We’re thrilled to offer you a special gift to make your spirits bright this season. Please read below to find frequently asked questions about your FLFE Holiday Boosts and Pay-It-Forward Gift. 

Q: What are the FLFE Holiday Boosts?  

A: FLFE Holiday Boosts are extended boost times for either 600 or 650 LOC (Level of Consciousness) boosts.   

Q: Who can receive the FLFE Holiday Boosts? 

A: All subscribers of Flagship Property and FLFE Everywhere will receive the FLFE Holiday Boosts. 

Q:  When can I access my Holiday boosts?

A: Holiday Boosts are available from December 21 – January 21.

Q: What are Holiday Boosts good for? 

A: Holiday Boosts are intended to amplify the elevated level of consciousness already available to us during the holiday season. Experiment with using these boosts during festive gatherings, meditations, workouts, and more.

Q: What is a Pay-ItForward gift and how do I use it? 

A: FLFE is offering all subscribers one additional Pay-It-Forward gift. This gift allows you to activate a field of consciousness at a property or location of your choosing, that registers at 500 LOC (the level of love). Find more information here.