Full Referral Partner Application First Name *Last Name *Email *Website *Phone Number *Instagram *Number of Followers: *Facebook *Number of Followers: *YouTube *Number of Subscribers: *X/Twitter *Number of Followers: *LinkedIn *Number of Followers: *Please list any other platforms (and the number of followers) you are active on where you would promote FLFE:What is the nature of your work? *How long have you been a subscriber of FLFE (beyond the Free Trial)? We encourage applicants to spend enough time experiencing some of the effects and benefits of our service before applying as there is a lot of depth and nuance to FLFE. *What is your personal testimony or experience of FLFE? *Why do you wish to become a referral partner? *How do you envision promoting FLFE? *Do you currently offer any subscription-based services or products to your community (e.g., membership portal, Patreon, digital courses or downloads, supplement sales, etc.)? Yes or No? *If yes, please describe what you offer:If no, how do you monetize your exchange with your community? Or is it informational only?Please rate your comfort level from 1 to 5 with conducting on-camera or audio-only interviews? 1 = exceptionally uncomfortable | 5 = exceptionally comfortable *Number of times your community is directly contacted by you? * Daily Weekly Monthly Quarterly What is your primary way of communicating to your audience? (E.g., emails, Facebook or Instagram posts, YouTube videos, etc.) *Can you commit to promoting FLFE to your community a minimum of once a quarter? Yes or No *What is the number of contacts on your email list that you could share FLFE with? *What is your average open rate for your email list? *How much organic website traffic do you get each month? *How much traffic is driven to your website through advertising? *Is your social media handled by you/in-house or contracted out? *Do you have a monthly budget for social media or digital advertising? If so, how much? Do you plan to increase this amount over the next year? Yes or No *Do you have a person or team who will assist you to launch and support your FLFE partnership? *How many other successful affiliate/partner relationships do you have? Who with? *Is there anything else we should know about you and your interest in becoming a partner for FLFE? *SubmitPlease Wait... Success! Something is wrong with your submission. Return to Our Home Page