Square Tile Episode 22 bwz2qt

Ep. 22: Finding Peace in Tumultuous Times with special guest Regina Meredith

In this episode, Jeffrey, Clayten & Regina discuss how to find peace in times of uncertainty.

  • Introduction to our special guest, Regina Meredith. www.reginameredith.com/
  • Coming to peace in our current situation. Recognizing thoughts that do not belong to us.
  • Regina discusses the book Humankind: A Hopeful History, where dozens of studies were revisited and the truth is revealed: Humans really are kind, and want peace. https://amzn.to/3PZhCKy
  • Finding compassion for self and others.
  • Addressing the shadow.
  • How to connect with joy and peace here and now.

Thank you for joining us for this episode! FLFE, or Focused Life-Force Energy is mentioned often in our content. If you’re interested in learning more about the Focused Life-Force Energy service or trying our no-credit-card free trial: https://www.flfe.net/free-gift/