Customer Testimonial

Seeing changes in her 85 year old mom

I’d like to share an example of how I feel FLFE can assist…
Income testimonial robin

For anyone deciding if they can afford the FLFE service…

For anyone deciding if they can afford the FLFE service.....the…
EMF Testimonial

A Customer’s EMF / 5G Experience

I wanted to update you on something that happened to me yesterday.…
AN Free Trial

Free Trial Experiences

The FLFE service was simply WOW for 15 days. Grateful to the…
Marie testimonial a

Grateful and laughing freely.

I am grateful that life has brought me to learn about this service…
Mel Fàbregas

Mel Hostalrich, Host and Executive Producer of Veritas Radio

As an open-minded skeptic, I didn't know what to expect with…
Claudia Granger

Claudia Granger, Psychic, Medium, and Soul Empath

"People ask me how I am able to work with so many clients in…

Beth Bell, Show Host

“I was living in Ubud, Bali when I first heard about FLFE.…
Anita Adrain

Anita Adrain, Author and Feng Shui Practitioner

"FLFE offers my family a more calm, peaceful energy. There is…
Ada Porat

Ada Porat, Referral Partner Testimonial

"It was late at night and I felt depleted after a 12-hour day…
Catherine wylie

Testimonial from Catherine Wylie CEO, C.N. Wylie Group Inc.

"Focused Life-Force Energy activates a field around me that…
Melissa Feick

Melissa Feick Intuitive, Author, and Spiritual Teacher

“The moment I turned FLFE on I could feel a tingle through…