Gary E. Schwartz, PhD, is Professor Emeritus of Psychology at the University of Arizona and, as of May 15th, 2024, serves as the Director of Research at FLFE. Gary was a Professor of Psychology, Medicine, Neurology, Psychiatry, and Surgery at the University of Arizona and served as the Director of the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health ( ). He has taught university courses on Health Psychology, Consciousness and Health, the Psychology of Love and Spirituality, and the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality. From 2006 to 2018 Gary also served as the Corporate Director of Development of Energy Healing at Canyon Ranch, an international wellness corporation ( ). His responsibilities included regularly giving lectures on energy healing and life after death research as well as clinical workshops for staff and guests on energy self-healing and synchronicity. Gary has served as a senior scientist consultant and researcher for numerous corporations, including conducting aromatherapy research for the International Flavors and Fragrances Corporation in the 1980s ( ), grounding research for the Earthing Company in the 2010’s ( ) and high-consciousness science research for Focused Life-Force Energy (FLFE) in the 2020s ( ).
Gary was an undergraduate student at Cornell University from 1962-1966. He began his studies as an Electrical Engineering student in the College of Engineering and then transferred to the College of Arts and Sciences where he majored in psychology, minored in chemistry, specialized in pre-medicine, and completed his honors thesis in psychophysiology and biofeedback. His undergraduate awards included membership in Phi Beta Kappa, Psi Chi (Psychology), and Alpha Epsilon Delta (Premedical Education) honorary societies.
Gary was a graduate student at Harvard University in the Clinical Psychology Program in the (then) Department of Social Relations where he completed his MA Degree in Clinical Psychology in 1969 and his PhD Degree in Personality Psychology and Psychophysiology in 1971. His awards included membership in the Sigma Xi honorary society. Upon completing his PhD, Gary was offered an Assistant Professorship at Harvard in the Department of Psychology. During that period Gary also became Director of the then Clinical Psychophysiology Unit in the Erich Lindemann Mental Health Center, a division of Massachusetts General Hospital.
In 1976, Gary was recruited to Yale University. He served as a tenured Professor of Psychology and Psychiatry, Director of the Yale Psychophysiology Center, and Co-Director of the Yale Behavioral Medicine Clinic. During this period, he co-organized the Yale Conference on Behavioral Medicine which played a major role in advancing Behavioral Medicine nationally and internationally. In 1988 Gary was recruited to the University of Arizona to help foster interdisciplinary research and education in consciousness and health.
Gary has published more than 500 scientific papers and chapters in academic books, including six papers in the journal Science. He has co-edited more than a dozen academic books, the most recent (2021) with Dr. Thomas Plante titled Human Interaction with the Divine, the Sacred, and the Deceased: Psychological, Scientific, and Theological Perspectives. He has published more than a dozen books for the general public, including The Living Energy Universe, The Afterlife Experiments, The Energy Healing Experiments, The G.O.D. Experiments, Super Synchronicity, and Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence.
Gary served as Associate Editor of the journals Psychophysiology, Biological Psychology, and Health Psychology. He served as the President of the (then) Biofeedback Society of America, the President of Division 38/Health Psychology of the American Psychological Association, and was the Founding President of the Academy for Post-Material Sciences ( ).
His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Health, and various private foundations and donors. For four years he directed a $1.8 million funded Center for Frontier Medicine in Biofield Sciences in the University of Arizona School of Medicine. His current research integrates high-consciousness science with spirituality and health.