• Participate in FLFE’s Global Research Project

    with IONS, the Institute of Noetic Sciences.

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Research to Support the FLFE Mission

FLFE is entering a new phase of research and development and is gathering data from both new and longtime subscribers, as well as those experiencing the Free Trial. We are so excited to see what we discover next and would love to have you be part of those discoveries.

We’re inviting you to participate in a FLFE global research project with the IONS Discovery Lab. This study helps to further our scientific research of the effects of the FLFE high-consciousness field.

These studies are anonymous, and help identify the mental, physical and spiritual changes that subscribers may experience.

The FLFE & IONS Discovery Lab Research

The IONS Discovery Lab is exploring an overarching hypothesis: everything is interconnected, and embodying this awareness reveals information and energy not limited by space and time, and can profoundly amplify transformation, innovation, and well-being. IONS seeks to answer three important research questions about this hypothesis:

  1. What is the relationship between interconnectedness, extended human capacities, and transformation, innovation, and well-being?
  2. Which experiences or practices maximize these factors or their relationships?
  3. Which personal characteristics lead a person to benefit from experiences and practices based on these factors?

FLFE and IONS are coming together to bring the IONS Discovery Lab research to FLFE subscribers and those on the free trial.

Why Participate and Who May Join?

FLFE intends to provide scientific evidence to show the effect of the FLFE high-consciousness environment. By participating, you’re helping FLFE with this very important step in the further development of creating the optimal conditions for the evolution of consciousness.

The IONS Research Study is open to FLFE subscribers and those on the Free Trial.

What will be studied?

We will be researching how the FLFE Environment affects participants in the following areas, over time:

  • Interconnectedness (Self-Transcendence, Self/Nature, Self/Other)
  • Accessing Information & Energy Beyond Spacetime (Paranormal Experience, Intuition, Time Estimation, Remote Viewing, Precognition, Psychokinesis)
  • Innovation (Creativity)
  • Transformation
  • Well-Being (General Well-Being, Affective Well-Being, Compassion, Sleep Quality, Pain)​
What To Expect
  1. Set aside 20-30 minutes per survey
  2. Free trial participants will take a survey at the onset and after 14 days.
  3. Subscribers will take an initial survey and one each month for as long as they would like to participate.
  4. Since this will be your first survey, please select “BEFORE (PRE-retreat/workshop/program)” when prompted.
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