually, that’s probably not the way to say it. Because if somebody were putting a vise grip on your finger it would cause pain, but in an emotional sense outside influences do not control us. So, it’s very difficult to be at peace at all times. (50:00)  There’s no doubt about it. And I’m not claiming that for myself. But from our principal point of view, I think we need to look at that, first of all, to empower ourselves and when we grow enough to be at peace with issues, that things have less influence, those outside challenges have less influence. And Conrad typically, being in a high conscious field does make things come up. That’s part of why we want to be in them because they stimulate us to grow. Now, some of us don’t think we need much stimulation to grow because life has its own challenges. But I think that’s really the way to look at it is that the high consciousness field not only helps us transcend things that we may have been struggling with, it also stimulates things to come up that need to be released almost all the time.

Jeffrey – Conrad says – “Thank you guys for all you do; the Home Subscription and the FLFE Mobile really keep me in a very good state most of the time.”

Clayten – It’s kind of a yes but question, you know, I don’t want to get too lost in the principles of things. But we need to address things at that level to have a complete answer. Rusty is saying –“I fall asleep listening to meditation binaurals do they help?” Yes, depending on the binaural beats. The best person I found in the binaural beat area is a gentleman named Bob. Anyway, the company’s has a little app called Mood Juicer, if you look it up, Bob Dursi or Robert Dursi is the best that I know of in binaural beats. And you can always measure the level of consciousness of binaural beats with muscle testing or measure the level of appropriateness of those with you. Do they help? Depending on the level of consciousness and the level of appropriateness and see how they help and just trust yourself with the helping then keep doing it.

Jeffrey – And I use a pendulum as well as muscle testing. But I follow the protocols that Clayten has developed about making the inquiry. So rather than a question, it’s a statement. And we’re making sure that statement is very well defined, each word is well defined. And that you’re going through whatever it takes to get you to be clear or free of any preconceptions or biases.

Clayten – It’s really the forming of the questions that is the challenging part for most of us. We have pendulums and muscle testing and other things that can guide us towards the truth. Anne is now saying there’s a great magnesium spray oil and Amazon for sleeping. Yes, I’ve heard good things about magnesium spray oil, it is very absorbable or much more absorbable than a supplement because it is so quick. Rusty is now saying Ashwagandha can help with sleep, it’s an adaptogen. Yes, we just need to experiment with things.

Don is asking – “Is it possible to write a program to allow traumatic feelings to arise at a slower rate so that the issue might be easier to resolve?” That is a really interesting question. So, we have influence over the environment, we don’t have control, you have control. Or as much as much control as you can exercise. We do  include that in the programming Don, we include it in such a way that if the hydration, and this is a bit of a long answer; if the hydration is below a certain percentage, the intensity, or the level of consciousness of the field will diminish slightly. So that’s a way of accounting for traumatic feelings to be managed, because if we’re dehydrated we are not as resourceful. (55:00)  Another one is that if our function capability drops below a certain percentage, on average, over the last three years, I think it is 85% or 80%, then the intensity will diminish a little bit so we can stay in an optimal zone. So, we are considering that in the programming Don, and that’s how we do it.

The context of FLFE is to create the optimal conditions for human evolution in an economized society but that assumes we’re working for a living, which most of us are, and so we write the programming with that context in mind.  Then we test the programming, according to that, or the truth of the program according to the context. And so, we are supporting everyone to stay in a  high functioning state while growing our consciousness.

Jeffrey – So I guess the other thing I might say to that is in the high consciousness field the support is there for your Innate Intelligence to have additional resources to what’s in our Highest and Best interest. And so, we are in control; our Innate Intelligence is in control of how things happen, we are just as Clayten said, providing the environment that adds additional energy for us to use adds additional resources in terms of information. And as much as we can help adapt, if someone is dehydrated in that case, so, but your Innate Intelligence is really what’s running the show there.

