When you enter your information here, we will activate the FLFE field at the address you specify for 15 days.

Since this is Kryon special offer, the phone experience will begin once the home trial ends in 15 days. You will receive an email letting you know that your home trial has started.

Instructions for completing this form. 
  1. Enter your first and last name, and email address.
  2. Enter the address where you would like to activate the FLFE field during your 15-day free trial.
  3. Suites, apartments, units, etc need to be entered on Address Line 2. (Example: Suite 205B)

Please do not submit another person’s address. It’s essential for the building’s occupants to receive specific emailed instructions about how to work with the FLFE Field during the trial period, including hydration.

During your free trial, you will receive access to one of our specialists to support you in your experience of FLFE. We will reach out to you via telephone in a few days. If we don’t connect with you then, please let us know a more convenient time to call.