Claudia Granger

Claudia Granger, Psychic, Medium, and Soul Empath

“People ask me how I am able to work with so many clients in one day. I say it’s because of FLFE. I have my own personal energy bubble wherever I go to rejuvenate and regenerate.

My son is much more relaxed with the FLFE Smarter EMF – Youth Program on his phone. He feels less stressed and nervous. I definitely notice a difference and I love that they offer a special program for youth.

I recommend FLFE to every single one of my clients who are chronically depressed because of a biochemical imbalance. So many have seen immediate results where they just feel better.

FLFE helps my grieving clients as well. The service supports each stage of the grieving process after losing a loved one. Shock and anger pass quicker, and people are able to begin the healing process sooner. As they rebuild after loss, FLFE helps them get through the day without feeling overwhelmed. And FLFE increases the consciousness in order to be more open and receptive to communicating with their loved one in subtle ways. FLFE isn’t a remedy to loss, but it lightens the load.”

Claudia Granger, Psychic, Medium, and Soul Empath