Clayten – Conrad is asking – “If I muscle test, how do I know I’m even high enough to get an accurate result?” One of the first things you do Conrad is you test your polarity. If your polarity is positive, then you’re over 200. So that means you’re in a high enough state to at least take care of one of the variables. So, check for polarity and then ask permission to make the inquiry. Sometimes we don’t have permission to ask a certain typing of inquiry.

Connie is asking for more information about the inquiry. There are many things informing the inquiries.  We have to make sure it is not a question but a declarative statement. And it’s several months of training just to be able to do kinesiology well for some of us. For others it takes even longer; some people pick it up right away, especially simple things. So I don’t think we can give that kind of answer in a few minutes Connie. We’ve talked about it on other webinars, and so I encourage you to take some kinesiology training courses, Dr. Hawkins protocols are in the back of his second edition of Power vs. Force. And there are other people with specialized teaching, how to ask proper questions and the different courses that they sell, we just haven’t produced one of those yet. So that’s about the best we can do in a few minutes.

Jeffrey – Yes one thing I would add is that the muscle testing is testing the truth, or not truth of a statement; truth or falseness. So, when I use a pendulum, I’m doing the same thing. So, basically, one way the pendulum swings means the statement is true, and the other direction the statement is false and that’s how we get a true/false response to the statement. Rather than asking an open-ended question, it’s much more difficult.  And it is sort of garbage in garbage out, we have to have a very clear statement that is either true or not true.

Clayten – Anne is asking – “Is it possible to broadcast FLFE into various places in the US where politicians are meeting?” So, when people purchase a subscription, we give a free subscription away to them, and they can put it wherever they want. I’m not sure how much we’ve talked publicly about the Pay it Forward program, Jeff.

Jeffrey – It’s coming in the very near future. It’s been more focused on religious and spiritual organizations so far. (1:00:00) But the Pay it Forward gift is coming in the near future so watch for it. And if you’re a Subscriber, you’ll get a notice about it that you will be able to give it to anyone anywhere in the world.

Clayten – We’re changing the name of it from the RSL, which is what we called it in the past to the Pay it Forward program. And so, as Jeff said, we’ll have more about that in the near future.

Rusty is saying – “I think we have more anxiety because we have a lot to clear in our auras and as our auras are cleared we feel more stable and less anxious in high frequencies.”  Absolutely, in fact, technically, the shock of trauma is stored in our aura, and then it has to be released through the body. And the body’s Innate Intelligence will give us a sensation in that particular area, considering the meridians and the different energetic systems in the body. And it will give us an exact location where it wants to release that issue. That’s called kind of feeling the feelings if you will. But really, it’s more noticing the sensations and that’s going to be included in our energetic medicine tool when we release it, we’re going to go into that in great depth.

Jeffrey – We’re just reaching the end of the hour. We can probably take a few more questions. Rusty is following up on the Innate Intelligence conversation – “What is the Innate Intelligence in charge of?” That’s an interesting one, I can speak to what I understand about that. And, you know, Lee Carroll and Kryon through Lee Carroll is an interesting source for that. So, It appears that we have our conscious mind and we have a part of ourselves that we call Innate Intelligence, which is really our core connection to All That Is you could say, or our God piece or our Divinity within however you want to talk about that, but that it’s a piece of ourselves that is beyond consciousness, that is intelligent and connected to All That Is, and really is listening to us and is acting based on what we say we want. Anything on that Clayten? We’re kind of getting into different territory there.

Clayten – Yeah, you know, Innate Intelligence is a really big topic, I am aware that it’s, you know, 10 o’clock in the evening for you, you probably started at 8 am this morning. So I am defaulting to you for calling it on the timing. Anne has another question. Maybe I’ll just of look at that. She asks, “Do you have any suggestions for say, placing paper or muscle testing or some sort of ritual before?” Yes, I mean, what’s coming to mind right now is I make a copy of the paper and I will carry it around with me and just keep blessing it and blessing it and I ask the people that read it, that they’re able to see that compassion for my situation. And  that’s kind of an intuitive hit right now. And that way, we’re in a place of positive, proactive, loving action, and we’re not waiting for something and being a victim of it.  If we carry it around with us and whenever we think of it, just bless it, even put in your pocket, then when you empty your pocket or purse at the end of the day, you bless it, and even make appointments with yourself and really get on top of pouring positive energy into it.

Jeffrey – I don’t know if you saw Paul’s comment there as well about AA and it might be a good way to finish as we recommended that is it’s a tool that you can use; it is low cost and has been effective for many people.

Clayten – Yes and they’re very accessible. Steps 3, 7 and 11 are all over 900. And  Dr. Hawkins mentioned that in one of his seminars, I found that interesting. And so, and when I calibrated and myself and I got the same answer.  The great thing about the 12-step Programs is that there are so many of them, you can do them online, you can do them in person and they’re very inexpensive. There is a pretty high level of truth in the program. (1:05:00) There’s a strong community, there are decades and decades of sobriety in various forms, whatever sobriety means for that program and most of them have people who have been working it for a long time, and they’ll help moderate it. So, it looks like Paul is commenting here, it looks like Paul is on the path. He’s talking about believing one is truly forgiven. Yeah, I will have to really think about that to comment on it more.

Jeffrey – Well it’s time to wrap up now. I would like to come back to taking good care of ourselves, taking time and creating that space around ourselves, of quiet and peace, whenever that might be, even if it’s just going out and sitting in the car from work, just some way to take care as we grow, and as we move through this scale. And we’ll be posting this this Scale of Awareness on Shadow, and some other tools for you to use. Just as we move through life and as we move through becoming aware of what’s in our unconscious that might be holding us back that might be restraining or influencing in some way. And we move to transcendence, peace, and mastery in those.  We’re so grateful to have you with us on this journey to rise in consciousness and making a difference on the planet. Because we know that each thing that we transcend each piece that we work on and work through and transcend, affects all it affects all of creation. Our rising consciousness affects all of creation. So again, we are grateful to have you on the path as we take care of ourselves and take care of others along the way.

Clayten – The raising of our consciousness becomes a lifestyle, eventually it becomes what we focus our entire existence on. That’s our chosen path. And personally, I would like to have an answer for every question. And although we can give out some tips, it’s really an individual path and we all have to walk it as individuals. That being said, we do have an active Facebook community that has a very impressive amount of resources in it. And if you reach out for help there, people will answer questions sometimes better, I think, then Jeff and I can. So that’s at least something that we’re able to hold space for. And it’s grown beyond my expectations. We encourage you to be honest with yourself if you’re struggling and find a way to ask for help where you don’t feel diminished. And know that there are resources out there for you. We’ve mentioned some of them here tonight. If you keep looking for the answers, we trust that you will be you’ll be guided towards finding solutions for yourself.

We appreciate your questions and thank you for your business, for purchasing our service I and look forward to spending more time with you. Good Night.


Clayten – The raising of our consciousness becomes a lifestyle, eventually it becomes what we focus our entire existence on. That’s our chosen path. And personally, I would like to have an answer for every question. And although we can give you some tips, it’s really an individual path and we all have to walk it as individuals. That being said, we do have an active Facebook community that has a very impressive amount of resources in it. And if you reach out for help there, people will answer questions sometimes better, I think, then Jeff and I can. So that’s at least something that we’re able to hold space for. And it’s really grown beyond my expectations. We just encourage you to be honest with yourself, if you’re struggling and find a way to ask for help where you don’t feel diminished. And know that there are resources out there for you. We’ve mentioned some of them here tonight. If you keep looking for the answers, we trust that you will be you’ll be guided towards finding solutions for yourself.  

We appreciate your questions and thank you for your business, for purchasing our service I and look forward to spending more time with you.  
